Ethereal-dev: Re: [Ethereal-dev] errors linking ethereal CVS - Visual Studio .NET Professional

Note: This archive is from the project's previous web site, This list is no longer active.

From: Ulf Lamping <ulf.lamping@xxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 07 Jan 2004 11:47:53 +0100
Andrew Hood wrote:

Ulf Lamping wrote:

--- re compiling with VC7

> Andrew Hood wrote:

tethereal runs.

ethereal keep crashing at various asserts in fdopen.c in msvcr70.dll trying to start a capture. It won't open existing captures either: "The file xxxx could not be opened for some unknown reason"

You might try using /NODEFAULTLIB:MSVCRT instead of /NODEFAULTLIB:LIBC.
But this is only guessing, I have no real idea how to solve this.

/NODEFAULTLIB:LIBC is definitely closer to the mark. Everything works except ethereal. With /NODEFAULTLIB:MSVCRT nothing links.

I suspect I might have to recompile all the depenecies with VC7. Where are the windows sources to match the binaries in win32/development on

Well, I'm not sure if this will help you, and cannot say precisely where you will find the sources.

Did you try to debug the reasons, why the file cannot be opened? Some error code coming from the libs?

Regards, ULFL