Just a small update to let you know how things are going
with the GIOP enhancements , and a couple of screen
captures so you can see something real. There have
been some minor changes since this but you get the
giop.png - shows IOR decoding
giop3.png - shows a USER EXCEPTION with 3 members.
I expect to release it in approx 4 weeks.
There is a great deal of the API implemented.
ie: get_CDR_xxx , where xxx is a listed in
chapter 15 of the Corba v2.4.2 Spec.
This covers much (but not all) of
- primitive data types (including ieee float)
- some IDL constructed types
- Encapsulation
- TypeCodes (eg: tk_float, tk_short etc..)
- "Any" values.
- Sequence support
Also handles
0. Provides get_CDR_XXX API for subdissectors
1. Reading stringified IOR's from
file to statically associate Repository ID's
with Object Keys.
2. Decode IOR's according to IIOP IOR profile.
eg: like "catior" does
3. Allows GIOP subdissectors to register both
for heuristic and explicit dissection of
GIOP payload data, via eg: Repository ID's.
4. Monitors REQUEST(resolve) for IOR's to dynamically
associate Repository ID's with Object Keys. This allows
us to select the correct sub_dissector, based on object key
in the packet.
5. More I am sure :-)
I am testing this API against some CORBA traffic.
This was initially using "omniorb", but now I am writing some
"test suite" in java to check the API for bugs.
The design base was 0.8.15, but I diffed a recent CVS snapshot
against the 0.8.15 release and noticed only a small
(few lines) changed.
I will port my code to the to latest CVS release
before final testing.
Also, with the GIOP API stabilizing, I am continuing with
an IDL -> Ethereal Dissector generator . I am not sure that it
will make the release date, but it will follow soon after.
So, hopefully you can take your IDL for some CORBA model
and generate a GIOP subdissector automajically.
Cheers / Frank..
EUS/SV/Z Frank Singleton ASO Americas BSS
Office : +1 972 583 3251 ECN 800 33251
Pager : +1 800 651 1184 Mobile : +1 214 228 0874
Amateur Radio: VK3FCS/KM5WS Email : frank.singleton@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Hardware: HP Omnibook 4150 running Redhat Linux 6.2 (2.2.16 kernel).