Display Filter Reference: Common Image Generator Interface
Protocol field name: cigi
Versions: 1.0.0 to 3.4.5
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Field name | Description | Type | Versions |
cigi.3_2_los_ext_response | Line of Sight Extended Response | Label | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.3_2_los_ext_response.alpha | Alpha | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.3_2_los_ext_response.alt_zoff | Altitude (m)/Z Offset(m) | Floating point (double-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.3_2_los_ext_response.blue | Blue | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.3_2_los_ext_response.entity_id | Entity ID | Unsigned integer, 2 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.3_2_los_ext_response.entity_id_valid | Entity ID Valid | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.3_2_los_ext_response.green | Green | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.3_2_los_ext_response.host_frame_number_lsn | Host Frame Number LSN | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.3_2_los_ext_response.lat_xoff | Latitude (degrees)/X Offset (m) | Floating point (double-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.3_2_los_ext_response.lon_yoff | Longitude (degrees)/Y Offset (m) | Floating point (double-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.3_2_los_ext_response.los_id | LOS ID | Unsigned integer, 2 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.3_2_los_ext_response.material_code | Material Code | Unsigned integer, 4 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.3_2_los_ext_response.normal_vector_azimuth | Normal Vector Azimuth (degrees) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.3_2_los_ext_response.normal_vector_elevation | Normal Vector Elevation (degrees) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.3_2_los_ext_response.range | Range (m) | Floating point (double-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.3_2_los_ext_response.range_valid | Range Valid | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.3_2_los_ext_response.red | Red | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.3_2_los_ext_response.response_count | Response Count | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.3_2_los_ext_response.valid | Valid | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.3_2_los_ext_response.visible | Visible | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.aerosol_concentration_response | Aerosol Concentration Response | Label | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.aerosol_concentration_response.aerosol_concentration | Aerosol Concentration (g/m^3) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.aerosol_concentration_response.layer_id | Layer ID | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.aerosol_concentration_response.request_id | Request ID | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.animation_stop_notification | Animation Stop Notification | Label | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.animation_stop_notification.entity_id | Entity ID | Unsigned integer, 2 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.art_part_control | Articulated Parts Control | Label | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.art_part_control.entity_id | Entity ID | Unsigned integer, 2 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.art_part_control.part_enable | Articulated Part Enable | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.art_part_control.part_id | Articulated Part ID | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.art_part_control.part_state | Articulated Part State | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.art_part_control.pitch | Pitch (degrees) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.art_part_control.pitch_enable | Pitch Enable | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.art_part_control.roll | Roll (degrees) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.art_part_control.roll_enable | Roll Enable | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.art_part_control.x_offset | X Offset (m) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.art_part_control.xoff | X Offset (m) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.art_part_control.xoff_enable | X Offset Enable | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.art_part_control.y_offset | Y Offset (m) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.art_part_control.yaw | Yaw (degrees) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.art_part_control.yaw_enable | Yaw Enable | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.art_part_control.yoff | Y Offset (m) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.art_part_control.yoff_enable | Y Offset Enable | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.art_part_control.z_offset | Z Offset (m) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.art_part_control.zoff | Z Offset (m) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.art_part_control.zoff_enable | Z Offset Enable | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.atmosphere_control | Atmosphere Control | Label | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.atmosphere_control.air_temp | Global Air Temperature (degrees C) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.atmosphere_control.atmospheric_model_enable | Atmospheric Model Enable | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.atmosphere_control.barometric_pressure | Global Barometric Pressure (mb or hPa) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.atmosphere_control.horiz_wind | Global Horizontal Wind Speed (m/s) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.atmosphere_control.humidity | Global Humidity (%) | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.atmosphere_control.vert_wind | Global Vertical Wind Speed (m/s) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.atmosphere_control.visibility_range | Global Visibility Range (m) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.atmosphere_control.wind_direction | Global Wind Direction (degrees) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.byte_swap | Byte Swap | Unsigned integer, 2 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.celestial_sphere_control | Celestial Sphere Control | Label | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.celestial_sphere_control.date | Date (MMDDYYYY) | Unsigned integer, 4 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.celestial_sphere_control.date_time_valid | Date/Time Valid | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.celestial_sphere_control.ephemeris_enable | Ephemeris Model Enable | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.celestial_sphere_control.hour | Hour (h) | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.celestial_sphere_control.minute | Minute (min) | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.celestial_sphere_control.moon_enable | Moon Enable | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.celestial_sphere_control.star_enable | Star Field Enable | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.celestial_sphere_control.star_intensity | Star Field Intensity (%) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.celestial_sphere_control.sun_enable | Sun Enable | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.coll_det_seg_def | Collision Detection Segment