Ethereal-dev: [Ethereal-dev] Modbus/TCP patch

Note: This archive is from the project's previous web site, This list is no longer active.

From: Stephen Shelley <steve.shelley@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 15 Apr 2003 19:53:59 -0400

Attached is a diff which adds full payload dissection of compliance levels 0, 1 and 2 function codes for Modbus/TCP. Comments and criticisms would be much appreciated, as this is my first contribution.

Best regards,
Stephen Shelley


Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea.

	- Robert A. Heinlein

Index: ethereal/packet-mbtcp.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/ethereal/packet-mbtcp.c,v
retrieving revision 1.11
diff -u -r1.11 packet-mbtcp.c
--- ethereal/packet-mbtcp.c	28 Aug 2002 21:00:20 -0000	1.11
+++ ethereal/packet-mbtcp.c	15 Apr 2003 23:40:39 -0000
@@ -58,62 +58,62 @@
 #define read_coils				1
 #define read_input_discretes	2
 #define read_mult_regs			3
-#define read_input_regs			4
+#define read_input_regs		4
 #define write_coil				5
 #define write_single_reg		6
 #define read_except_stat		7
-#define diagnostics				8
-#define program_484				9
-#define poll_484					10
+#define diagnostics			8
+#define program_484			9
+#define poll_484				10
 #define get_comm_event_ctrs	11
 #define get_comm_event_log		12
-#define program_584_984			13
-#define poll_584_984				14
+#define program_584_984		13
+#define poll_584_984			14
 #define force_mult_coils		15
-#define write_mult_regs			16
-#define report_slave_id			17
-#define program_884_u84			18
-#define reset_comm_link			19
+#define write_mult_regs		16
+#define report_slave_id		17
+#define program_884_u84		18
+#define reset_comm_link		19
 #define read_genl_ref			20
 #define write_genl_ref			21
 #define mask_write_reg			22
 #define read_write_reg			23
-#define read_fifo_queue			24
-#define program_ConCept			40
+#define read_fifo_queue		24
+#define program_ConCept		40
 #define firmware_replace		125
 #define program_584_984_2		126
 #define report_local_addr_mb	127
 /* Modbus protocol exception codes */
 #define illegal_function		0x01
-#define illegal_address			0x02
+#define illegal_address		0x02
 #define illegal_value			0x03
 #define illegal_response		0x04
-#define acknowledge				0x05
+#define acknowledge			0x05
 #define slave_busy				0x06
-#define negative_ack				0x07
+#define negative_ack			0x07
 #define memory_err				0x08
 #define gateway_unavailable	0x0a
 #define gateway_trgt_fail		0x0b
 /* return codes of function classifying packets as query/response */
-#define query_packet				0
-#define response_packet			1
-#define cannot_classify			2
+#define query_packet			0
+#define response_packet		1
+#define cannot_classify		2
 /* Modbus header */
 typedef struct _modbus_hdr {
 	gchar		unit_id;			/* unit identifier (previously slave addr) */
-	gchar		function_code; /* Modbus function code */
+	gchar		function_code; 		/* Modbus function code */
 } modbus_hdr;
 /* Modbus/TCP header, containing the Modbus header */
 typedef struct _mbtcp_hdr {
-	guint16		transaction_id;	/* copied by svr, usually 0 */
-	guint16 		protocol_id;		/* always 0 */
-	guint16		len;					/* len of data that follows */
+	guint16		transaction_id;		/* copied by svr, usually 0 */
+	guint16 	protocol_id;		/* always 0 */
+	guint16		len;				/* len of data that follows */
 	modbus_hdr	mdbs_hdr;			/* mdbus hdr directly after mdbs/tcp hdr *
-											 * in packet */
+									 * in packet */
 } mbtcp_hdr;
 /* Initialize the protocol and registered fields */
@@ -123,10 +123,25 @@
 static int hf_mbtcp_len = -1;
 static int hf_mbtcp_unitid = -1;
 static int hf_mbtcp_functioncode = -1;
+static int hf_modbus_reference = -1;
+static int hf_modbus_lreference = -1;
+static int hf_modbus_reftype = -1;
+static int hf_modbus_readref = -1;
+static int hf_modbus_writeref = -1;
+static int hf_modbus_wordcnt = -1;
