Ethereal-dev: Re: [Ethereal-dev] Crash in latest svn: tethereal colinfo protocolinfo_init() si

Note: This archive is from the project's previous web site, This list is no longer active.

From: Jaime Fournier <ober@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 1 Mar 2005 16:54:32 -0600 (CST)
And the change that broke was 13469.
I investigating to find out why.

On Tue, 1 Mar 2005, Jaime Fournier wrote:

Date: Tue, 1 Mar 2005 16:07:31 -0600 (CST)
From: Jaime Fournier <ober@xxxxxxxxxx>
Reply-To: Ethereal development <ethereal-dev@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: Ethereal development <ethereal-dev@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Ethereal-dev] Crash in latest svn: tethereal colinfo
    protocolinfo_init() sigsev11

So far I have been unable to reproduce the problem on anything earlier than revision 13346. I will keep advancing till I can find what change broke it for me.

On Tue, 1 Mar 2005, Jaime Fournier wrote:

Date: Tue, 1 Mar 2005 11:01:10 -0600 (CST)
From: Jaime Fournier <ober@xxxxxxxxxx>
Reply-To: Ethereal development <ethereal-dev@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: LEGO <luis.ontanon@xxxxxxxxx>,
    Ethereal development <ethereal-dev@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Ethereal-dev] Crash in latest svn: tethereal colinfo
    protocolinfo_init() sigsev11

OK, I have tested this on three different linux systems with the latest svn and I get the same thing on all of them.
Each was run with configure --disable-ethereal

Not sure if that could be causing some problems or not.
For some reason the optarg is null.
I will check it out futher after lunch.

Starting program: /usr/local/bin/tethereal -z proto,colinfo,nfs.fh.hash,nfs.fh.hash
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x08058599 in protocolinfo_init (optarg=0x0) at tap-protocolinfo.c:98
98              if(!strncmp("proto,colinfo,",optarg,14)){
(gdb) bt full
#0  0x08058599 in protocolinfo_init (optarg=0x0) at tap-protocolinfo.c:98
       rs = (pci_t *) 0x0
       field = 0x0
       filter = 0x0
       hfi = (header_field_info *) 0x8062b88
       error_string = (GString *) 0x8062b88
#1  0x0805cc9d in main (argc=3, argv=0xbffff254) at tethereal.c:1244
       opt = 136005728
       i = 1
       arg_error = 0
       gpf_path = 0x0
       pf_path = 0x0
       gdp_path = 0x0
       dp_path = 0x0
       gpf_open_errno = 134526401
       gpf_read_errno = -1219940672
       pf_open_errno = 0
       pf_read_errno = 0
       gdp_open_errno = 0
       gdp_read_errno = 0
       dp_open_errno = 0
       dp_read_errno = -1208000135
       err = 0
       if_list = (GList *) 0x0
       if_entry = (GList *) 0x0
       if_info = (if_info_t *) 0x1
       adapter_index = 1
       p = 0x0
err_str = "\032\t\037,\200\004\b\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000 ", '\0' <repeats 11 times>, "\037,+C+\000;\f\000\000\000\f;`;\a\000\000\000\000\0000\v\000\036r\004\b\216w\001\234\004\b\214\n\000\n\000\000\000`;\001\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\001", '\0' <repeats 11 times>, "\214", '\0' <repeats 16 times>, "\216w\001\000\220\t\000r\004\b\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000D+\000;\000\000\000\000\0020\210;,;Tc,\210;"...
       cant_get_if_list_errstr = (gchar *) 0x1 <Address 0x1 out of bounds>
       list_link_layer_types = 0
       quiet = 0
       save_file = (gchar *) 0x0
       out_file_type = 2
       cf_name = (gchar *) 0x0
       rfilter = (gchar *) 0x0
       start_capture = 0
       lt_list = (GList *) 0x0
       lt_entry = (GList *) 0x1
       data_link_info = (data_link_info_t *) 0x1
       fcode = {bf_len = 0, bf_insns = 0x0}
       rfcode = (dfilter_t *) 0x0
       prefs = (e_prefs *) 0x80674f8
       badopt = 0 '\0'
       tli = (ethereal_tap_list *) 0x81b4860
       got_tap = 1
#0  0x080585b9 in protocolinfo_init (optarg=0x0) at tap-protocolinfo.c:98
98              if(!strncmp("proto,colinfo,",optarg,14)){
(gdb) bt full
#0  0x080585b9 in protocolinfo_init (optarg=0x0) at tap-protocolinfo.c:98
       rs = (pci_t *) 0x0
       field = 0x0
       filter = 0x0
       hfi = (header_field_info *) 0x8063354
       error_string = (GString *) 0x8063354
#1  0x0805ccbd in main (argc=3, argv=0x5ea43924) at tethereal.c:1244
       opt = 136057384
       i = 1
       arg_error = 0
       gpf_path = 0x0
       pf_path = 0x0
       gdp_path = 0x0
       dp_path = 0x0
       gpf_open_errno = 608665893
       gpf_read_errno = 134526401
       pf_open_errno = 608714640
       pf_read_errno = 0
       gdp_open_errno = 0
       gdp_read_errno = 0
       dp_open_errno = 0
       dp_read_errno = 0
       err = 0
       if_list = (GList *) 0x0
       if_entry = (GList *) 0x0
       if_info = (if_info_t *) 0x1
       adapter_index = 1
       p = 0x0
err_str = "7^#:G$A\020%\200\004\b\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000 ", '\0' <repeats 11 times>, "\004\020%\034\020%L#\020%p\016%\f\000\000\000|\016%\016%\220?H$0EH$\000\000\000\0008^=G$r\004\b\216w\001\234\004\b\\8^DH$\n\000\000\000\016%\001\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\001\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\\8^", '\0' <repeats 16 times>, "\216w\0018^\220CH$r\004\b\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000|\234\020%p\016%&:^\222\025% %, %\2048^@\021% "...
       cant_get_if_list_errstr = (gchar *) 0x1 <Address 0x1 out of bounds>
       list_link_layer_types = 0
       quiet = 0
       save_file = (gchar *) 0x0
       out_file_type = 2
       cf_name = (gchar *) 0x0
       rfilter = (gchar *) 0x0
       start_capture = 0
       lt_list = (GList *) 0x0
       lt_entry = (GList *) 0x1
       data_link_info = (data_link_info_t *) 0x1
       fcode = {bf_len = 0, bf_insns = 0x0}
       rfcode = (dfilter_t *) 0x0
       prefs = (e_prefs *) 0x80684f8
       badopt = 0 '\0'
       tli = (ethereal_tap_list *) 0x81c1228
       got_tap = 1

