Guy Harris wrote:
On Wednesday, August 6, 2003, at 1:54 PM, ListSrv wrote:
Actually I am implementing the retransmission-feature. It should
- retransmission number
- the framenumber of the original frame
- delta-time of previous retransmitted frame
There is one issue that is waiting for distribute the feature:
A retransmission can be:
- a real retransmission (SEQ is the same as in the original frame,
de IP-identifer
however is different)
- a duplicated frame (SEQ en IP-identifer are the same, but the
MAC-address is
different but de TTL is dropping (e.g. there is a routing loop)
- none of above (e.g. router-on-a-stick).
Therefore I have to access the MAC-frames from every source en
frame. I have not figured that one out.....:(
You're assuming there *IS* a MAC frame or a MAC address. There isn't
necessarily one.
Yes, I ain't easy ..:)
The current retransmission feature doesn't bother with all that;
perhaps it's a 90% solution, but that might be good enough.
It does a good job, however there are several 'duplicated acks' which
are in fact retransmissions. There are also retransmissions
(loops and routers-on-a-stick) which aren't retransmissions. So this can
be fine-tuned.
If you still want to check the IP identifier, you'd have to modify the
IPv4 and IPv6 dissectors to supply it to the dissectors they call.
I modifed the IPv4 dissector (and added a field for IP-identifier). How
come the full IP-header is not coded into the ip_hdr structure (at
least I couldn't find it).
For IPv6 I have to dive into the IPv6 protocol.
If you still want to check the link-layer address, you can check
pinfo->dl_src and pinfo->dl_dst; do *NOT* assume that they're
Ethernet-style addresses. Instead, see the "CMP_ADDRESS()",
"ADDRESSES_EQUAL()", and "COPY_ADDRESS()" macros in "epan/packet_info.h".
Done that .... I used this macros already.
Note also that, as per my earlier mail, a TCP retransmission can
retransmit data from more than one earlier TCP segment....
That's correct, and for Telnet it seems to work. I use the tcp_unacked
structure to walk through the unacked list (this isn't 100% because
we can get a delayed framed which we already ACKed and removed from de