From: "Gilbert Ramirez"
> On Sat, 2004-01-03 at 07:50, Olivier Biot wrote:
> > I'm more in favor of saying that the creator is "ethereal/0.10.0". As
> > already said, the PDML *format* does not change, and this is reflected
> > the version attribute of the pdml tag.
> No, those are two different "versions". The "version" attribute tag
> reflects the "official" PDML format; since it's still in flux, we're
> setting "version" to "0". What Fulvio was emphasizing is that Ethereal
> produces a specific type of PDML, and format changes independently of
> the addition or modification of protocol dissectors to Ethereal.
OK, I got your point! As long as the PDML spec is not final, we cannot guess
the PDML format as eing written by the application.
> For example, when Ethereal 0.10.1 comes out, there will be changes to
> the dissectors, but more than likely, unless someone modifies print.c,
> there won't be any change to the format of the PDML produced by
> Ethereal. So, these two snippets, produced by different versions of
> Ethereal, hide information:
> <pdml version="0" creator="Ethereal/0.10.0">
> <pdml version="0" creator="Ethereal/0.10.1">
> They hide the fact that the format of the PDML is the same.
> Let's say in Ethereal 0.10.2 that the PDML format *does* change. If we
> use the same system:
> <pdml version="0" creator="Ethereal/0.10.2">
> well... it's hard to tell if the *format* of the PDML changed. You'd
> have to encode the fact that the PDML formats that Ethereal produced
> changed at version 0.10.2. It's easier to encode that information in
> Ethereal itself, i.e., have a version number for the PDML that ethereal
> produces, and increment it every time the format of ethereal's PDML
> changes.
I see.
> Maybe we stick the ethereal PDML version number it in the "creator"
> attribute, or maybe we add a new attribute, say "creator-version":
> <pdml version="0" creator="Ethereal/0/0.10.0">
> <pdml version="0" creator="Ethereal/0/0.10.1"> ethereal PDML format stayed
the same
> <pdml version="0" creator="Ethereal/1/0.10.2"> ethereal PDML format
> or
> <pdml version="0" creator="Ethereal/0.10.0" creator-version="0">
> <pdml version="0" creator="Ethereal/0.10.1" creator-version="0">
> <pdml version="0" creator="Ethereal/0.10.2" creator-version="1">
I'd propose to do it like I've seen in many WSP and HTTP headers :)
<pdml version="0" creator="Ethereal/0.10.0 pdmlwriter/0">
How about that?
> Once Analyzer and Ethereal can use the same PDML format, the PDML
> version ("version" attribute) will become 1, and we can then drop the
> creator attribute, if we want to.
I agree for the full 100% :)