Gerald Combs wrote:
Enough major changes have been introduced since the last release to
warrant bumping the minor revision. I figure we may as well bump it to
0.99.0 in order to prepare for an impending 1.0 release.
Sounds promising, although some work needs to be done. I would prefer a
0.11.0 version for now, as using 0.99.0 would raise expectations.
- Finalize dumpcap - Ulf, I'm not sure how much work is left, but is
dumpcap in good enough shape for a security audit? If so, we could
make it set{u|g}id on platforms that need it.
dumpcap's "code shape" is ok for now
However, there are some features in Ethereal still directly using
a) browsing the interfaces and link types
b) Capture Interfaces dialog uses live capturing to get stats of the
At least a) should be done before a security audit is reasonable IMO.
As I won't have much time in the next weeks, we might simply use it as
it currently is for now (it's not better or worse than before), and add
the setuid things later on.
- Smooth out the Windows file dialogs: The "Filter" button doesn't
work, for instance.
- Fix the annoying display-filter-stalls-due-to-hostname-lookup bug.
Isn't that fixed already?
- Add version checking to the Help menu, similar to Firefox and other
I've recently added this to the WishList, and would really appreciate
this for the Win32 version. I would guess that the UNIX versions are
better off with the various package managers.
- Designate a set of dissectors as "known safe"?
I don't if this would raise a lot of effort without gaining much benefit.
stable API/ABI: I don't know, if we need to have a stable API/ABI in a
1.0 release. It's just a matter of fact that this API is changing from
version to version so why do we want to limit ourselves here? The
proposed cleanup steps from Guy are a good idea anyway ...
pcap-NG: I would even vote against using pcap-NG in a 1.0 release. If we
would use it, it will be unstable in it's nature as it is a very new
development. So it might simply be a bad idea to use a very new lib in a
1.0 release...
One point I would like to add:
We should get rid of the "Save" button in the Preferences and Filter
dialogs somehow. This is the last real usability issue in Ethereal IMHO.
Regards, ULFL