Ethereal-dev: [Ethereal-dev] config.nmake problem

Note: This archive is from the project's previous web site, This list is no longer active.

From: "David Richards" <d_m_richards@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 8 Nov 2003 02:39:56 -0600
I just tried building  with GLIB_VERSION=2.0 and GTK_VERSION=1.3 and found
that config.nmake does not work.  I have to comment out the lines marked
with ********   to make it right.  The paths to gtk stuff do not change by
using different glib.  How have people been building this combination?

I haven't tried 2.0/2.0 combination, so I don't know if that works

Section from config.nmake...

!IF "$(GTK_VERSION)" == "1.3"
********   !IF "$(GLIB_VERSION)" == "1.3"
# GTK+ 1.3 with GLib 1.3
GTK_LIBS=$(GTK_DIR)\gtk\gtk-$(GTK_VERSION).lib \
 $(GTK_DIR)\gdk\gdk-$(GTK_VERSION).lib \
********   !ELSE
# GTK+ 1.3 with GLib 2.0
********   GTK_CFLAGS=$(GLIB_CFLAGS) /I$(GTK_DIR)\include
/I$(GTK_DIR)\include\gdk \
********    /I$(GTK_DIR)\lib\gtk+\include
********   GTK_LIBS=$(GTK_DIR)\lib\gtk.lib \
********    $(GTK_DIR)\lib\gdk.lib \
********    $(GLIB_LIBS)
********   !ENDIF
# GTK+ 2.x (with GLib 2.x)
 /I$(GTK_DIR)\lib\gtk-$(GTK_VERSION)\include \
 /I$(GTK_DIR)\include\atk-1.0 \
GTK_LIBS=$(GTK_DIR)\lib\gtk-win32-$(GTK_VERSION).lib \
 $(GTK_DIR)\lib\gdk-win32-$(GTK_VERSION).lib \
 $(GTK_DIR)\lib\pango-1.0.lib \

Dave Richards