Ethereal-dev: Re: [Ethereal-dev] Major announcement

Note: This archive is from the project's previous web site, This list is no longer active.

From: Ulf Lamping <ulf.lamping@xxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 08 Jun 2006 09:49:29 +0200
Erwin Rol wrote:
First of all still nobody answered the questions people have on the why
this was done, just because Gerald got a new job is no reason.
Well, Gerald is the founder of the project. He had to leave the trademark, website and things at NSI (his former employer),
with no admin access to the servers.

We don't know what NSI will do with Ethereal in the future, so it seemed a necessary thing to switch things now.
So what is the reason of this change?
See above.
Than it is good to know that all non-core-developers, those that only
help with pity little things like bug fixing and one or two little
dissectors, are not important enough to be informed about this before it
I had a bad feeling about this too ...

I'm sorry about the feelings you have on this, and I can understand you with this.
It would be interesting to know who those core-developers are, and who
is that "one notable exception" ?
Basically all the ones that you'll find in the (public) commit mailing lists of wireshark (and formerly Ethereal).
Also as mentioned by someone else, it might be a good idea to put a
explanation on
That's not possible for us, as Gerald has no longer the admin right to do this.
So what is happening to ethereal, where should i send patches, to what
SVN should my patches be made, who is "owning" ethereal, etc. etc. Even
the Bush administration has a better information policy on the Iraq war
than what is happening here.

As already noted, all former Ethereal core maintainers are working on the Wireshark project now.
So in my eyes you should send patches to the Wireshark list now.
All with all I think it is very disappointing how this was and still is
handled, it some how seems that core-developers distrust the other
developers and users.
It wasn't about distrusting the developers. It was about having the infrastructure ready before all the questions and inconsistencies are rushing in.
I agree that the transition was poorly made for the exact reason you've 
mentioned :-(
Regards, ULFL
Ethereal-dev mailing list