see subject/changelog
Joerg Mayer <jmayer@xxxxxxxxx>
I found out that "pro" means "instead of" (as in proconsul). Now I know
what proactive means.
Changelog: <jmayer@xxxxxxxxx>
Prefer IEEE entries over CaveBear entries, as the former list
seems to be the better maintained one.
Index: ethereal/make-manuf
RCS file: /cvsroot/ethereal/make-manuf,v
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -r1.4 make-manuf
--- make-manuf 2002/03/14 21:22:11 1.4
+++ make-manuf 2002/04/23 22:37:32
@@ -77,33 +77,35 @@
-foreach $line (split(/\n/, $cb_list)) {
- if (($oui, $manuf) = ($line =~ /^($cb_re)\s+(\S.*)$/)) {
- ($h1, $h2, $h3) = ($oui =~ /($hp)($hp)($hp)/); # The CaveBear bytes have no separators
- $oui = "$h1:$h2:$h3";
+# Add IEEE entries for OUIs not yet known.
+foreach $line (split(/\n/, $ieee_list)) {
+ if (($oui, $manuf) = ($line =~ /^($ieee_re)\s+\(hex\)\s+(\S.*)$/)) {
+ $oui =~ tr /-/:/; # The IEEE bytes are separated by dashes.
# Ensure OUI is all upper-case
$oui =~ tr/a-f/A-F/;
if (exists $oui_list{$oui}) {
- printf "$oui - Skipping CaveBear \"$manuf\" in favor of \"$oui_list{$oui}\"\n";
- $cb_skipped++;
+ printf "$oui - Skipping IEEE \"$manuf\" in favor of \"$oui_list{$oui}\"\n";
+ $ieee_skipped++;
} else {
$oui_list{$oui} = $manuf;
- $cb_added++;
+ $ieee_added++;
-foreach $line (split(/\n/, $ieee_list)) {
- if (($oui, $manuf) = ($line =~ /^($ieee_re)\s+\(hex\)\s+(\S.*)$/)) {
- $oui =~ tr /-/:/; # The IEEE bytes are separated by dashes.
+# Add CaveBear entries for OUIs not yet known.
+foreach $line (split(/\n/, $cb_list)) {
+ if (($oui, $manuf) = ($line =~ /^($cb_re)\s+(\S.*)$/)) {
+ ($h1, $h2, $h3) = ($oui =~ /($hp)($hp)($hp)/); # The CaveBear bytes have no separators
+ $oui = "$h1:$h2:$h3";
# Ensure OUI is all upper-case
$oui =~ tr/a-f/A-F/;
if (exists $oui_list{$oui}) {
- printf "$oui - Skipping IEEE \"$manuf\" in favor of \"$oui_list{$oui}\"\n";
- $ieee_skipped++;
+ printf "$oui - Skipping CaveBear \"$manuf\" in favor of \"$oui_list{$oui}\"\n";
+ $cb_skipped++;
} else {
$oui_list{$oui} = $manuf;
- $ieee_added++;
+ $cb_added++;
@@ -115,10 +117,10 @@
$total_added = $tmpl_added + $cb_added + $ieee_added;
print <<"Fin"
Original entries : $tmpl_added
-CaveBear added : $cb_added
IEEE added : $ieee_added
+CaveBear added : $cb_added
Total : $total_added
-CaveBear skipped : $cb_skipped
IEEE skipped : $ieee_skipped
+CaveBear skipped : $cb_skipped