On Sun, Oct 08, 2000 at 07:14:51AM +0100, Isaac Wilcox wrote:
> 3. The mailing lists seem to be full of people asking why their capture
> filters won't parse. I certainly got caught out by this. The way I see it,
> the problem is threefold.
The way *I* see it (given the sort of capture filters people have, as I
remember, tried and failed to use), the main problem is that the capture
filter and display filter syntaxes are quite different; at some point, I
plan to look at having a capture filter parser that reads filter
expressions with a similar syntax to that of display filters, and
generates libpcap-style capture filters. (For now, I'm waiting for
Gilbert's rewrite of the display filter code, so that I can steal some
of it for the capture filter code.)
I'm not convinced that changing the buttons or dialogs, or separating
the storage for the two kinds of filters, will make much of a difference
- they may be worth doing for *other* reasons, but I doubt they'd keep
many people from assuming that capture filters have a syntax like that
of display filters.