Ethereal-dev: Re: [Ethereal-dev] selecting capture encoding in wiretap

Note: This archive is from the project's previous web site, This list is no longer active.

From: Paul Ionescu <paul@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 28 Oct 2000 23:14:20 +0300
Guy Harris wrote:
> Wiretap could be linked with:
>         a line-oriented tty program such as Tethereal;
>         a GUI program such as Ethereal;
>         a "curses"-based program;
>         a daemon that doesn't have a user with which to interact;
> so Wiretap *can't* directly interact with the user; it'd have to return
> some indication to the program and have the *program* interact with the
> user (or, if it's a daemon, return to the client some indication that
> the *client* should interact with the user), and somehow allow the
> program to tell Wiretap how to open the file, or it'd have to take as an
> argument a routine that would do all the user interaction, so that the
> program could supply such a routine.
Yes, one of the possible solution would be to pass from the client
program (ethereal,tethereal,etc) to the wiretap, the type of the file
and the enconding of the file it is about to read and skip the
This could be implemented in the Open window or/and Capture window

Another problem:
I want to capture from a named pipe or stdin ("ethereal -i -"). It works
ONLY if the data from stdin or pipe is in libpcap format.
If I want to live capture from a pppdump trace ( tail -f /pppdump |
ethereal -i - ), it does not work.


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