Note: This archive is from the project's previous web site, This list is no longer active.
Hello list,
This are the patches I had to make to get Ethereal compile with MVC, nmake, and Cygwin tools. Some of these changes are maybe environment dependent but I think these come closer to what most people have. Some other patches are only necessary if you have the SDK installed but I don’t think they harm if you don’t have that installed (can somebody check that?) In addition to these patches I had to save all doc/*.pod and doc/*.pod.template files with UNIX line terminations. The Cygwin pod2html script doesn’t understand windows line terminations :-(
Best regards,
PS: The file Ethereal.html is empty in the Windows 0.9.15 installer!!
diff -c -r ethereal-0.9.15/Makefile.nmake ethereal-0.9.15-org/Makefile.nmake *** ethereal-0.9.15/Makefile.nmake Thu Sep 11 10:03:53 2003 --- ethereal-0.9.15-org/Makefile.nmake Sun Sep 7 01:22:36 2003 *************** *** 487,497 **** $(NET_SNMP_DIR)\win32\lib\libsnmp.lib editcap_LIBS= wiretap\wiretap-$(WTAP_VERSION).lib \ ! wsock32.lib user32.lib msvcrt.lib \ $(GLIB_LIBS) mergecap_LIBS= wiretap\wiretap-$(WTAP_VERSION).lib \ ! wsock32.lib user32.lib msvcrt.lib \ $(GLIB_LIBS) dftest_LIBS= wiretap\wiretap-$(WTAP_VERSION).lib epan\ethereal.lib \ --- 487,497 ---- $(NET_SNMP_DIR)\win32\lib\libsnmp.lib editcap_LIBS= wiretap\wiretap-$(WTAP_VERSION).lib \ ! wsock32.lib user32.lib \ $(GLIB_LIBS) mergecap_LIBS= wiretap\wiretap-$(WTAP_VERSION).lib \ ! wsock32.lib user32.lib \ $(GLIB_LIBS) dftest_LIBS= wiretap\wiretap-$(WTAP_VERSION).lib epan\ethereal.lib \ *************** *** 542,548 **** text2pcap.exe : config.h text2pcap.obj text2pcap-scanner.obj getopt.obj strptime.obj image\text2pcap.res @echo Linking $@ $(LINK) @<< ! /OUT:text2pcap.exe $(conflags) $(conlibsdll) msvcrt.lib $(LDFLAGS) /SUBSYSTEM:console text2pcap.obj text2pcap-scanner.obj getopt.obj strptime.obj image\text2pcap.res << dftest.exe : $(dftest_OBJECTS) $(EXTRA_OBJECTS) --- 542,548 ---- text2pcap.exe : config.h text2pcap.obj text2pcap-scanner.obj getopt.obj strptime.obj image\text2pcap.res @echo Linking $@ $(LINK) @<< ! /OUT:text2pcap.exe $(conflags) $(conlibsdll) $(LDFLAGS) /SUBSYSTEM:console text2pcap.obj text2pcap-scanner.obj getopt.obj strptime.obj image\text2pcap.res << dftest.exe : $(dftest_OBJECTS) $(EXTRA_OBJECTS) diff -c -r ethereal-0.9.15/config.nmake ethereal-0.9.15-org/config.nmake *** ethereal-0.9.15/config.nmake Thu Sep 11 12:08:18 2003 --- ethereal-0.9.15-org/config.nmake Mon Sep 8 05:13:14 2003 *************** *** 50,70 **** COMMON_FILES_GNU=c:\program files\common files\gnu LOCAL_CFLAGS=-Zi ! LOCAL_LDFLAGS=/DEBUG /NODEFAULTLIB:libc.lib # Set PDB_FILE according to your VC++ version PDB_FILE=vc*.pdb # Set path if you need to find some binary ! PATH=c:\cygwin\bin;c:\python22;c:\ethereal\wiretap;$(COMMON_FILES_GNU);$(PATH) SH=bash PERL=perl ! POD2MAN=perl c:\cygwin\bin\pod2man ! POD2HTML=perl c:\cygwin\bin\pod2html ! # With Nmake and python for Cygwin for some reason just 'python', 'python.exe' or ! # 'python2.2' do NOT work ! PYTHON=python2.2.exe LEX=flex YACC=bison --- 50,68 ---- COMMON_FILES_GNU=c:\program files\common files\gnu LOCAL_CFLAGS=-Zi ! LOCAL_LDFLAGS=/DEBUG # Set PDB_FILE according to your VC++ version PDB_FILE=vc*.pdb # Set path if you need to find some binary ! PATH=c:\cygnus\cygwin-b20\H-i586-cygwin32\bin;c:\python22;c:\ethereal\wiretap;$(COMMON_FILES_GNU);$(PATH) SH=bash PERL=perl ! POD2MAN=pod2man ! POD2HTML=pod2html ! PYTHON="C:/python22/python.exe" LEX=flex YACC=bison diff -c -r ethereal-0.9.15/packaging/nsis/Makefile.nmake ethereal-0.9.15-org/packaging/nsis/Makefile.nmake *** ethereal-0.9.15/packaging/nsis/Makefile.nmake Wed Sep 10 15:06:44 2003 --- ethereal-0.9.15-org/packaging/nsis/Makefile.nmake Wed Aug 6 04:27:02 2003 *************** *** 43,49 **** !IF "$(GLIB_VERSION)" == "2.0" /DGLIB2 \ !ENDIF ! /DVERSION=$(VERSION) /DWTAP_VERSION=$(WTAP_VERSION) /DCOMMON_FILES_GNU="$(COMMON_FILES_GNU)" /DNET_SNMP_DIR=$(NET_SNMP_DIR) ethereal.nsi clean: rm -f ethereal-setup-$(VERSION).exe --- 43,49 ---- !IF "$(GLIB_VERSION)" == "2.0" /DGLIB2 \ !ENDIF ! /DVERSION=$(VERSION) /DWTAP_VERSION=$(WTAP_VERSION) /DCOMMON_FILES_GNU=$(COMMON_FILES_GNU) /DNET_SNMP_DIR=$(NET_SNMP_DIR) ethereal.nsi clean: rm -f ethereal-setup-$(VERSION).exe
- Follow-Ups:
- RE: [Ethereal-dev] Patches to make Ethereal 0.9.15 compile with MVC
- From: Graham Bloice
- RE: [Ethereal-dev] Patches to make Ethereal 0.9.15 compile with MVC
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