+static int hf_modbus_readwordcnt = -1;
+static int hf_modbus_writewordcnt = -1;
+static int hf_modbus_bytecnt = -1;
+static int hf_modbus_lbytecnt = -1;
+static int hf_modbus_bitcnt = -1;
+static int hf_modbus_exceptioncode = -1;
+static int hf_modbus_andmask = -1;
+static int hf_modbus_ormask = -1;
 /* Initialize the subtree pointers */
 static gint ett_mbtcp = -1;
 static gint ett_modbus_hdr = -1;
+static gint ett_group_hdr = -1;
 static int
 classify_packet(packet_info *pinfo)
@@ -134,7 +149,7 @@
 	/* see if nature of packets can be derived from src/dst ports */
 	/* if so, return as found */
 	if ( ( 502 == pinfo->srcport && 502 != pinfo->destport ) ||
-		  ( 502 != pinfo->srcport && 502 == pinfo->destport ) ) {
+		 ( 502 != pinfo->srcport && 502 == pinfo->destport ) ) {
 		/* the slave is receiving queries on port 502 */
 		if ( 502 == pinfo->srcport )
 			return response_packet;
@@ -151,52 +166,52 @@
 function_string(guint16 func_code)
 	switch ( func_code ) {
-		case read_coils:				return "Read coils";								break;
+		case read_coils:			return "Read coils";						break;
 		case read_input_discretes:	return "Read input discretes";				break;
-		case read_mult_regs:			return "Read multiple registers";			break;
+		case read_mult_regs:		return "Read multiple registers";			break;
 		case read_input_regs:		return "Read input registers";				break;
-		case write_coil:				return "Write coil";								break;
-		case write_single_reg:		return "Write single register";				break;
-		case read_except_stat:		return "Read exception status";				break;
-		case diagnostics:				return "Diagnostics";							break;
-		case program_484:				return "Program (484)";							break;
-		case poll_484:					return "Poll (484)";								break;
+		case write_coil:			return "Write coil";						break;
+		case write_single_reg:		return "Write single register";			break;
+		case read_except_stat:		return "Read exception status";			break;
+		case diagnostics:			return "Diagnostics";						break;
+		case program_484:			return "Program (484)";					break;
+		case poll_484:				return "Poll (484)";						break;
 		case get_comm_event_ctrs:	return "Get Comm. Event Counters";			break;
-		case get_comm_event_log:	return "Get Comm. Event Log";					break;
-		case program_584_984:		return "Program (584/984)";					break;
-		case poll_584_984:			return "Poll (584/984)";						break;
+		case get_comm_event_log:	return "Get Comm. Event Log";				break;
+		case program_584_984:		return "Program (584/984)";				break;
+		case poll_584_984:			return "Poll (584/984)";					break;
 		case force_mult_coils:		return "Force Multiple Coils";				break;
 		case write_mult_regs:		return "Write Multiple Registers";			break;
-		case report_slave_id:		return "Report Slave ID";						break;
-		case program_884_u84:		return "Program 884/u84";						break;
+		case report_slave_id:		return "Report Slave ID";					break;
+		case program_884_u84:		return "Program 884/u84";					break;
 		case reset_comm_link:		return "Reset Comm. Link (884/u84)";		break;
-		case read_genl_ref:			return "Read General Reference";				break;
-		case write_genl_ref:			return "Write General Reference";			break;
-		case mask_write_reg:			return "Mask Write Register";					break;
-		case read_write_reg:			return "Read Write Register";					break;
-		case read_fifo_queue:		return "Read FIFO Queue";						break;
-		case program_ConCept:		return "Program (ConCept)";					break;
+		case read_genl_ref:		return "Read General Reference";			break;
+		case write_genl_ref:		return "Write General Reference";			break;
+		case mask_write_reg:		return "Mask Write Register";				break;
+		case read_write_reg:		return "Read Write Register";				break;
+		case read_fifo_queue:		return "Read FIFO Queue";					break;
+		case program_ConCept:		return "Program (ConCept)";				break;
 		case firmware_replace:		return "Firmware replacement";				break;
