Ethereal-dev: [Ethereal-dev] Prolem about compile ethereal with Visual C++ .NET 2005
I am compile the ethereal on windows. Currently, I can only get
the free edition of VC compile is Visual C++ .NET 2005.
I have find a guide of how to compile guide from .
It is said the it can compile with the Visual C++ .NET 2005.
I success create the ethereal install package. But when I run the
ethereal, I need a different dll file, msvcr80.dll. This files comes
from the Visual C++ .NET 2005. I have put one file in the bin
directory, but it said dll error.
I think the reason may be the gtk lib is I got from the nmake -f
Mafke.nmake setup is compiled with the VC 6.
Did any body successful compile a ethereal with Visual C++ .NET
2005? And send me a guide.