Hi List!
We are getting more and more bugs in bugzilla, it's getting hard to find
specific things.
Probably more and more things will go into bugzilla (e.g. it starts to
"replace" the WishList).
I would love to see some more components, so grouping items together
will become more meaningful.
Currently we only have (and in braces what I think of them):
Documentation (ok)
Ethereal (too generic)
Extras (don't know what Extras are ;-)
Tethereal (all current entries are dissector related, so probably not a
good idea)
I'm suggesting:
Protocols - dissection of protocols (of both Ethereal and Tethereal),
e.g. Malformed Packet goes in here!
GUI - graphical user interface related (*not* protocol related)
Capture - capturing problems
Tools - command line tools like tethereal, mergecap, editcap, ...
Build/Install - problems compile / install yourself
Documentation - missing / outdated docs
Unsorted - everything not suitably placed above
Removing the Ethereal/Tethereal components may force our users to think
which component it's really in.
Would it be possible to change it this way? Or any reasons against it?
It would be also very nice to have another "wizard page" (don't know if
this is possible with bugzilla) for new bugs showing these Components
with some short explanations. This way, the user has a better chance to
find the right component without any intervention from us, probably
saving us some work ...
Regards, ULFL