-		case program_584_984_2:		return "Program (584/984)";					break;
+		case program_584_984_2:	return "Program (584/984)";				break;
 		case report_local_addr_mb:	return "Report local address (Modbus)";	break;
-		default:							return "Unknown function";						break;
+		default:					return "Unknown function";					break;
 static char *
 exception_string(guint8 exception_code)
 	switch( exception_code ) {
-		case illegal_function:		return "Illegal function";				break;
-		case illegal_address:		return "Illegal data address";		break;
-		case illegal_value:			return "Illegal data value";			break;
-		case illegal_response:		return "Illegal response length";	break;
-		case acknowledge:				return "Acknowledge";					break;
-		case slave_busy:				return "Slave device busy";			break;
-		case negative_ack:			return "Negative acknowledge";		break;
-		case memory_err:				return "Memory parity error";			break;
-		case gateway_unavailable:	return "Gateway path unavailable";	break;
-		case gateway_trgt_fail:		return "Gateway target device failed to respond";	break;
-		default:							return "Unknown exception code";		break;
+		case illegal_function:		return "Illegal function";					break;
+		case illegal_address:		return "Illegal data address";				break;
+		case illegal_value:		return "Illegal data value";				break;
+		case illegal_response:		return "Illegal response length";			break;
+		case acknowledge:			return "Acknowledge";						break;
+		case slave_busy:			return "Slave device busy";				break;
+		case negative_ack:			return "Negative acknowledge";				break;
+		case memory_err:			return "Memory parity error";				break;
+		case gateway_unavailable:	return "Gateway path unavailable";			break;
+		case gateway_trgt_fail:	return "Gateway target device failed to respond";	break;
+		default:					return "Unknown exception code";			break;
@@ -207,15 +222,15 @@
 /* Set up structures needed to add the protocol subtree and manage it */
 	mbtcp_hdr	mh;
 	proto_item	*mi, *mf;
-	proto_tree	*mbtcp_tree, *modbus_tree;
-	int			offset = 0;
-	gint			packet_end, packet_len;
-	char			*func_string = "", pkt_type_str[9] = "";
-	char			err_str[100] = "";
-	int			packet_type;
-	guint32		packet_num = 0;	/* num to uniquely identify different mbtcp
-												 * packets in one TCP packet */
-	guint8		exception_code = 0, exception_returned = 0;
+	proto_tree	*mbtcp_tree, *modbus_tree, *group_tree;
+	int		i, offset, group_offset, packet_type;
+	gint		packet_len, payload_start, payload_len;
+	char		*func_string = "", pkt_type_str[9] = "";
+	char		err_str[100] = "";
+	guint32		byte_cnt, group_byte_cnt, word_cnt, group_word_cnt;
+	guint32		packet_num;	/* num to uniquely identify different mbtcp
+							 * packets in one TCP packet */
+	guint8		exception_code, exception_returned;
 /* Make entries in Protocol column on summary display */
 	if (check_col(pinfo->cinfo, COL_PROTOCOL))
@@ -224,26 +239,30 @@
 	if (check_col(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO))
 		col_clear(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO);
-/* Make entries in Info column on summary display (updated after building proto tree) */
+/* Make entries in Info column on summary display */
+	offset = 0;
 	tvb_memcpy(tvb, (guint8 *)&mh, offset, sizeof(mbtcp_hdr));
 	mh.transaction_id				=	g_ntohs(mh.transaction_id);
 	mh.protocol_id					=	g_ntohs(mh.protocol_id);
 	mh.len							=	g_ntohs(mh.len);
 	if ( mh.mdbs_hdr.function_code & 0x80 ) {
+		exception_code = tvb_get_guint8(tvb, offset + sizeof(mbtcp_hdr));
 		mh.mdbs_hdr.function_code ^= 0x80;
 		exception_returned = 1;
+	else
+		exception_returned = 0;
 	func_string = function_string(mh.mdbs_hdr.function_code);
 	if (check_col(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO))
 		packet_type = classify_packet(pinfo);
 		switch ( packet_type ) {
