On Tue, Sep 03, 2002 at 12:44:21AM +0200, Ulf Lamping wrote:
> I think seperate menu items would be even more confusing for a the user.
Perhaps, but one problem with the existing scheme is that it cannot
distinguish between permanent changes (i.e., changes the user would want
saved to their preference file) and temporary changes, so if they've
made some temporary preference changes, and then make a permanent change
and click "Save", they've just saved the permanent change *and*
temporary changes they might even have forgotten that they've made.
Explicitly distinguishing between your initial/default/permanent
settings and your current settings, although it introduces a New Concept
that users have to think about, might, overall, be easier to understand.
> What do you think of comparing, at program quit, the current with the saved
> settings and popup a dialogbox if they are different,
> asking to save or ignore the changes made.
> This should be done for every setting file seperately.
That strikes me as rather clumsy.
For one thing, I don't know whether this is a problem for settings other
than the preference settings, so, for the other settings, it might be
worth just having them just save by default.
Furthermore, it would ask you whether you want to save the current
preference settings, but you might not know whether the current settings
are the ones you want saved (you might've *forgotten* that you tweaked
some protocol preference), so you might not know what the right answer
is - and the answer you *want* might be to have some changes saved and
others not saved.