Definition | Label | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.coll_det_seg_def.collision_mask | Collision Mask | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.coll_det_seg_def.entity_id | Entity ID | Unsigned integer, 2 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.coll_det_seg_def.material_mask | Material Mask | Unsigned integer, 4 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.coll_det_seg_def.segment_enable | Segment Enable | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.coll_det_seg_def.segment_id | Segment ID | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.coll_det_seg_def.x1 | X1 (m) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.coll_det_seg_def.x2 | X2 (m) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.coll_det_seg_def.x_end | Segment X End (m) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.coll_det_seg_def.x_start | Segment X Start (m) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.coll_det_seg_def.y1 | Y1 (m) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.coll_det_seg_def.y2 | Y2 (m) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.coll_det_seg_def.y_end | Segment Y End (m) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.coll_det_seg_def.y_start | Segment Y Start (m) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.coll_det_seg_def.z1 | Z1 (m) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.coll_det_seg_def.z2 | Z2 (m) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.coll_det_seg_def.z_end | Segment Z End (m) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.coll_det_seg_def.z_start | Segment Z Start (m) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.coll_det_seg_notification | Collision Detection Segment Notification | Label | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.coll_det_seg_notification.contacted_entity_id | Contacted Entity ID | Unsigned integer, 2 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.coll_det_seg_notification.entity_id | Entity ID | Unsigned integer, 2 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.coll_det_seg_notification.intersection_distance | Intersection Distance (m) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.coll_det_seg_notification.material_code | Material Code | Unsigned integer, 4 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.coll_det_seg_notification.segment_id | Segment ID | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.coll_det_seg_notification.type | Collision Type | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.coll_det_seg_response | Collision Detection Segment Response | Label | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.coll_det_seg_response.collision_x | Collision Point X (m) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.coll_det_seg_response.collision_y | Collision Point Y (m) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.coll_det_seg_response.collision_z | Collision Point Z (m) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.coll_det_seg_response.contact | Entity/Non-Entity Contact | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.coll_det_seg_response.contacted_entity | Contacted Entity ID | Unsigned integer, 2 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.coll_det_seg_response.entity_id | Entity ID | Unsigned integer, 2 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.coll_det_seg_response.material_type | Material Type | Signed integer, 4 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.coll_det_seg_response.segment_id | Segment ID | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.coll_det_vol_def | Collision Detection Volume Definition | Label | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.coll_det_vol_def.depth | Depth (m) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.coll_det_vol_def.entity_id | Entity ID | Unsigned integer, 2 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.coll_det_vol_def.height | Height (m) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.coll_det_vol_def.pitch | Pitch (degrees) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.coll_det_vol_def.radius_height | Radius (m)/Height (m) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.coll_det_vol_def.roll | Roll (degrees) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.coll_det_vol_def.volume_enable | Volume Enable | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.coll_det_vol_def.volume_id | Volume ID | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.coll_det_vol_def.volume_type | Volume Type | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.coll_det_vol_def.width | Width (m) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.coll_det_vol_def.x | X (m) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.coll_det_vol_def.x_offset | Centroid X Offset (m) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.coll_det_vol_def.y | Y (m) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.coll_det_vol_def.y_offset | Centroid Y Offset (m) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.coll_det_vol_def.yaw | Yaw (degrees) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.coll_det_vol_def.z | Z (m) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.coll_det_vol_def.z_offset | Centroid Z Offset (m) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.coll_det_vol_notification | Collision Detection Volume Notification | Label | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.coll_det_vol_notification.contacted_entity_id | Contacted Entity ID | Unsigned integer, 2 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.coll_det_vol_notification.contacted_volume_id | Contacted Volume ID | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.coll_det_vol_notification.entity_id | Entity ID | Unsigned integer, 2 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.coll_det_vol_notification.type | Collision Type | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.coll_det_vol_notification.volume_id | Volume ID | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.coll_det_vol_response | Collision Detection Volume Response | Label | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.coll_det_vol_response.contact | Entity/Non-Entity Contact | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.coll_det_vol_response.contact_entity | Contacted Entity ID | Unsigned integer, 2 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.coll_det_vol_response.entity_id | Entity ID | Unsigned integer, 2 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.coll_det_vol_response.volume_id | Volume ID | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.component_control | Component Control | Label | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.component_control.component_class | Component Class | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.component_control.component_id | Component ID | Unsigned integer, 2 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.component_control.component_state | Component State | Unsigned integer, 2 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.component_control.component_val1 | Component Value 1 | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.component_control.component_val2 | Component Value 2 | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.component_control.data_1 | Component Data 1 | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.component_control.data_2 | Component Data 2 | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.component_control.data_3 | Component Data 3 | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.component_control.data_4 | Component Data 4 | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.component_control.data_5 | Component Data 5 | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.component_control.data_6 | Component Data 6 | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.component_control.instance_id | Instance ID | Unsigned integer, 2 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.conformal_clamped_entity_control | Conformal Clamped Entity Control | Label | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.conformal_clamped_entity_control.entity_id | Entity ID | Unsigned integer, 2 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.conformal_clamped_entity_control.lat | Latitude (degrees) | Floating point (double-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.conformal_clamped_entity_control.lon | Longitude (degrees) | Floating point (double-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.conformal_clamped_entity_control.yaw | Yaw (degrees) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.data | Data | Sequence of bytes | 2.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.destport | Destination Port | Unsigned integer, 2 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.earth_ref_model_def | Earth Reference Model Definition | Label | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.earth_ref_model_def.equatorial_radius | Equatorial Radius (m) | Floating point (double-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.earth_ref_model_def.erm_enable | Custom ERM Enable | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.earth_ref_model_def.flattening | Flattening (m) | Floating point (double-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.entity_control | Entity Control | Label | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.entity_control.alpha | Alpha | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.entity_control.alt | Altitude (m) | Floating point (double-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.entity_control.alt_zoff | Altitude (m)/Z Offset (m) | Floating point (double-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.entity_control.animation_dir | Animation Direction | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.entity_control.animation_loop_mode | Animation Loop Mode | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.entity_control.animation_state | Animation State | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.entity_control.attach_state | Attach State | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.entity_control.coll_det_request | Collision Detection Request | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.entity_control.collision_detect | Collision Detection Request | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.entity_control.effect_state | Effect Animation State | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.entity_control.entity_id | Entity ID | Unsigned integer, 2 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.entity_control.entity_state | Entity State | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.entity_control.entity_type | Entity Type | Unsigned integer, 2 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.entity_control.extrapolation_enable | Linear Extrapolation/Interpolation Enable | Boolean | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.entity_control.ground_ocean_clamp | Ground/Ocean Clamp | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.entity_control.inherit_alpha | Inherit Alpha | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.entity_control.internal_temp | Internal Temperature (degrees C) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.entity_control.lat | Latitude (degrees) | Floating point (double-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.entity_control.lat_xoff | Latitude (degrees)/X Offset (m) | Floating point (double-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.entity_control.lon | Longitude (degrees) | Floating point (double-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.entity_control.lon_yoff | Longitude (degrees)/Y Offset (m) | Floating point (double-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.entity_control.opacity | Percent Opacity | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.entity_control.parent_id | Parent Entity ID | Unsigned integer, 2 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.entity_control.pitch | Pitch (degrees) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.entity_control.roll | Roll (degrees) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.entity_control.type | Entity Type | Unsigned integer, 2 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.entity_control.yaw | Yaw (degrees) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.entity_control_heading | Heading (degrees) | Floating point (single-precision) | 2.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.entity_control_pitch | Pitch (degrees) | Floating point (single-precision) | 2.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.env_cond_request | Environmental Conditions Request | Label | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.env_cond_request.alt | Altitude (m) | Floating point (double-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.env_cond_request.id | Request ID | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.env_cond_request.lat | Latitude (degrees) | Floating point (double-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.env_cond_request.lon | Longitude (degrees) | Floating point (double-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.env_cond_request.type | Request Type | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.env_control | Environment Control | Label | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.env_control.aerosol | Aerosol (gm/m^3) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.env_control.air_temp | Air Temperature (degrees C) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.env_control.date | Date (MMDDYYYY) | Signed integer, 4 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.env_control.ephemeris_enable | Ephemeris Enable | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.env_control.global_visibility | Global Visibility (m) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.env_control.hour | Hour (h) | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.env_control.humidity | Humidity (%) | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.env_control.minute | Minute (min) | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.env_control.modtran_enable | MODTRAN | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.env_control.pressure | Barometric Pressure (mb) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.env_control.wind_direction | Wind Direction (degrees) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.env_control.wind_speed | Wind Speed (m/s) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.env_region_control | Environmental Region Control | Label | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.env_region_control.corner_radius | Corner Radius (m) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.env_region_control.lat | Latitude (degrees) | Floating point (double-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.env_region_control.lon | Longitude (degrees) | Floating point (double-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.env_region_control.merge_aerosol | Merge Aerosol Concentrations | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.env_region_control.merge_maritime | Merge Maritime Surface Conditions | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.env_region_control.merge_terrestrial | Merge Terrestrial Surface Conditions | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.env_region_control.merge_weather | Merge Weather Properties | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.env_region_control.region_id | Region ID | Unsigned integer, 2 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.env_region_control.region_state | Region State | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.env_region_control.rotation | Rotation (degrees) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.env_region_control.size_x | Size X (m) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.env_region_control.size_y | Size Y (m) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.env_region_control.transition_perimeter | Transition Perimeter (m) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.event_notification | Event Notification | Label | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.event_notification.data_1 | Event Data 1 | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.event_notification.data_2 | Event Data 2 | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.event_notification.data_3 | Event Data 3 | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.event_notification.event_id | Event ID | Unsigned integer, 2 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.frame_size | Frame Size (bytes) | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.hat_hot_ext_response | HAT/HOT Extended Response | Label | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.hat_hot_ext_response.hat | HAT | Floating point (double-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.hat_hot_ext_response.hat_hot_id | HAT/HOT ID | Unsigned integer, 2 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.hat_hot_ext_response.host_frame_number_lsn | Host Frame Number LSN | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.hat_hot_ext_response.hot | HOT | Floating point (double-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.hat_hot_ext_response.material_code | Material Code | Unsigned integer, 4 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.hat_hot_ext_response.normal_vector_azimuth | Normal Vector Azimuth (degrees) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.hat_hot_ext_response.normal_vector_elevation | Normal Vector Elevation (degrees) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.hat_hot_ext_response.valid | Valid | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.hat_hot_request | HAT/HOT Request | Label | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.hat_hot_request.alt_zoff | Altitude (m)/Z Offset (m) | Floating point (double-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.hat_hot_request.coordinate_system | Coordinate System | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.hat_hot_request.entity_id | Entity ID | Unsigned integer, 2 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.hat_hot_request.hat_hot_id | HAT/HOT ID | Unsigned integer, 2 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.hat_hot_request.lat_xoff | Latitude (degrees)/X Offset (m) | Floating point (double-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.hat_hot_request.lon_yoff | Longitude (degrees)/Y Offset (m) | Floating point (double-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.hat_hot_request.type | Request Type | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.hat_hot_request.update_period | Update Period | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.hat_hot_response | HAT/HOT Response | Label | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.hat_hot_response.hat_hot_id | HAT/HOT ID | Unsigned integer, 2 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.hat_hot_response.height | Height | Floating point (double-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.hat_hot_response.host_frame_number_lsn | Host Frame Number LSN | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.hat_hot_response.type | Response Type | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.hat_hot_response.valid | Valid | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.hat_request | Height Above Terrain Request | Label | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.hat_request.alt | Altitude (m) | Floating point (double-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.hat_request.hat_id | HAT ID | Unsigned integer, 2 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.hat_request.lat | Latitude (degrees) | Floating point (double-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.hat_request.lon | Longitude (degrees) | Floating point (double-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.hat_response | Height Above Terrain Response | Label | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.hat_response.alt | Altitude (m) | Floating point (double-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.hat_response.hat_id | HAT ID | Unsigned integer, 2 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.hat_response.material_type | Material Type | Signed integer, 4 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.hat_response.valid | Valid | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.hot_request | Height of Terrain Request | Label | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.hot_request.hot_id | HOT ID | Unsigned integer, 2 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.hot_request.lat | Latitude (degrees) | Floating point (double-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.hot_request.lon | Longitude (degrees) | Floating point (double-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.hot_response | Height of Terrain Response | Label | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.hot_response.alt | Altitude (m) | Floating point (double-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.hot_response.hot_id | HOT ID | Unsigned integer, 2 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.hot_response.material_type | Material Type | Signed integer, 4 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.hot_response.valid | Valid | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.ig_control | IG Control | Label | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.ig_control.boresight | Tracking Device Boresight | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.ig_control.db_number | Database Number | Signed integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.ig_control.extrapolation_enable | Extrapolation/Interpolation Enable | Boolean | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.ig_control.frame_ctr | Frame Counter | Unsigned integer, 4 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.ig_control.host_frame_number | Host Frame Number | Unsigned integer, 4 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.ig_control.ig_mode | IG Mode Change Request | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.ig_control.last_ig_frame_number | IG Frame Number | Unsigned integer, 4 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.ig_control.minor_version | Minor Version | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.4.3 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.ig_control.time_tag | Timing Value (microseconds) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.ig_control.timestamp | Timestamp (microseconds) | Unsigned integer, 4 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.ig_control.timestamp_valid | Timestamp Valid | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.ig_control.tracking_enable | Tracking Device Enable | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.image_generator_message | Image Generator Message | Label | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.image_generator_message.message | Message | Character string | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.image_generator_message.message_id | Message ID | Unsigned integer, 2 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.invalid_len | Packet offset does not match packet length | Label | 2.