Ethereal-dev: Re: [Ethereal-dev] 0.8.16 and Solaris

Note: This archive is from the project's previous web site, This list is no longer active.

Date: Thu, 8 Mar 2001 02:44:13 -0600
On Wed, Mar 07, 2001 at 10:45:33PM -0600, ethereal-dev@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> I've built Ethereal 0.8.16 on Solaris 2.6, 7, 8/SPARC. Running it
> always gives the following:
>   Message: pcap: File has 319744-byte packet, bigger than maximum of 65535
> This is with libpcap 0.5.2 and 0.6.2. Is this a known problem? Tcpdump
> 3.5.2 and 3.6.2 work fine.

FYI, just built 0.8.16 on HP-UX 10.20 and 11.00 against libpcap 0.6.2.
Works just fine!  Something odd is going on with Solaris. has 0.8.12 for Solaris 8/SPARC so I built 0.8.12 and
get the same error as above! I tried the Sun C 5.2 compiler and GCC
2.95.2 and both failed.

albert chin (china@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)