I searched the archives for -users and -dev (not exhaustively, but for
several months back...), without anything related to my question:
I've installed the XonX Xfree86 packages on Mac OS X, and am trying to
build ethereal. I get the following complaints during the link phase:
/usr/bin/ld: multiple definitions of symbol _plugin_init
/usr/bin/ld: multiple definitions of symbol _plugin_reg_handoff
/usr/bin/ld: multiple definitions of symbol _version
The symbols are all duplicated in the same four libraries, e.g.,
plugins/gryphon/.libs/libgryphon.a(packet-gryphon.o) definition of
_plugin_init in section (__TEXT,__text)
plugins/mgcp/.libs/libmgcp.a(packet-mgcp.o) definition of _plugin_init
in section (__TEXT,__text)
plugins/giop/.libs/libcoseventcomm.a(packet-coseventcomm.o) definition
of _plugin_init in section (__TEXT,__text)
plugins/giop/.libs/libcosnaming.a(packet-cosnaming.o) definition of
_plugin_init in section (__TEXT,__text)
Any thoughts?
Justin C. Walker, Curmudgeon-At-Large *
Institute for General Semantics |
Director of Technology | It's not whether you win or
Nexsi Systems Corp. | It's whether *I* win or lose.
1959 Concourse Drive |
San Jose, CA 95131 |
Justin C. Walker, Curmudgeon-At-Large *
Institute for General Semantics |
Director of Technology | If you're not confused,
Nexsi Systems Corp. | You're not paying attention
1959 Concourse Drive |
San Jose, CA 95131 |