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.los_ext_response | Line of Sight Extended Response | Label | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.los_ext_response.alpha | Alpha | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.los_ext_response.alt_zoff | Altitude (m)/Z Offset(m) | Floating point (double-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.los_ext_response.blue | Blue | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.los_ext_response.entity_id | Entity ID | Unsigned integer, 2 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.los_ext_response.entity_id_valid | Entity ID Valid | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.los_ext_response.green | Green | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.los_ext_response.intersection_coord | Intersection Point Coordinate System | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.los_ext_response.lat_xoff | Latitude (degrees)/X Offset (m) | Floating point (double-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.los_ext_response.lon_yoff | Longitude (degrees)/Y Offset (m) | Floating point (double-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.los_ext_response.los_id | LOS ID | Unsigned integer, 2 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.los_ext_response.material_code | Material Code | Unsigned integer, 4 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.los_ext_response.normal_vector_azimuth | Normal Vector Azimuth (degrees) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.los_ext_response.normal_vector_elevation | Normal Vector Elevation (degrees) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.los_ext_response.range | Range (m) | Floating point (double-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.los_ext_response.range_valid | Range Valid | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.los_ext_response.red | Red | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.los_ext_response.response_count | Response Count | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.los_ext_response.valid | Valid | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.los_ext_response.visible | Visible | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.los_occult_request | Line of Sight Occult Request | Label | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.los_occult_request.dest_alt | Destination Altitude (m) | Floating point (double-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.los_occult_request.dest_lat | Destination Latitude (degrees) | Floating point (double-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.los_occult_request.dest_lon | Destination Longitude (degrees) | Floating point (double-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.los_occult_request.los_id | LOS ID | Unsigned integer, 2 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.los_occult_request.source_alt | Source Altitude (m) | Floating point (double-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.los_occult_request.source_lat | Source Latitude (degrees) | Floating point (double-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.los_occult_request.source_lon | Source Longitude (degrees) | Floating point (double-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.los_range_request | Line of Sight Range Request | Label | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.los_range_request.azimuth | Azimuth (degrees) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.los_range_request.elevation | Elevation (degrees) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.los_range_request.los_id | LOS ID | Unsigned integer, 2 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.los_range_request.max_range | Maximum Range (m) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.los_range_request.min_range | Minimum Range (m) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.los_range_request.source_alt | Source Altitude (m) | Floating point (double-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.los_range_request.source_lat | Source Latitude (degrees) | Floating point (double-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.los_range_request.source_lon | Source Longitude (degrees) | Floating point (double-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.los_response | Line of Sight Response | Label | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.los_response.alt | Intersection Altitude (m) | Floating point (double-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.los_response.count | Response Count | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.los_response.entity_id | Entity ID | Unsigned integer, 2 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.los_response.entity_id_valid | Entity ID Valid | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.los_response.host_frame_number_lsn | Host Frame Number LSN | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.los_response.lat | Intersection Latitude (degrees) | Floating point (double-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.los_response.lon | Intersection Longitude (degrees) | Floating point (double-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.los_response.los_id | LOS ID | Unsigned integer, 2 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.los_response.material_type | Material Type | Signed integer, 4 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.los_response.occult_response | Occult Response | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.los_response.range | Range (m) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.los_response.valid | Valid | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.los_response.visible | Visible | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.los_segment_request | Line of Sight Segment Request | Label | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.los_segment_request.alpha_threshold | Alpha Threshold | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.los_segment_request.destination_alt_zoff | Destination Altitude (m)/ Destination Z Offset (m) | Floating point (double-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.los_segment_request.destination_coord | Destination Point Coordinate System | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.los_segment_request.destination_entity_id | Destination Entity ID | Unsigned integer, 2 