-			case query_packet : 			strcpy(pkt_type_str, "query");
+			case query_packet : 		strcpy(pkt_type_str, "query");
-			case response_packet : 		strcpy(pkt_type_str, "response");
+			case response_packet : 	strcpy(pkt_type_str, "response");
 			case cannot_classify :		strcpy(err_str, "Unable to classify as query or response.");
-												strcpy(pkt_type_str, "unknown");
+										strcpy(pkt_type_str, "unknown");
 			default :
@@ -256,96 +275,292 @@
 				(unsigned char) mh.mdbs_hdr.function_code, func_string, err_str);
-	/* build up protocol tree */
-	do {
-	/* Avoids alignment problems on many architectures. */
-		tvb_memcpy(tvb, (guint8 *)&mh, offset, sizeof(mbtcp_hdr));
-		mh.transaction_id				=	g_ntohs(mh.transaction_id);
-		mh.protocol_id					=	g_ntohs(mh.protocol_id);
-		mh.len							=	g_ntohs(mh.len);
-		if ( mh.mdbs_hdr.function_code & 0x80 ) {
-			tvb_memcpy(tvb, (guint8 *)&exception_code, offset + sizeof(mbtcp_hdr), 1);
-			mh.mdbs_hdr.function_code ^= 0x80;
-			exception_returned = 1;
-		} else
-			exception_code = 0;
+	/* build up protocol tree and iterate over multiple packets */
+	packet_num = 0;
+	while (1) {
 		packet_type = classify_packet(pinfo);
+		packet_len = sizeof(mbtcp_hdr) - sizeof(modbus_hdr) + mh.len;
 		/* if a tree exists, perform operations to add fields to it */
 		if (tree) {
-			packet_len = sizeof(mbtcp_hdr) - sizeof(modbus_hdr) + mh.len;
 			mi = proto_tree_add_protocol_format(tree, proto_mbtcp, tvb, offset,
 					packet_len, "Modbus/TCP");
 			mbtcp_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(mi, ett_mbtcp);
-			/* Add items to protocol tree */
-			/* Modbus/TCP */
+			/* Add items to protocol tree specific to Modbus/TCP Modbus/TCP */
 			proto_tree_add_uint(mbtcp_tree, hf_mbtcp_transid, tvb, offset, 2,
 			proto_tree_add_uint(mbtcp_tree, hf_mbtcp_protid, tvb, offset + 2, 2,
 			proto_tree_add_uint(mbtcp_tree, hf_mbtcp_len, tvb, offset + 4, 2,
-			/* Modbus */
-			packet_end = mh.len;
-			mf = proto_tree_add_text(mbtcp_tree, tvb, offset + 6, packet_end,
+			/* Add items to protocol tree specific to Modbus generic */
+			mf = proto_tree_add_text(mbtcp_tree, tvb, offset + 6, mh.len,
 	  		modbus_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(mf, ett_modbus_hdr);
-			proto_tree_add_item(modbus_tree, hf_mbtcp_unitid, tvb, offset + 6, 1,
+			proto_tree_add_uint(modbus_tree, hf_mbtcp_unitid, tvb, offset + 6, 1,
-			mi = proto_tree_add_item(modbus_tree, hf_mbtcp_functioncode, tvb, offset + 7, 1,
+			mi = proto_tree_add_uint(modbus_tree, hf_mbtcp_functioncode, tvb, offset + 7, 1,
+			/** detail payload as a function of exception/function code */
 			func_string = function_string(mh.mdbs_hdr.function_code);
-			if ( 0 == exception_code )
-				proto_item_set_text(mi, "function %u:  %s", mh.mdbs_hdr.function_code,
-						func_string);
-			else
+			payload_start = offset + 8;
+			payload_len = mh.len - sizeof(modbus_hdr);
+			if (exception_returned) {
 				proto_item_set_text(mi, "function %u:  %s.  Exception: %s",
 						mh.mdbs_hdr.function_code, func_string, exception_string(exception_code));
-			packet_end = mh.len - 2;
-			proto_tree_add_text(modbus_tree, tvb, offset + 8, packet_end,
-					"Modbus data");
+				proto_tree_add_uint(modbus_tree, hf_modbus_exceptioncode, tvb, payload_start, 1,
+						exception_code);
+			}
+			else {
+				proto_item_set_text(mi, "function %u:  %s", mh.mdbs_hdr.function_code,
+						func_string);
+				switch (mh.mdbs_hdr.function_code) {
+					case read_coils:			
+					case read_input_discretes:	
+						if (packet_type == query_packet) {
+							proto_tree_add_item(modbus_tree, hf_modbus_reference, tvb, payload_start, 2, FALSE);
+							proto_tree_add_item(modbus_tree, hf_modbus_bitcnt, tvb, payload_start + 2, 2, FALSE);
+						}
+						else if (packet_type == response_packet) {
