On Wed, Jul 31, 2002 at 01:49:15PM +0200, Miodrag Marinkovic wrote:
> By the way, the described problems occuried with
> Ethereal 0.9.4 and 0.9.5 on Windows NT 4.0.
...and with Ethereal 0.9.5, and current CVS Ethereal, on Solaris 8. (It
doesn't matter whether there's a display filter or not; the display
doesn't change.)
The problem is that it's not checking the version field. Given that
your capture appears to start in the *middle* of a TPKT PDU, the very
first TPKT TCP segment packet contains data that is *not* a TPKT header;
however, the dissector still extracts the length and tries to use it to
do desegmentation.
That problem can't be fixed 100%, as you might be unlucky enough to have
the first TPKT TCP segment in a capture begin with a byte with the value
However, if we check for a version number of 3, and, if the version
number *isn't* 3, just treat the rest of the TCP segment as
"continuation data", that appears to fix the problem.
I've attached the patch to "packet-tpkt.c" that I'll be checking in.
Index: packet-tpkt.c
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/ethereal/packet-tpkt.c,v
retrieving revision 1.19
diff -c -r1.19 packet-tpkt.c
*** packet-tpkt.c 13 May 2002 21:18:25 -0000 1.19
--- packet-tpkt.c 31 Jul 2002 18:39:41 -0000
*** 144,149 ****
--- 144,175 ----
col_add_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, "");
while (tvb_reported_length_remaining(tvb, offset) != 0) {
+ /*
+ * Is the first byte of this putative TPKT header
+ * a valid TPKT version number, i.e. 3?
+ */
+ if (tvb_get_guint8(tvb, offset) != 3) {
+ /*
+ * No, so don't assume this is a TPKT header;
+ * we might be in the middle of TPKT data,
+ * so don't get the length and don't try to
+ * do reassembly.
+ */
+ if (check_col(pinfo->cinfo, COL_PROTOCOL))
+ col_set_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_PROTOCOL, "TPKT");
+ if (check_col(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO))
+ col_set_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, "Continuation");
+ if (tree) {
+ ti = proto_tree_add_item(tree, proto_tpkt, tvb,
+ offset, -1, FALSE);
+ tpkt_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(ti, ett_tpkt);
+ proto_tree_add_text(tpkt_tree, tvb, offset, -1,
+ "Continuation data");
+ }
+ return;
+ }
length_remaining = tvb_length_remaining(tvb, offset);