On Tue, 1 Mar 2005, LEGO wrote:

Date: Tue, 1 Mar 2005 14:54:02 +0100
From: LEGO <luis.ontanon@xxxxxxxxx>
To: Ethereal development <ethereal-dev@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Ethereal-dev] Crash in latest svn: tethereal colinfo
    protocolinfo_init() sigsev11

I cannot make it happen on my sytstem.


On Tue, 1 Mar 2005 01:35:11 -0600 (CST), Jaime Fournier <ober@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I was testing from the latest svn, and I end up getting a segmentation
violation anytime I try to use tethereal with the -z
"proto,colinfo,$var,$var" line.
In this case I just run
tethereal -r TRACEfile -z "proto,colinfo,dcerpc.time,dcerpc.time"

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
[Switching to Thread 16384 (LWP 30884)]
0x080585c9 in protocolinfo_init (optarg=0x0) at tap-protocolinfo.c:98
98              if(!strncmp("proto,colinfo,",optarg,14)){
(gdb) bt full
#0  0x080585c9 in protocolinfo_init (optarg=0x0) at tap-protocolinfo.c:98
         rs = (pci_t *) 0x0
         field = 0x0
         filter = 0x0
         hfi = (header_field_info *) 0x8063354
         error_string = (GString *) 0x8063354
#1  0x0805cccd in main (argc=3, argv=0xbffff464) at tethereal.c:1244
         opt = 136008984
         i = 1
         arg_error = 0
         gpf_path = 0x0
         pf_path = 0x0
         gdp_path = 0x0
         dp_path = 0x0
         gpf_open_errno = 134526442
         gpf_read_errno = 1086609832
         pf_open_errno = 0
         pf_read_errno = 0
         gdp_open_errno = 0
         gdp_read_errno = 0
         dp_open_errno = 0
         dp_read_errno = 1073791177
         err = 0
         if_list = (GList *) 0x0
         if_entry = (GList *) 0x40ced3d4
         if_info = (if_info_t *) 0x1
         adapter_index = 1
         p = 0x0
         err_str = "Fz\000@i@|\004\b\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000 ",
'\0' <repeats 11 times>,
j\001@\v\000\000\000p^@\001\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\001", '\0'
<repeats 11 times>, "\234", '\0' <repeats 16 times>,
         cant_get_if_list_errstr = (gchar *) 0x1 <Address 0x1 out of
         list_link_layer_types = 0
         quiet = 0
         save_file = (gchar *) 0x0
         out_file_type = 2
         cf_name = (gchar *) 0x0
         rfilter = (gchar *) 0x0
         start_capture = 0
         lt_list = (GList *) 0x0
         lt_entry = (GList *) 0x1
         data_link_info = (data_link_info_t *) 0x1
         fcode = {bf_len = 1, bf_insns = 0x0}
         rfcode = (dfilter_t *) 0x0
         prefs = (e_prefs *) 0x80684f8
         badopt = 0 '\0'
         tli = (ethereal_tap_list *) 0x81b5518
         got_tap = 1

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