The former. Many packages do this for the GNU RX and nls stuff. Just add a
"--with-included-libpcap" option to configure to trigger using that one
I doubt most people have libpcap installed. Worst case scenario - it wastes
a bit of space, best case scenario is it makes it alot quicker and easier to
install ethereal.
Not sure if the licensing would be an issue or not though.
-- Nathan
Nathan Neulinger EMail: nneul@xxxxxxx
University of Missouri - Rolla Phone: (573) 341-4841
Computing Services Fax: (573) 341-4216
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Guy Harris [mailto:guy@xxxxxxxxxx]
> Sent: Tuesday, October 19, 1999 1:44 PM
> To: Neulinger, Nathan R.
> Cc: 'Gilbert Ramirez'; Thomas Parvais; ethereal-dev@xxxxxxxx
> Subject: Re: [ethereal-dev] slow capture ?
> > He's probably just forgotten to put the libpcap patch on...
> I had the same
> > problems when I first looked at ethereal a long time ago.
> >
> > Any plans to integrate that into the distribution - perhaps
> as a subdir that
> > is configured at the same time as ethereal?
> Integrate "libpcap" in its entirety, with the patch applied, into the
> distribution, in a subdirectory, or include the patch as part of the
> distribution (and possibly have the "configure" script, if it's on a
> Linux system, try to determine if the patch has already been applied,
> e.g. by seeing if the "libpcap" library includes a call to
> "select()")?