Looks like Cygwin perl doesn't like a CR-LF terminated *.pod file. If
you do, for example,
% cd doc
% nmake -f makefile.nmake
% mv ethereal.pod ethereal.pod.crlf
% cat ethereal.pod.crlf | tr -d '\r' > ethereal.pod
% nmake -f makefile.nmake
then you'll get ethereal.html successfully created (the same thing
goes for tethereal). You'll get some warnings, however, which I think
can be ignored.
From: aferen@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Andrew C. Feren)
Subject: [Ethereal-dev] pod2html vs man2html
Date: 20 Mar 2002 14:35:18 -0500
> About a month or so ago doc/Makefile.nmake was modified to call
> pod2html instead of man2html. This seems reasonable except for the
> fact that man2html works and (at least for the latest Cygwin
> distribution) pod2html does not.
> I grabbed ActiveState perl and that worked.
> My question is it desirable to require a perl version with a working
> pod2html? Or is it better to go back to man2html?
> Actually looking a little closer at the output I may have to vote for
> pod2html. man2html seems to have some odd formatting side effects.
> (Among other things links get created for items that shouldn't have
> them.)
> I think I have just convinced myself put ActiveState perl on my
> system, but I'll throw the question out and see if anyone has other
> ideas or suggestions.
> --
> -Andrew Feren
> Cetacean Networks, Inc.
> Portsmouth, NH
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