> I ended up changing the Preferences dialog code and behavior. There's
> now an "Apply" button on the Preferences dialog, which applies the
> preferences without dismissing the dialog box. In the GUI preference
> tab, changing the settings doesn't cause the new setting to take effect
> immediately - the setting doesn't take effect until "OK", "Save", or
> "Apply" is clicked. ("Save" has always had an implied "Apply".)
So Apply sets the options for the current running instance of Ethereal, but
doesn't save them to the prefs file ?
> In addition, closing the Preferences dialog box from the window manager
> is equivalent to pressing "Cancel" - it reverts all preference settings
> to the values they had when the dialog box was popped up.
It undoes changes set by Apply ?
> Making font changes apply to the hex dump window is more work - for the
> packet list and protocol tree window, all I had to do was change the
> style of the widget to a new style with the new font (I also changed the
> protocol tree code so that the tree widget as a whole has the style,
> rather than setting the style for each entry), but for the hex dump
> window, the window would have to be redrawn - I'd have to make sure
> that, regardless of whether any field is selected or not, information
> sufficient to figure what, if anything, is to be boldfaced is available.
I should probably commit my changes for the hex dump bold/inverse option
then. That already redraws the hex dump data when the mode is changed by
the prefs widget. I'd also modified the Cancel method of guiprefs so that
only those items that were actually modified were redrawn.
Unfortunately this has to wait until I get home this evening, I'd hoped to
commit them last night, but had to spend some time catching up with the
changes for the font selector.
Graham Bloice