On Wed, Mar 26, 2003 at 12:47:43PM +0100, ana wrote:
> I continuos working on the DSR (Dynamic Source Route) protocol.
Is that "The Dynamic Source Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
It looks, from the dissector code in your message, as if it is; I will
assume that it is.
> This is the dissector code:
> guint8 optdatalen,offset= 0x00;
No dissector should *EVER* have a one-byte or a two-byte variable that
represents an offset in a packet; if you do that, you run the risk of
that variable overflowing.
That's true even if the lengths of individual items in the packet *do*
fit into 1 byte.
You are less likely to run that risk with a 32-bit offset, although you
might still have to be careful. Declare it as
int offset = 0;
> guint16 header_len;
> while ((header_len-offset)!=0)
You haven't yet given "header_len" a value; I assume you give it a value
> {
> pdu_type = tvb_get_guint8(tvb,4+offset);
The code might be a little bit cleaner if, before the loop processing
the options, you did
offset += 4;
to skip the Next Header, F/Reserved, and Payload Length fields - or do
so when you fetch the values of those fields (presumably "header_len" is
set to the value from the Payload Length field). Then just use "offset"
to fetch "pdu_type".
> optdatalen = tvb_get_guint8(tvb,5+offset);
The Pad1 option, according to the specification whose URL is given
above, doesn't *have* an Opt Data Len field, so you shouldn't fetch
"optdatalen" if pdu_type is the value for Pad1.
> header_len-=(optdatalen+2);
So you're subtracting from the payload length the length of the option?
> if (pdu_type==DSR_PAD0)
Do you mean "PAD0" or "PAD1"? The DSR spec calls the 1-byte padding
option, which has only an Option Type field, "Pad1".
> optdatalen+=1;
If you meant "PAD1", then that's not valid, as optdatalen isn't valid -
it was set to whatever the byte was that followed the Pad1 option.
> else
> optdatalen+=2;
The maximum value of "optdatalen" is 255, and if you add 1 to that, it
becomes 256, which doesn't fit into an 8-bit variable; therefore, you
can't do that if it's an 8-bit variable.
> offset+=optdatalen;
So you're adding the length of the option to the offset - but you're
also subtracting from the payload length the length of the option, so
the loop shouldn't be checking whether "header_len-offset" is 0. You
should either
1) subtract from the header length the length of the option, and
check whether the header length is 0
2) leave the header length alone and check whether the offset
*relative to the beginning of the option data* is greater
than or equal to the header length.
I'd go with the first of those choices.