Personally I now always build with GTK2 (with the *new* gtk-wimp 0.5.4) and
with ENABLE_LIBETHEREAL=USE and everything works smoothly. The installer
then is only 7 MB in size (shared libethereal, no GTK1).
Before we release 0.10.4 I'd *really* like that we put the new gtk-wimp in
the Win32 distribution (this requires an edit to the top-level
Makefile.nmake too) and upload it to the Ethereal web site.
The only changes I required for this are in config.nmake and Makefile.nmake:
$ diff -u ../../ethereal/Makefile.nmake Makefile.nmake
--- ../../ethereal/Makefile.nmake 2004-05-13 08:21:51.217963200 +0200
+++ Makefile.nmake 2004-05-10 08:21:38.369291200 +0200
@@ -436,7 +436,7 @@
@$(SH) tools\ --download "$(ETHEREAL_LIBS)" \
gtk2 gtk2/
@$(SH) tools\ --download "$(ETHEREAL_LIBS)" \
- gtk-wimp gtk2/
+ gtk-wimp gtk2/
@echo Ethereal is ready to build.
$ diff -u ../../ethereal/config.nmake config.nmake
--- ../../ethereal/config.nmake 2004-05-13 08:21:51.608524800 +0200
+++ config.nmake 2004-05-13 09:59:36.652043200 +0200
@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@
# the pathname of the directory in which the "include" and "lib"
# reside.
# If you have GTK-Wimp, set this to the pathname of the directory in
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
# If you don't have GTK-Wimp, comment this line out, so that GTK-Wimp isn't
# defined.
# If you have Zlib, set this to the pathname of the directory in
@@ -130,7 +130,8 @@
# Set path if you need to find some binary
# Set path to some required DLLs
@@ -139,7 +140,8 @@
POD2MAN=$(SH) pod2man
POD2HTML=$(SH) pod2html
@@ -165,9 +167,10 @@
# comment this line out, so that DOXYGEN isn't defined.
#DOXYGEN="C:/program files/doxygen/bin/doxygen.exe"
# If you wan't to build a libethereal.dll, you should comment out the
following line
# You should not have to change anything below this comment.
|-----Original Message-----
|From: Ian Schorr
|With talk of a new release, was there final consensus on this? Will
|GTK+2 be the GUI default for 0.10.4?
|If changed in the Windows installer, should it also be the configure
|default? I'd like this just based on personal preference but I'm sure
|others would disagree.
|Gerald Combs wrote:
|> Ulf Lamping wrote:
|>> How do we want to handle the (newer) win32 GTK related topics,
|>> changing the installer defaults since the last release:
|>> a) do we want to set GTK2 as the default for the installer now?
|>> As I have shipped like this for my "personal releases", it doesn't
|>> seem to have any bugs or such :-)
|>> This requires to make minor changes to packaging/nsis/ethereal.nsi.