On Wed, Dec 20, 2000 at 04:35:07PM +0100, Zuidweg, R (Rob) wrote:
> Thanks for the explanation.
> As I understand it should be no problem to activate the (partial) second
> part of the CLNP decoding. I hope to see it implemented in one of the future
> releases of ethereal.
I'm about to check the change in; I've attached a patch that should add
it to the current version.
Index: packet-clnp.c
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/ethereal/packet-clnp.c,v
retrieving revision 1.16
diff -c -r1.16 packet-clnp.c
*** packet-clnp.c 2000/11/19 08:53:56 1.16
--- packet-clnp.c 2000/12/23 19:32:02
*** 50,55 ****
--- 50,56 ----
static int proto_clnp = -1;
static gint ett_clnp = -1;
+ static gint ett_clnp_disc_pdu = -1;
static int proto_cotp = -1;
static gint ett_cotp = -1;
static int proto_cltp = -1;
*** 1555,1560 ****
--- 1556,1563 ----
u_char src_len, dst_len, nsel, opt_len = 0;
guint8 *dst_addr, *src_addr;
guint len;
+ guint next_length;
+ proto_tree *discpdu_tree;
tvbuff_t *next_tvb;
CHECK_DISPLAY_AS_DATA(proto_clnp, tvb, pinfo, tree);
*** 1765,1773 ****
case ER_NPDU:
/* The payload is the header and "none, some, or all of the data
part of the discarded PDU", i.e. it's like an ICMP error;
! just as we don't yet trust ourselves to be able to dissect
! the payload of an ICMP error packet, we don't yet trust
! ourselves to dissect the payload of a CLNP ER packet. */
case ERQ_NPDU:
--- 1768,1790 ----
case ER_NPDU:
/* The payload is the header and "none, some, or all of the data
part of the discarded PDU", i.e. it's like an ICMP error;
! dissect it as a CLNP PDU. */
! if (tree) {
! next_length = tvb_length_remaining(tvb, offset);
! if (next_length != 0) {
! /* We have payload; dissect it.
! Make the columns non-writable, so the packet isn't shown
! in the summary based on what the discarded PDU's contents
! are. */
! col_set_writable(pinfo->fd, FALSE);
! ti = proto_tree_add_text(clnp_tree, tvb, offset, next_length,
! "Discarded PDU");
! discpdu_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(ti, ett_clnp_disc_pdu);
! next_tvb = tvb_new_subset(tvb, offset, -1, -1);
! dissect_clnp(next_tvb, pinfo, discpdu_tree);
! offset += next_length;
! }
! }
case ERQ_NPDU:
*** 1823,1828 ****
--- 1840,1846 ----
static gint *ett[] = {
+ &ett_clnp_disc_pdu,
module_t *clnp_module;