Guy Harris wrote:
> Adding "raw" as a print op was the wrong thing to do in any case; I've
> checked in a subsequent change that reverts the changes to print.c and
> print.h, and has a routine in gtk/follow_dlg.c that takes a "FILE *"
> rather than a "print_stream_t *" and fwrites the data, which is used for
> writing the raw data.
> ...
> Also, are "raw" and "C arrays" useful as *display* formats? Perhaps
> there should only be ASCII, EBCDIC, and hex dump as display formats, and
> "Save As" should allow "Text", "C arrays", and "Raw data" as save
> options, with "Text" writing it out in the display format, "C arrays"
> writing it out as C arrays, and "Raw" writing it out as raw data.
Thanks for taking the time to look at this. There is obviously more to the
print_ architecture than I understand at this point and I will endeavor to
learn more about it.
Regarding available display formats, I agree that "Raw" is essentially
useless to look at as there is no good visual representation that isn't
already available, but it is a critical "Save As" functionality in my
opinion. "C Arrays" is a useful display format only in that it allows you
to cut and paste directly into an editor, cutting out the requirement to
first save the c arrays to a file before inserting them into a program.
Thanks again for the review,