Ethereal-dev: [Ethereal-dev] packet-iscsi.c tweak

Note: This archive is from the project's previous web site, This list is no longer active.

From: Mark Burton <markb@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 02 Jun 2001 09:55:47 +0100

the enclosed patch augments the info column and a portion of the tree
when the packet contains certain common SCSI commands.



Index: packet-iscsi.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/ethereal/packet-iscsi.c,v
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -3 -p -c -r1.3 packet-iscsi.c
*** packet-iscsi.c	2001/05/31 19:20:41	1.3
--- packet-iscsi.c	2001/06/02 08:49:42
*************** static gint addTextKeys(proto_tree *tt, 
*** 499,527 ****
      return offset;
- static gint dissectCDB(proto_tree *tt, tvbuff_t *tvb, gint offset, gint cdbLen) {
-     guint8 cdb0 = tvb_get_guint8(tvb, offset);
-     switch(cdb0) {
-     case 0x08:	/* READ_6 */
- #if 0
- 	proto_tree_add_uint(tt, hf_iscsi_SCSICommand_CDB0, tvb, offset, 1, cdb0);
- #endif
-     default:
- 	proto_tree_add_bytes(tt, hf_iscsi_SCSICommand_CDB, tvb, offset, cdbLen, tvb_get_ptr(tvb, offset, cdbLen));
-     }
-     return offset + cdbLen;
- }
  /* Code to actually dissect the packets */
  static gboolean
  dissect_iscsi(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree) {
      /* Set up structures needed to add the protocol subtree and manage it */
      proto_item *ti;
-     gint offset = 0;
      guint32 data_segment_len;
      guint8 opcode;
!     const char *opcode_str;
      guint32 packet_len = tvb_length_remaining(tvb, offset);
      /* quick check to see if the packet is long enough to contain a
--- 499,516 ----
      return offset;
  /* Code to actually dissect the packets */
  static gboolean
  dissect_iscsi(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree) {
      /* Set up structures needed to add the protocol subtree and manage it */
      proto_item *ti;
      guint32 data_segment_len;
      guint8 opcode;
!     guint offset = 0;
!     guint cdb_offset = offset + 32; /* offset of CDB from start of PDU */
!     const char *opcode_str = NULL;
!     char *scsi_command_name = NULL;
      guint32 packet_len = tvb_length_remaining(tvb, offset);
      /* quick check to see if the packet is long enough to contain a
*************** dissect_iscsi(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info
*** 554,576 ****
      if (check_col(pinfo->fd, COL_PROTOCOL))
  	col_set_str(pinfo->fd, COL_PROTOCOL, "iSCSI");
      if (check_col(pinfo->fd, COL_INFO)) {
  	col_add_str(pinfo->fd, COL_INFO, (char *)opcode_str);
  	if((opcode & 0xbf) == 0x01) {
! 	    const char *scsiCommandName = match_strval(tvb_get_guint8(tvb, offset + 32),
! 						       iscsi_scsi_cdb0);
! 	    if(scsiCommandName != NULL)
! 		col_append_fstr(pinfo->fd, COL_INFO, " (%s)", scsiCommandName);
  	else if(enable_03_mode && opcode == 0x81) {
  	    const char *blurb = match_strval(tvb_get_guint8(tvb, offset + 36), iscsi_scsi_statuses);
  	    if(blurb != NULL)
  		col_append_fstr(pinfo->fd, COL_INFO, " (%s)", blurb);
  	else if(!enable_03_mode && opcode == 0xc1) {
  	    const char *blurb = NULL;
  	    if(tvb_get_guint8(tvb, offset + 1) & 0x01)
  		blurb = match_strval(tvb_get_guint8(tvb, offset + 3), iscsi_scsi_statuses);
--- 543,579 ----
      if (check_col(pinfo->fd, COL_PROTOCOL))
  	col_set_str(pinfo->fd, COL_PROTOCOL, "iSCSI");
      if (check_col(pinfo->fd, COL_INFO)) {
  	col_add_str(pinfo->fd, COL_INFO, (char *)opcode_str);
  	if((opcode & 0xbf) == 0x01) {
! 	    /* SCSI Command */
! 	    guint8 cdb0 = tvb_get_guint8(tvb, cdb_offset);
! 	    scsi_command_name = match_strval(cdb0, iscsi_scsi_cdb0);
