Ethereal-dev: Re: [Ethereal-dev] User's Guide V2.00 nitpicking

Note: This archive is from the project's previous web site, This list is no longer active.

From: Ulf Lamping <ulf.lamping@xxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2005 00:05:00 +0100
Nicolas Kaiser wrote:


I had a look at your User's Guide V2.00.
Please find below some nitpicking ;)
Best wishes to all who contributed to this
nice documentation. Keep up the good work :)
Thanks :-)

I'm planning to release an updated guide in the next time (weeks?), so your comments came in at the right time :-)

I'm always interested getting the user's guide better and even typos should be fixed :-)

V2.00 for Ethereal 0.10.5

1.4. A rose by any other name

- The FAQ gives the official pronounciation as "e-the-real".
+ The FAQ gives the official pronunciation as "e-the-real".

Strange, had a look at my dictionary: it's "to pronounce", but "pronunciation"?!? Thought that german is a bit strange, but english seems to have it's "edges" too :-)

I've fixed it.

2.3. Before you build Ethereal
Example 2.3. Errors while installing the libpcap include files

- Most Linux systems will install GTK+ and Glib in anycase
+ Most Linux systems will install GTK+ and Glib in any case


3.4. The Menu

- This menu contains tems to open and merge capture files
+ This menu contains items to open and merge capture files


- (or Strg in german)
+ (or Strg in German)


3.15. The "Packet List" pane

-  Each line in the packet list corrresponds to one packet in the capture file.
+  Each line in the packet list corresponds to one packet in the capture file.


4.5. Filtering while capturing

-  A capture filter takes the form of a series of primitive expressions connected by conjuctions
+  A capture filter takes the form of a series of primitive expressions connected by conjunctions


5.2. Open capture files
5.2.2. Input File Formats

- Network General/Network Associates DOS-based Sniffer (compressed or unconpressed) captures
+ Network General/Network Associates DOS-based Sniffer (compressed or uncompressed) captures

already fixed before

5.3. Saving captured packets
5.3.2. Output File Formats

- ".CAP" for Network Assosciates Sniffer Windows
+ ".CAP" for Network Associates Sniffer Windows


5.6. Printing packets

- PostScipt specifies that the packet print process should use PostScript
+ PostScript specifies that the packet print process should use PostScript


6.3. Building display filter expressions
Table 6.4. Display Filter Logical Operations

Substring Operator
- After a label you can place a pair of brackes []
+ After a label you can place a pair of brackets []


8.7. Service Response Time

-  (or only sligthly different)
+  (or only slightly different)


Appendix A. Configuration Files and Folders

- The digits of hardware addressses are separated by colons
+ The digits of hardware addresses are separated by colons


Appendix B. Protocols and Protocol Fields

- Distributed Checksum Clearinghouse Prototocl
+ Distributed Checksum Clearinghouse Protocol

the complete protocol list was removed before (wouldn't be up to date, better use online info)

C.6. text2pcap: Converting ASCII hexdumps to network captures with text2pcap

- text2pcap can read hexdumps withmultiple packets in them
+ text2pcap can read hexdumps with multiple packets in them


C.7. idl2eth: Creating dissectors from Corba IDL files with idl2eth
C.7.3. How to use idl2eth

- To use idl2eth to generate an ethereal dissector from an idl file use the following proceedure:
+ To use idl2eth to generate an ethereal dissector from an idl file use the following procedure:

- Proceedure for converting a Corba idl file into an ethereal dissector
+ Procedure for converting a Corba idl file into an ethereal dissector

- If you dont want to use the shell script wrapper, then try steps 3 or 4 instead.
+ If you don't want to use the shell script wrapper, then try steps 3 or 4 instead.