Ethereal-dev: [ethereal-dev] Re: Attempting to install ethereal-0.6.2

Note: This archive is from the project's previous web site, This list is no longer active.

From: Gilbert Ramirez <gram@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 3 Nov 1999 14:45:28 -0600
On Tue, Nov 02, 1999 at 12:06:40PM -0600, Fennema, Jeremy (GEIS) wrote:
> Gilbert,
> I have been trying to get the depot version of ethereal-0.6.2 which I
> downloaded off of the HP-UX Porting Archive ( to install
> on an HP D390 running 10.20.  But, I can't get it to go and I was wondering
> if you could help me.  swinstall is telling me that I am missing
> glib.glib-SHLIBS as a corequisite, but I'm not sure where to get that. I've
> installed gcc, glib 1.2.6, and gtk+ 1.2.6 all from the Porting Archive, but
> none of them include the glib.glib-SHLIBS.  glib 1.2.6 only contains
> glib.glib-RUN.
> If you could give me a head's up I appreciate it.
> Thanks.
> Jeremy Fennema

I'm not familiar with the HP-UX packaging, but it sounds like
either the glib or the ethereal package has incorrect dependencies, and
not that you have something installed incorrectly.

It sounds like the ethereal package, which is old, since the current
version of Ethereal is 0.7.7, was made at a time when the glib
package (or possible a glib-devel package???) provided glib.glib-SHLIBS.
Now glib only provides glib.glib-RUN. You might try to find who
packaged ethereal for HPUX and see if they can't update the package,
with newer source code and newer dependencies.

Also, if you have a compiler installed, you could compile from source.

I'm copying this to the ethereal-users and ethereal-dev mailing lists
in case someone knows the answer to you question.
