Ethereal-dev: [ethereal-dev] problems with 0.8.1
Note: This archive is from the project's previous web site, This list is no longer active.
From: "Marty Leisner" <leisner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2000 00:08:45 -0500
Sorry I didn't look into fixing the problem... When I look at the following trace file (attached), the end of the "contents of TCP stream" says: %-12345X@PJL @PJL EOJ NAME = "jqm:4610779.1" @PJL RDYMSG DISPLAY = " jqm:4610779.1*" dieresis/yacute/thorn/ydieresis]def EncodeDict/256 CharCol256Encoding put %%EndResource end reinitialize %%IncludeResource: font Times It should really stop at this packet: 70 2d 70 72 6f 74 65 63 74 20 50 53 2d 65 6e 76 2d -protect .PS-env- 0080 72 65 73 74 6f 72 65 0d 0a 50 53 2d 65 6e 64 2d restore. .PS-end- 0090 6f 66 2d 63 6f 70 79 0a 50 53 2d 65 6e 64 2d 6f of-copy. PS-end-o 00a0 66 2d 64 6f 63 0a 50 53 2d 73 61 76 65 2d 64 6f f-doc.PS -save-do 00b0 63 20 50 53 2d 65 6e 76 2d 72 65 73 74 6f 72 65 c.PS-env -restore 00c0 0a 50 53 2d 66 69 6e 61 6c 69 7a 65 0a 04 1b 25 .PS-fina lize...% 00d0 2d 31 32 33 34 35 58 40 50 4a 4c 0a 40 50 4a 4c -12345X@ PJL.@PJL 00e0 20 45 4f 4a 20 4e 41 4d 45 20 3d 20 22 6a 71 6d .EOJ.NAM E.=."jqm 00f0 3a 34 36 31 30 37 37 39 2e 31 22 0a 40 50 4a 4c :4610779 .1".@PJL 0100 20 52 44 59 4d 53 47 20 44 49 53 50 4c 41 59 20 .RDYMSG. DISPLAY. 0110 3d 20 22 20 20 6a 71 6d 3a 34 36 31 30 37 37 39 =."..jqm :4610779 0120 2e 31 2a 22 0a .1*". Also some things I noticed/have questions/comments on: 1) is there a way to display data as ascii (instead of combination ascii/hex) 2) in the "contents of tcp stream", the escape characters are shown (but they appear when I pasted it into exmh) 3) It seems I need to start 3 ethereals to do what I want: a client side a server side one for both in order to get these views of the conversation. BTW, I really am impressed by ethereal... (pcap is attached) Marty Leisner leisner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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