On Mon, Mar 04, 2002 at 03:23:05PM +0100, andreas.sikkema@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> Ok, now it does the desegmenting bit, but the segmented TCP
> is showing up as TCP [DESEGMENTED TCP].
I.e., the final frame of a split-between-segments Q.931-over-TPKT packet
isn't displaying as a Q.931 packet? (The earlier frames will show only
as desegmented TCP.)
If so, I'd need to see a capture to see why it's not correctly
recognizing when the packet is complete.
> With the loading of the file the dissectors are being called
> correctly, but the COL_INFO is not being filled and when
> I click on a desegmented message I see no contents, only TCP.
> What am I doing wrong? It seems the dissectors are not being
> called...
The fact you don't see the dissected Q.931 and TPKT information doesn't
necessarily mean the dissectors aren't being called. It could just mean
that the dissectors aren't correctly recognizing that they have all the
data in the TPKT PDU, and are thus returning without dissecting
anything, and setting "pinfo->desegment_offset" and
"pinfo->desegment_len" to indicate that more data is needed when, in
fact, it's not needed.