Ethereal-dev: [ethereal-dev] Decoding OSI Transport protocol

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From: "Norbert v. Bolhuis" <nvbolhuis@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2000 10:40:17 +0200 (MET DST)
It looks like the OSI CLNP packet dissector (packet-clnp.[ch]) contains
code to decode the OSI Transport protocol.

Is this true ?
Anybody know how to activiate this ?

I would like ethereal to decode the OSI transport protocol. Problem, of course,
is that there is no way to know whether CLNP carries Transport PDUs. This depends
on the local network selector of the OSI End system.

| Norbert van Bolhuis                                         |
|                                                             |
| Lucent Technologies, Bell Labs Innovations                  |
| System Lab III, DCN Domain Team (formerly OSI-P group)      |
| A member of the Bell Laboratories organization              |
| Room HD-353, Ext 4696, Huizen                               |
|                                                             |
| Visiting address:      Phone     : + 31 (0) 35 687 4696     |
| Botterstraat 45        Fax       : + 31 (0) 35 687 5976     |
| 1271 XL  Huizen        E-mail    : nvbolhuis@xxxxxxxxxx     |
| The Netherlands        Snail-mail: PO BOX 18, 1270AA Huizen |