Hi Thomas, I'm sorry to dissapoint you, but the values from the 'Capture Options' dialog never get setted. I'm working to get this functioning as it should . If you wish to try my patch in the meantime, then in capture_opts.c you should try something hardcoded like:
capture_opts-> IPaddress = g_strdup("");
capture_opts-> port = 12345;
As to making Ethereal a server, I'm not so sure, since having a server on a desktop PC is kind of odd. There exists the possibility of an attacker sending corrupted data to the open socket.
Besides, I prefer to give the authentification task to the server. In the future I plan to add "user" and "pass" values, so Ethereal can authenticate itself with the server.
As to tripping start/stop/restart, I didn't understand what you meant. Perhaps you could elaborate more on that.
Best Regards
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