Ethereal-dev: Re: [Ethereal-dev] Performance - efficient coding of dissectors

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From: Guy Harris <gharris@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 12 Sep 2004 09:59:02 -0700
Yaniv Kaul wrote:

Looking at some dissectors, they are not always written too well, performance-wise.
- definitions of variables inside loops
I.e., as opposed to defining them at the beginning of a function?

Are there compilers where that's less efficient? I'd expect the compiler to generate code that allocates a stack frame large enough for all variables that'd be used by all code paths through the function; are they not doing that?
- dynamic memory allocation of strings, then strcpy'ing them (instead of perhaps declaring them in a static const array)
I assume by "strings" you're referring to constant strings here, as per 
"static const array".  Where are some examples of that?
- proto_tree_add_text(), where it'd make more sense to use proto_tree_add_item() - which I suspect in many cases would be more efficient.
I.e., the call to "proto_tree_add_item()" doesn't have to compute and 
pass in arguments to a format string, whereas "proto_tree_add_text()" - 
and all the "proto_tree_add_XXX_format()" calls - do, even if the format 
string and arguments aren't being used (because the representation of 
the protocol tree item isn't being generated).
I wonder how much of performance improvement we can gain by re-writing / optimzing / fixing dissectors.
There's probably optimizations we can do; if we have some captures that 
heavily exercise particular dissectors, some profiling might be interesting.