----- Original Message -----
From: andreas.sikkema
Subject: Re: [Ethereal-dev] new release?
> I would like to test the dissector with my capture files and I also need
> to
> add my name to the source, so I cbecome the maintainer ;-)
Can you start looking into the rest of the h.323 protocol stack?
I saw some protocols called H.450.x which are related somehow to h.225
starting with h.450.1 which seems to have a very small asn definition and
should be a good starting point in
familiarizing yourself with dissect-per.c and how the api there is used.
Is h.450.1 used in the real world?
Is it possible to get captures with h4501 ? For completeness ethereal
should have support for all
h protocols that can exist over a packet switched network.
there was also some t protocol i think that described fax transmission
together with h323, would be very cool
to have a dissector that can reassemble a fax