+							byte_cnt = (guint32)tvb_get_guint8(tvb, payload_start);
+							proto_tree_add_uint(modbus_tree, hf_modbus_bytecnt, tvb, payload_start, 1, byte_cnt);
+							proto_tree_add_text(modbus_tree, tvb, payload_start + 1, byte_cnt, "Data");
+						}
+						break;
+					case read_mult_regs:		
+					case read_input_regs:		
+						if (packet_type == query_packet) {
+							proto_tree_add_item(modbus_tree, hf_modbus_reference, tvb, payload_start, 2, FALSE);
+							proto_tree_add_item(modbus_tree, hf_modbus_wordcnt, tvb, payload_start + 2, 2, FALSE);
+						}
+						else if (packet_type == response_packet) {
+							byte_cnt = (guint32)tvb_get_guint8(tvb, payload_start);
+							proto_tree_add_uint(modbus_tree, hf_modbus_bytecnt, tvb, payload_start, 1, byte_cnt);
+							proto_tree_add_text(modbus_tree, tvb, payload_start + 1, byte_cnt, "Data");
+						}
+						break;
+					case write_coil:			
+						if (packet_type == query_packet) {
+							proto_tree_add_item(modbus_tree, hf_modbus_reference, tvb, payload_start, 2, FALSE);
+							proto_tree_add_text(modbus_tree, tvb, payload_start + 2, 1, "Data");
+							proto_tree_add_text(modbus_tree, tvb, payload_start + 3, 1, "Padding");
+						}
+						else if (packet_type == response_packet) {
+							proto_tree_add_item(modbus_tree, hf_modbus_reference, tvb, payload_start, 2, FALSE);
+							proto_tree_add_text(modbus_tree, tvb, payload_start + 2, 1, "Data");
+							proto_tree_add_text(modbus_tree, tvb, payload_start + 3, 1, "Padding");
+						}
+						break;
+					case write_single_reg:		
+						if (packet_type == query_packet) {
+							proto_tree_add_item(modbus_tree, hf_modbus_reference, tvb, payload_start, 2, FALSE);
+							proto_tree_add_text(modbus_tree, tvb, payload_start + 2, 2, "Data");
+						}
+						else if (packet_type == response_packet) {
+							proto_tree_add_item(modbus_tree, hf_modbus_reference, tvb, payload_start, 2, FALSE);
+							proto_tree_add_text(modbus_tree, tvb, payload_start + 2, 2, "Data");
+						}
+						break;
+					case read_except_stat:		
+						if (packet_type == response_packet)
+							proto_tree_add_text(modbus_tree, tvb, payload_start, 1, "Data");
+						break;
+					case force_mult_coils:		
+						if (packet_type == query_packet) {
+							proto_tree_add_item(modbus_tree, hf_modbus_reference, tvb, payload_start, 2, FALSE);
+							proto_tree_add_item(modbus_tree, hf_modbus_bitcnt, tvb, payload_start + 2, 2, FALSE);
+							byte_cnt = (guint32)tvb_get_guint8(tvb, payload_start + 4);
+							proto_tree_add_uint(modbus_tree, hf_modbus_bytecnt, tvb, payload_start + 4, 1,
+									byte_cnt);
+							proto_tree_add_text(modbus_tree, tvb, payload_start + 5, byte_cnt, "Data");
+						}
+						else if (packet_type == response_packet) {
+							proto_tree_add_item(modbus_tree, hf_modbus_reference, tvb, payload_start, 2, FALSE);
+							proto_tree_add_item(modbus_tree, hf_modbus_bitcnt, tvb, payload_start + 2, 2, FALSE);
+						}
+						break;
+					case write_mult_regs:		
+						if (packet_type == query_packet) {
+							proto_tree_add_item(modbus_tree, hf_modbus_reference, tvb, payload_start, 2, FALSE);
+							proto_tree_add_item(modbus_tree, hf_modbus_wordcnt, tvb, payload_start + 2, 2, FALSE);
+							byte_cnt = (guint32)tvb_get_guint8(tvb, payload_start + 4);
+							proto_tree_add_uint(modbus_tree, hf_modbus_bytecnt, tvb, payload_start + 4, 1,
+									byte_cnt);
+							proto_tree_add_text(modbus_tree, tvb, payload_start + 5, byte_cnt, "Data");
+						}
+						else if (packet_type == response_packet) {
+							proto_tree_add_item(modbus_tree, hf_modbus_reference, tvb, payload_start, 2, FALSE);
+							proto_tree_add_item(modbus_tree, hf_modbus_wordcnt, tvb, payload_start + 2, 2, FALSE);
+						}
+						break;
+					case read_genl_ref:			
+						if (packet_type == query_packet) {
+							byte_cnt = (guint32)tvb_get_guint8(tvb, payload_start);
