Ethereal-dev: Re: [Ethereal-dev] Tethereal Bug "Dissector bug, protocol HTTP..."

Note: This archive is from the project's previous web site, This list is no longer active.

Date: Thu, 17 Mar 2005 18:34:36 +0100
I think I have a fix for the problem, I'd like to test it. Could you
please send to the list (or to me directly)  few of those packets that
triggered the errors and  the one that caused the crash .

I notice that the cap file you are dealing with is huge.

To get to know the frame number of the packet that caused the crash you can do:
(gdb) frame 4
(gdb) p pinfo->fd->num
(gdb) quit

disable http

$ echo http >> $HOME/.ethereal/disabled_protos

save the packets

$ tethereal -r x.cap -w crasher_packets.cap -R 'frame.number ==
3215557 || frame.number == 2947084 || frame.number ==

restore http

$ ex -c '$d|wq'  $HOME/.ethereal/disabled_protos


On Thu, 17 Mar 2005 12:42:59 +0100, Hirsch, Christian
<Christian.Hirsch@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi together,
> I tried to filter a precaptured ethereal-file with tethereal.
> My read filter string was "ip.addr == x.y.z.x or ip.addr == a.b.c.d".
> During the filtering process I got these messages.
> Then Ethereal crashes.
> At the bottom of this e-mail you'll find a gdb backtrace.
> My ethereal version is 0.10.10 and OS is Fedora Core 2.
> Thanks in advance
> Christian