Ethereal-dev: Re: [Ethereal-dev] OSI Session dissector in the works

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From: "Sid Sid" <ysidelnikov@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 05 Sep 2003 08:13:48 +0000

Have you enabled COTP reassembly?  If not, do so.  If so, then there's a
bug in COTP reassembly, which we need to fix.

AFAIK, there are not separate packet-cotp.c.
Do you mean COTP code inside packet-clnp.c ? There are not COTP parameters I can change from GUI at all. IMHO,there are not any reassembling code regarding COTP in osi_tp too. Only for CLNP. Does it mean COTP dissector inside packet-clnp.c can't reassemble segment COTP PDUs ?
As I can see it's true.

Is it right to have CLNP and COTP code in one module ?

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