+							proto_tree_add_uint(modbus_tree, hf_modbus_bytecnt, tvb, payload_start, 1,
+									byte_cnt);
+							/* add subtrees to describe each group of packet */
+							group_offset = payload_start + 1;
+							for (i = 0; i < byte_cnt / 7; i++) {
+								mi = proto_tree_add_text( modbus_tree, tvb, group_offset, 7,
+										"Group %u", i);
+						  		group_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(mi, ett_group_hdr);
+								proto_tree_add_item(group_tree, hf_modbus_reftype, tvb, group_offset, 1, FALSE);
+								proto_tree_add_item(group_tree, hf_modbus_lreference, tvb, group_offset + 1, 4, FALSE);
+								proto_tree_add_item(group_tree, hf_modbus_wordcnt, tvb, group_offset + 5, 2, FALSE);
+								group_offset += 7;
+							}
+						}
+						else if (packet_type == response_packet) {
+							byte_cnt = (guint32)tvb_get_guint8(tvb, payload_start);
+							proto_tree_add_uint(modbus_tree, hf_modbus_bytecnt, tvb, payload_start, 1,
+									byte_cnt);
+							/* add subtrees to describe each group of packet */
+							group_offset = payload_start + 1;
+							i = 0;
+							while (byte_cnt > 0) {
+								group_byte_cnt = (guint32)tvb_get_guint8(tvb, group_offset);
+								mi = proto_tree_add_text( modbus_tree, tvb, group_offset, group_byte_cnt + 1,
+										"Group %u", i);
+						  		group_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(mi, ett_group_hdr);
+								proto_tree_add_uint(group_tree, hf_modbus_bytecnt, tvb, group_offset, 1,
+										group_byte_cnt);
+								proto_tree_add_item(group_tree, hf_modbus_reftype, tvb, group_offset + 1, 1, FALSE);
+								proto_tree_add_text(group_tree, tvb, group_offset + 2, group_byte_cnt - 1, "Data");
+								group_offset += (group_byte_cnt + 1);
+								byte_cnt -= (group_byte_cnt + 1);
+								i++;
+							}
+						}
+						break;
+					case write_genl_ref:		
+						if ((packet_type == query_packet) || (packet_type == response_packet)) {
+							byte_cnt = (guint32)tvb_get_guint8(tvb, payload_start);
+							proto_tree_add_uint(modbus_tree, hf_modbus_bytecnt, tvb, payload_start, 1,
+									byte_cnt);
+							/* add subtrees to describe each group of packet */
+							group_offset = payload_start + 1;
+							i = 0;
+							while (byte_cnt > 0) {
+								group_word_cnt = tvb_get_ntohs(tvb, group_offset + 5);
+								group_byte_cnt = (2 * group_word_cnt) + 7;
+								mi = proto_tree_add_text( modbus_tree, tvb, group_offset, 
+										group_byte_cnt, "Group %u", i);
+						  		group_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(mi, ett_group_hdr);
+								proto_tree_add_item(group_tree, hf_modbus_reftype, tvb, group_offset, 1, FALSE);
+								proto_tree_add_item(group_tree, hf_modbus_lreference, tvb, group_offset + 1, 4, FALSE);
+								proto_tree_add_uint(group_tree, hf_modbus_wordcnt, tvb, group_offset + 5, 2, 
+										group_word_cnt);
+								proto_tree_add_text(group_tree, tvb, group_offset + 7, group_byte_cnt - 7, "Data");
+								group_offset += group_byte_cnt;
+								byte_cnt -= group_byte_cnt;
+								i++;
+							}
+						}
+						break;
+					case mask_write_reg:		
+						if ((packet_type == query_packet) || (packet_type == response_packet)) {
+							proto_tree_add_item(modbus_tree, hf_modbus_reference, tvb, payload_start, 2, FALSE);
+							proto_tree_add_item(modbus_tree, hf_modbus_andmask, tvb, payload_start + 2, 2, FALSE);
+							proto_tree_add_item(modbus_tree, hf_modbus_ormask, tvb, payload_start + 4, 2, FALSE);
+						}
+						break;
+					case read_write_reg:		
+						if (packet_type == query_packet) {
+							proto_tree_add_item(modbus_tree, hf_modbus_readref, tvb, payload_start, 2, FALSE);
+							proto_tree_add_item(modbus_tree, hf_modbus_readwordcnt, tvb, payload_start + 2, 2, FALSE);
+							proto_tree_add_item(modbus_tree, hf_modbus_writeref, tvb, payload_start + 4, 2, FALSE);
