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On Tue, 29 Jun 2004, Ulf Lamping wrote:
> Richard Sharpe wrote:
> >On Mon, 28 Jun 2004, Ulf Lamping wrote:
> >>-renewed *all* screenshot, using win32 GTK2.4 with png as the file format
> >>the screenshots were outdated. png is smaller and provides better
> >>quality than jpg for screenhots, gif is still patented. All modern
> >>browsers should work with png (except lynx ;-)
> >Actually, I can't remember why jpgs were used in the original. It is a bad
> >choice for screen shots of things like Ethereal. However, the GIF patents
> >have expired now. They did so over a year ago now, I believe.
> AFAIK, the patents are still valid in some countries. They will expire
> in these days now, but I would think png should do the job.
There are not and were not any "GIF patents". GIF *optionally* uses
various forms of compression, and one supported form is LZW, which was and
is patented. A note on my calendar says that the last LZW patents will
expire somewhere next Wednesday, 07-Jul-2004. The U.S. patent expired
some time ago.
That said, I would still agree that PNG is at least as good a choice as
GIF and much better than JPEG for most screenshots. That was well done.
- --
Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer mwood@xxxxxxxxx
Open-source executable: $0.00. Source: $0.00 Control: priceless!
Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: pgpenvelope 2.10.2 - http://pgpenvelope.sourceforge.net/