Raghavendra Pai (ragpai) wrote:
I AM GETTING following error while running configure to generate makefile of
ethereal on solaris
configure: error: UCD SNMP requires -lcrypto but --with-ssl not specified
Please help ME in solving this.
-lcrypto comes from OpenSSL, and the OpenSSL license is considered
incompatible with the GPL:
Ethereal is licensed under the GPL. I'm not sure what the exact
incompatibility is, so I don't know whether the incompatibility means
you're not allowed to link them at all, you're only allowed to link them
if -lcrypto is a system library, or you can link them but the
constraints of the licenses don't allow you to redistribute the
resulting binary.
In any case, that's why we don't, by default, link with -lcrypto. To
link with -lcrypto, you have to specify --with-ssl when you run configure.
Alternatively, you can link without the UCD SNMP library, which would
mean that Ethereal would still dissect SNMP packets but wouldn't be able
to read MIB files and use the information in the MIB file to do a better
job ov dissecting the packets. To do that, specify --without-ucd-snmp
when you run configure.