+							proto_tree_add_item(modbus_tree, hf_modbus_writewordcnt, tvb, payload_start + 6, 2, FALSE);
+							byte_cnt = (guint32)tvb_get_guint8(tvb, payload_start + 8);
+							proto_tree_add_uint(modbus_tree, hf_modbus_bytecnt, tvb, payload_start + 8, 1,
+									byte_cnt);
+							proto_tree_add_text(modbus_tree, tvb, payload_start + 9, byte_cnt, "Data");
+						}
+						else if (packet_type == response_packet) {
+							byte_cnt = (guint32)tvb_get_guint8(tvb, payload_start);
+							proto_tree_add_uint(modbus_tree, hf_modbus_bytecnt, tvb, payload_start, 1,
+									byte_cnt);
+							proto_tree_add_text(modbus_tree, tvb, payload_start + 1, byte_cnt, "Data");
+						}
+						break;
+					case read_fifo_queue:		
+						if (packet_type == query_packet)
+							proto_tree_add_item(modbus_tree, hf_modbus_reference, tvb, payload_start, 2, FALSE);
+						else if (packet_type == response_packet) {
+							byte_cnt = (guint32)tvb_get_ntohs(tvb, payload_start);
+							proto_tree_add_uint(modbus_tree, hf_modbus_lbytecnt, tvb, payload_start, 2,
+									byte_cnt);
+							proto_tree_add_item(modbus_tree, hf_modbus_wordcnt, tvb, payload_start + 2, 2, FALSE);
+							proto_tree_add_text(modbus_tree, tvb, payload_start + 4, byte_cnt - 2, "Data");
+						}
+						break;
+					case diagnostics:			
+					case program_484:			
+					case poll_484:				
+					case get_comm_event_ctrs:	
+					case get_comm_event_log:	
+					case program_584_984:		
+					case poll_584_984:			
+					case report_slave_id:		
+					case program_884_u84:		
+					case reset_comm_link:		
+					case program_ConCept:		
+					case firmware_replace:		
+					case program_584_984_2:		
+					case report_local_addr_mb:	
+						/* these function codes are not part of the Modbus/TCP specification */
+					default:					
+						if (payload_len > 0)
+							proto_tree_add_text(modbus_tree, tvb, payload_start, payload_len, "Data");
+						break;
+				}
+			}
-		offset = offset + sizeof(mbtcp_hdr) + (mh.len - sizeof(modbus_hdr));
+		/* move onto next packet (if there) */
+		offset += packet_len;
-	} while ( tvb_reported_length_remaining(tvb, offset) > 0 );
-/* Update entries in Info column on summary display */
-	if (check_col(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO))
-	{
-		switch ( packet_type ) {
-			case query_packet : 			strcpy(pkt_type_str, "query");
-												break;
-			case response_packet : 		strcpy(pkt_type_str, "response");
-												break;
-			case cannot_classify :		strcpy(err_str, "Unable to classify as query or response.");
-												strcpy(pkt_type_str, "unknown");
-												break;
-			default :
-												break;
+		if (tvb_reported_length_remaining(tvb, offset) > 0) {
+			/* load header structure for next packet */
+			tvb_memcpy(tvb, (guint8 *)&mh, offset, sizeof(mbtcp_hdr));
+			mh.transaction_id				=	g_ntohs(mh.transaction_id);
+			mh.protocol_id					=	g_ntohs(mh.protocol_id);
+			mh.len							=	g_ntohs(mh.len);
+			if ( mh.mdbs_hdr.function_code & 0x80 ) {
+				exception_code = tvb_get_guint8(tvb, offset + sizeof(mbtcp_hdr));
+				mh.mdbs_hdr.function_code ^= 0x80;
+				exception_returned = 1;
+			} else
+				exception_returned = 0;
-		if ( exception_returned )
-			strcpy(err_str, "Exception returned ");
-		col_add_fstr(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO,
-				"%8s [%2u pkt(s)]: trans: %5u; unit: %3u, func: %3u: %s. %s",
-				pkt_type_str, packet_num, mh.transaction_id, (unsigned char) mh.mdbs_hdr.unit_id,
-				(unsigned char) mh.mdbs_hdr.function_code, func_string, err_str);
+		else
+			break;
-/* If this protocol has a sub-dissector call it here, see section 1.8 */
 /* Register the protocol with Ethereal */
-/* this format is require because a script is used to build the C function
-   that calls all the protocol registration.
