Ethereal-dev: [Ethereal-dev] VMS UCX$TRACE support patch

Note: This archive is from the project's previous web site, This list is no longer active.

From: Martin Warnes <martin.warnes@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 19 May 2003 20:18:53 +0100

I have attached a patch to the vms.c wiretap routine which should allow Ethereal to read the output from the VMS UCX$TRACE utility. Basically the output from UCX$TRACE is identical to TCPIPtrace with the exception of the packet header which has a different eyecatcher and slightly different packet sequence numbering.

I've tested against a UCX$TRACE and all seems to be fine, but as this is my first attempt at a patch, it might be worth doubling checking against a TCPIPtrace if one is available.

Index: vms.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/ethereal/wiretap/vms.c,v
retrieving revision 1.16
diff -u -r1.16 vms.c
--- vms.c	17 Jan 2003 23:54:19 -0000	1.16
+++ vms.c	19 May 2003 18:53:30 -0000
@@ -40,7 +40,8 @@
 #include <string.h>
 #include <ctype.h>
-/* This module reads the output of the 'TCPIPTRACE' command in VMS
+/* This module reads the output of the 'TCPIPTRACE' and 'UCX$TRACE'
+ * commands in VMS.
  * It was initially based on toshiba.c.
@@ -65,13 +66,36 @@
    06000000   01000000   A5860100   00000000    0040    ................
                                     00000000    0050    ....
+   Example UCX INTERnet (UCX$TRACE) output data:
+    UCX INTERnet trace RCV packet seq # = 1 at 14-MAY-2003 11:32:10.93 
+   IP Version = 4,  IHL = 5,  TOS = 00,   Total Length = 583 = ^x0247 
+   IP Identifier  = ^x702E,  Flags (0=0,DF=0,MF=0),  
+         Fragment Offset = 0 = ^x0000,   Calculated Offset = 0 = ^x0000 
+   IP TTL = 128 = ^x80,  Protocol = 17 = ^x11,  Header Checksum = ^x70EC 
+   IP Source Address      = 
+   IP Destination Address = 
+   UDP Source Port = 138,   UDP Destination Port = 138 
+   UDP Header and Datagram Length = 563 = ^x0233,   Checksum = ^xB913 
+   9F04140A   70EC1180   0000702E   47020045    0000    E..G.p.....p....
+   B1B80E11 | B9133302   8A008A00 | FF04140A    0010    .........3......
+   46484648   45200000   1D028A00   9F04140A    0020    ...........EHFHF
+   43414341   4341434D   454D4546   45454550    0030    PEEEFEMEMCACACAC
+The only difference between the 2 Utilities is the Packet header line, primarily
+the utility identifier and the packet sequencing.
-/* Magic text to check for VMS-ness of file */
+/* Magic text to check for VMS-ness of file, common to both
+ * TCPIPtrace and UCX$TRACE
+ */
 static const char vms_hdr_magic[]  =
-{ 'T', 'C', 'P', 'I', 'P', 't', 'r', 'a', 'c', 'e', ' '};
+{ 'R','C','V',' ','p', 'a', 'c', 'k', 'e', 't',' '};
 #define VMS_HDR_MAGIC_SIZE  (sizeof vms_hdr_magic  / sizeof vms_hdr_magic[0])
 /* Magic text for start of packet */
@@ -87,7 +111,6 @@
     int *err);
 static int parse_vms_rec_hdr(wtap *wth, FILE_T fh, int *err);
 /* Seeks to the beginning of the next packet, and returns the
    byte offset.  Returns -1 on failure, and sets "*err" to the error. */
@@ -329,12 +352,22 @@
 	if ((csec == 101) && (p = strstr(line, "packet "))
 	    && (! strstr(line, "could not save "))) {
 	    /* Find text in line starting with "packet ". */
-	    num_items_scanned = sscanf(p,
-				       "packet %d at %d-%3s-%d %d:%d:%d.%d",
-				       &pktnum, &time.tm_mday, mon,
+            /* First look for the TCPIPtrace format */
+	    num_items_scanned = sscanf(p,  
+		  		       "packet %d at %d-%3s-%d %d:%d:%d.%d",
+			  	       &pktnum, &time.tm_mday, mon,
 				       &time.tm_year, &time.tm_hour,
 				       &time.tm_min, &time.tm_sec, &csec);
+	    /* if not TCPIPtrace then try the UCX$TRACE format */
+	    if (num_items_scanned != 8) {
+	      num_items_scanned = sscanf(p,
+		  		         "packet seq # = %d at %d-%3s-%d %d:%d:%d.%d",
+			  	         &pktnum, &time.tm_mday, mon,
+				         &time.tm_year, &time.tm_hour,
+				         &time.tm_min, &time.tm_sec, &csec);
+	    }
+	    /* if neither then exit with error */
 	    if (num_items_scanned != 8) {
 	        *err = WTAP_ERR_BAD_RECORD;
 		return -1;