! 	    if(cdb0 == 0x08 || cdb0 == 0x0a) {
! 		/* READ_6 and WRITE_6 */
! 		guint lba = tvb_get_ntohl(tvb, cdb_offset) & 0x1fffff;
! 		guint len = tvb_get_guint8(tvb, cdb_offset + 4);
! 		col_append_fstr(pinfo->fd, COL_INFO, " (%s LBA 0x%06x len 0x%02x)", scsi_command_name, lba, len);
! 	    }
! 	    else if(cdb0 == 0x28 || cdb0 == 0x2a) {
! 		/* READ_10 and WRITE_10 */
! 		guint lba = tvb_get_ntohl(tvb, cdb_offset + 2);
! 		guint len = tvb_get_ntohs(tvb, cdb_offset + 7);
! 		col_append_fstr(pinfo->fd, COL_INFO, " (%s LBA 0x%08x len 0x%04x)", scsi_command_name, lba, len);
! 	    }
! 	    else if(scsi_command_name != NULL)
! 		col_append_fstr(pinfo->fd, COL_INFO, " (%s)", scsi_command_name);
  	else if(enable_03_mode && opcode == 0x81) {
+ 	    /* SCSI Command Response */
  	    const char *blurb = match_strval(tvb_get_guint8(tvb, offset + 36), iscsi_scsi_statuses);
  	    if(blurb != NULL)
  		col_append_fstr(pinfo->fd, COL_INFO, " (%s)", blurb);
  	else if(!enable_03_mode && opcode == 0xc1) {
+ 	    /* SCSI Command Response */
  	    const char *blurb = NULL;
  	    if(tvb_get_guint8(tvb, offset + 1) & 0x01)
  		blurb = match_strval(tvb_get_guint8(tvb, offset + 3), iscsi_scsi_statuses);
*************** dissect_iscsi(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info
*** 699,710 ****
  	    proto_tree_add_uint(ti, hf_iscsi_CmdSN, tvb, offset + 24, 4, tvb_get_ntohl(tvb, offset + 24));
  	    proto_tree_add_uint(ti, hf_iscsi_ExpStatSN, tvb, offset + 28, 4, tvb_get_ntohl(tvb, offset + 28));
! 		guint8 cdb0 = tvb_get_guint8(tvb, offset + 32);
! 		proto_item *tf = proto_tree_add_uint(ti, hf_iscsi_SCSICommand_CDB0, tvb, offset + 32, 1, cdb0);
! 		proto_tree *tt = proto_item_add_subtree(tf, ett_iscsi_CDB);
! 		dissectCDB(tt, tvb, offset + 32, 16 + tvb_get_guint8(tvb, offset + 3) * 4);
- 	    offset += 48;
  	else if((enable_03_mode && opcode == 0x81) ||
  		(!enable_03_mode && opcode == 0xc1)) {
--- 702,740 ----
  	    proto_tree_add_uint(ti, hf_iscsi_CmdSN, tvb, offset + 24, 4, tvb_get_ntohl(tvb, offset + 24));
  	    proto_tree_add_uint(ti, hf_iscsi_ExpStatSN, tvb, offset + 28, 4, tvb_get_ntohl(tvb, offset + 28));
! 		/* dissect a little of the CDB for the most common
! 		 * commands */
! 		guint8 cdb0 = tvb_get_guint8(tvb, cdb_offset);
! 		gint cdb_len = 16;
! 		proto_item *tf;
! 		if(enable_03_mode) {
! 		    cdb_len += tvb_get_guint8(tvb, offset + 3) * 4;
! 		}
! 		else {
! 		    /* FIXME - extended CDB */
! 		}
! 		if(scsi_command_name == NULL)
! 		    scsi_command_name = match_strval(cdb0, iscsi_scsi_cdb0);
! 		if(cdb0 == 0x08 || cdb0 == 0x0a) {
! 		    /* READ_6 and WRITE_6 */
! 		    guint lba = tvb_get_ntohl(tvb, cdb_offset) & 0x1fffff;
! 		    guint len = tvb_get_guint8(tvb, cdb_offset + 4);
! 		    tf = proto_tree_add_uint_format(ti, hf_iscsi_SCSICommand_CDB0, tvb, cdb_offset, cdb_len, cdb0, "CDB: %s LBA 0x%06x len 0x%02x", scsi_command_name, lba, len);
! 		}
! 		else if(cdb0 == 0x28 || cdb0 == 0x2a) {
! 		    /* READ_10 and WRITE_10 */
! 		    guint lba = tvb_get_ntohl(tvb, cdb_offset + 2);
! 		    guint len = tvb_get_ntohs(tvb, cdb_offset + 7);
! 		    tf = proto_tree_add_uint_format(ti, hf_iscsi_SCSICommand_CDB0, tvb, cdb_offset, cdb_len, cdb0, "CDB: %s LBA 0x%08x len 0x%04x", scsi_command_name, lba, len);
! 		}
! 		else
! 		    tf = proto_tree_add_uint(ti, hf_iscsi_SCSICommand_CDB0, tvb, cdb_offset, cdb_len, cdb0);
! 		{
! 		    proto_tree *tt = proto_item_add_subtree(tf, ett_iscsi_CDB);
! 		    proto_tree_add_bytes(tt, hf_iscsi_SCSICommand_CDB, tvb, cdb_offset, cdb_len, tvb_get_ptr(tvb, cdb_offset, cdb_len));
! 		}
! 		offset = cdb_offset + cdb_len;
  	else if((enable_03_mode && opcode == 0x81) ||
  		(!enable_03_mode && opcode == 0xc1)) {