@@ -354,44 +569,114 @@
 	static hf_register_info hf[] = {
 		/* Modbus/TCP header fields */
 		{ &hf_mbtcp_transid,
-			{ "transaction identifier",           "modbus_tcp.trans_id",
+			{ "transaction identifier",			"modbus_tcp.trans_id",
 			FT_UINT16, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0x0,
 			"", HFILL }
 		{ &hf_mbtcp_protid,
-			{ "protocol identifier",           "modbus_tcp.prot_id",
+			{ "protocol identifier",			"modbus_tcp.prot_id",
 			FT_UINT16, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0x0,
 			"", HFILL }
 		{ &hf_mbtcp_len,
-			{ "length",           "modbus_tcp.len",
+			{ "length",							"modbus_tcp.len",
 			FT_UINT16, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0x0,
 			"", HFILL }
 		/* Modbus header fields */
 		{ &hf_mbtcp_unitid,
-			{ "unit identifier",           "modbus_tcp.unit_id",
+			{ "unit identifier",           		"modbus_tcp.unit_id",
 			FT_UINT8, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0x0,
 			"", HFILL }
 		{ &hf_mbtcp_functioncode,
-			{ "function code ",           "modbus_tcp.func_code",
+			{ "function code",            		"modbus_tcp.func_code",
+			FT_UINT8, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0x0,
+			"", HFILL }
+		},
+		{ &hf_modbus_reference,
+			{ "reference number",            	"modbus_tcp.reference_num",
+			FT_UINT16, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0x0,
+			"", HFILL }
+		},
+		{ &hf_modbus_lreference,
+			{ "reference number (32 bit)",   	"modbus_tcp.reference_num_32",
+			FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0x0,
+			"", HFILL }
+		},
+		{ &hf_modbus_reftype,
+			{ "reference type",   				"modbus_tcp.reference_type",
 			FT_UINT8, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0x0,
 			"", HFILL }
+		},
+		{ &hf_modbus_readref,
+			{ "read reference number",   		"modbus_tcp.read_reference_num",
+			FT_UINT16, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0x0,
+			"", HFILL }
+		},
+		{ &hf_modbus_writeref,
+			{ "write reference number",   		"modbus_tcp.write_reference_num",
+			FT_UINT16, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0x0,
+			"", HFILL }
+		},
+		{ &hf_modbus_wordcnt,
+			{ "word count",            			"modbus_tcp.word_cnt",
+			FT_UINT16, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0x0,
+			"", HFILL }
+		},
+		{ &hf_modbus_readwordcnt,
+			{ "read word count",       			"modbus_tcp.read_word_cnt",
+			FT_UINT16, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0x0,
+			"", HFILL }
+		},
+		{ &hf_modbus_writewordcnt,
+			{ "write word count",       		"modbus_tcp.write_word_cnt",
+			FT_UINT16, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0x0,
+			"", HFILL }
+		},
+		{ &hf_modbus_bitcnt,
+			{ "bit count",            			"modbus_tcp.bit_cnt",
+			FT_UINT16, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0x0,
+			"", HFILL }
+		},
+		{ &hf_modbus_bytecnt,
+			{ "byte count",            			"modbus_tcp.byte_cnt",
+			FT_UINT8, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0x0,
+			"", HFILL }
+		},
+		{ &hf_modbus_lbytecnt,
+			{ "byte count (16-bit)",   			"modbus_tcp.byte_cnt_16",
+			FT_UINT8, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0x0,
+			"", HFILL }
+		},
+		{ &hf_modbus_exceptioncode,
+			{ "exception code",            		"modbus_tcp.exception_code",
+			FT_UINT8, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0x0,
+			"", HFILL }
+		},
+		{ &hf_modbus_andmask,
+			{ "AND mask",            			"modbus_tcp.and_mask",
+			FT_UINT16, BASE_HEX, NULL, 0x0,
+			"", HFILL }
+		},
+		{ &hf_modbus_ormask,
+			{ "OR mask",            			"modbus_tcp.or_mask",
+			FT_UINT16, BASE_HEX, NULL, 0x0,
+			"", HFILL }
-/* Setup protocol subtree array */
+	/* Setup protocol subtree array */
 	static gint *ett[] = {
-		&ett_modbus_hdr
+		&ett_modbus_hdr,
+		&ett_group_hdr
-/* Register the protocol name and description */
-	proto_mbtcp = proto_register_protocol("Modbus/TCP",
-	    "Modbus/TCP", "mbtcp");
+	/* Register the protocol name and description */
+	proto_mbtcp = proto_register_protocol("Modbus/TCP", "Modbus/TCP", "mbtcp");
-/* Required function calls to register the header fields and subtrees used */
+	/* Required function calls to register the header fields and subtrees used */
 	proto_register_field_array(proto_mbtcp, hf, array_length(hf));
 	proto_register_subtree_array(ett, array_length(ett));