Miha Jemec wrote:
>Ok, I made a few changes.
>I putted g711.c in ethereal/ and added g711.h with declarations in ethereal/
>There was also a line (I forgot about it yesterday) in gtk/menu.c:
>#include "tap_rtp.c"
Hi Miha,
I have been playing around with Ethereal 0.9.10 (Windows 2000 and 98) for a while today and the RTP analysis functionality is really great. I will have very much use of it.
It has worked very well with almost all the PCMU/PCMA captures I had on my computer.
However I noticed one capture where I got a box telling "SSRC value couldn't be found" when I had marked a RTP packet
with SSRC value 0 and used the Tools/Statistics/RTP Analysis... menu item.
When I marked another RTP packet with SSRC not equal to 0 it was possible to do the analysis for both directions.
The capture that I had problem I had found here (I have also attached it to this mail):
Of course there are some other things that can be improved later on. Maybe there should be some more statistic information besides Max Delay (e.g. Max Jitter, Average Jitter, Average Delay and so on).
Then if there is no packets in "reversed direction" it could maybe good to "grey-out" some things in the GUI.
I don't know so much about GTK so I don't know how much work it is to change this.
Description: Binary data