Ethereal-users: RE: [Ethereal-users] Searching for a string

Note: This archive is from the project's previous web site, This list is no longer active.

From: "Alex Bennee" <Alex.Bennee@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 15 Jun 2001 08:27:09 +0100

I think this may be a bit of a sledge-hammer to crack a nut. There are tools
like ngrep which allow grep like functionality on network traffic. If your
intention is more towards security auditing (plaintext passwords etc.) then I
suggest investigating dsniff and its tools. If you want to practive a bit of
pearl though then by all means :-)


"McNutt, Justin M." <McNuttJ@xxxxxxxxxxxx> on 14/06/2001 18:45:49

 To:      ethereal-users@xxxxxxxxxxxx                         
 cc:      (bcc: Alex Bennee/MAIN/MC1)                         
 Subject: RE: [Ethereal-users] Searching for a string         

With a moderate amount of work it could be done using 'tethereal -V -x -r
<file>' and perl, assuming you have enough memory to deal with the sheer
amonut of output spewed by tethereal.

Algorithm for perl script:

# Check input file for readability.
# Convert search string to hex.
# Convert hex search string to regexp.
# Open input file, or use something like:
     @STUFF = `tethereal -V -x -r capture.file`;

# Parse the input file using something like this:
PARSE: foreach $line ( @STUFF ) {
     if ( $line =~ /^Frame (\d+)/ ) {

          # Before we update the frame counter,
          # Search the total data in the *last*
          # frame for the search string.
          if ( $data =~ /$searchstring/ ) {
               print "Found pattern in Frame $framenumber.\n";
          $framenumber = $1;
          next PARSE;

     # Figure out a way to concatenate all of the hex
     #    data within the frame to one long string.
     #    You can use $data .= $newstuff to help.
# Don't forget to close your input file.

print "Done.\n";

Known bugs in this implementation:  The last frame will probably not get
searched.  Try using a do-while loop or just perform the check one last time
after the PARSE loop (kludge!).

You could also re-search the data field every time new data from the next
line of output is concatenated, but that's a *lot* of pattern matching

The best way is to figure out a pattern that matches the *end* of the frame
before the "Frame 4234" beginning of the next frame, and parse the previous
frame's data when you've matched the EndOfFrame pattern.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tom Trenker [mailto:ttrenker@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]
> Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2001 12:28 PM
> To: ethereal-users@xxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: [Ethereal-users] Searching for a string
> Hi,
> Is there a way that ethereal can search through captured data
> for a text
> string? I looked at the 'find frame' function, but it doesn't
> appear to be
> intended for finding text. Am I missing something?
> I used xbed(a binary editor) to search the captured data, and
> while this
> works, I get lost in a sea of data. Is there a better
> alternative? The only
> other alternative I could think of was to export the file in sniffer
> format, and search for it on a PC running sniffer, but I'ld
> prefer to stick
> to ethereal if possible.
> By the way, kudos to all the developers of ethereal, I'm
> quite impressed by
> it and use it in preference to sniffer whenever possible.
> Thanks, - Tom
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