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.los_segment_request.destination_entity_id_valid | Destination Entity ID Valid | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.los_segment_request.destination_lat_xoff | Destination Latitude (degrees)/ Destination X Offset (m) | Floating point (double-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.los_segment_request.destination_lon_yoff | Destination Longitude (degrees)/Destination Y Offset (m) | Floating point (double-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.los_segment_request.entity_id | Entity ID | Unsigned integer, 2 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.los_segment_request.los_id | LOS ID | Unsigned integer, 2 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.los_segment_request.material_mask | Material Mask | Unsigned integer, 4 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.los_segment_request.response_coord | Response Coordinate System | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.los_segment_request.source_alt_zoff | Source Altitude (m)/Source Z Offset (m) | Floating point (double-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.los_segment_request.source_coord | Source Point Coordinate System | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.los_segment_request.source_lat_xoff | Source Latitude (degrees)/Source X Offset (m) | Floating point (double-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.los_segment_request.source_lon_yoff | Source Longitude (degrees)/Source Y Offset (m) | Floating point (double-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.los_segment_request.type | Request Type | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.los_segment_request.update_period | Update Period | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.los_vector_request | Line of Sight Vector Request | Label | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.los_vector_request.alpha | Alpha Threshold | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.los_vector_request.azimuth | Azimuth (degrees) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.los_vector_request.elevation | Elevation (degrees) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.los_vector_request.entity_id | Entity ID | Unsigned integer, 2 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.los_vector_request.los_id | LOS ID | Unsigned integer, 2 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.los_vector_request.material_mask | Material Mask | Unsigned integer, 4 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.los_vector_request.max_range | Maximum Range (m) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.los_vector_request.min_range | Minimum Range (m) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.los_vector_request.response_coord | Response Coordinate System | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.los_vector_request.source_alt_zoff | Source Altitude (m)/Source Z Offset (m) | Floating point (double-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.los_vector_request.source_coord | Source Point Coordinate System | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.los_vector_request.source_lat_xoff | Source Latitude (degrees)/Source X Offset (m) | Floating point (double-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.los_vector_request.source_lon_yoff | Source Longitude (degrees)/Source Y Offset (m) | Floating point (double-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.los_vector_request.type | Request Type | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.los_vector_request.update_period | Update Period | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.maritime_surface_conditions_control | Maritime Surface Conditions Control | Label | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.maritime_surface_conditions_control.entity_region_id | Entity ID/Region ID | Unsigned integer, 2 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.maritime_surface_conditions_control.scope | Scope | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.maritime_surface_conditions_control.sea_surface_height | Sea Surface Height (m) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.maritime_surface_conditions_control.surface_clarity | Surface Clarity (%) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.maritime_surface_conditions_control.surface_conditions_enable | Surface Conditions Enable | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.maritime_surface_conditions_control.surface_water_temp | Surface Water Temperature (degrees C) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.maritime_surface_conditions_control.whitecap_enable | Whitecap Enable | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.maritime_surface_conditions_response | Maritime Surface Conditions Response | Label | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.maritime_surface_conditions_response.request_id | Request ID | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.maritime_surface_conditions_response.sea_surface_height | Sea Surface Height (m) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.maritime_surface_conditions_response.surface_clarity | Surface Clarity (%) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.maritime_surface_conditions_response.surface_water_temp | Surface Water Temperature (degrees C) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.motion_tracker_control | Motion Tracker Control | Label | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.motion_tracker_control.boresight_enable | Boresight Enable | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.motion_tracker_control.pitch_enable | Pitch Enable | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.motion_tracker_control.roll_enable | Roll Enable | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.motion_tracker_control.tracker_enable | Tracker Enable | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.motion_tracker_control.tracker_id | Tracker ID | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.motion_tracker_control.view_group_id | View/View Group ID | Unsigned integer, 2 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.motion_tracker_control.view_group_select | View/View Group Select | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.motion_tracker_control.x_enable | X Enable | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.motion_tracker_control.y_enable | Y Enable | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.motion_tracker_control.yaw_enable | Yaw Enable | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.motion_tracker_control.z_enable | Z Enable | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.packet_id | Packet ID | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.packet_size | Packet Size (bytes) | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.port | Source or Destination Port | Unsigned integer, 2 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.pos_request | Position Request | Label | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.pos_request.coord_system | Coordinate System | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.pos_request.object_class | Object Class | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.pos_request.object_id | Object ID | Unsigned integer, 2 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.pos_request.part_id | Articulated Part ID | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.pos_request.update_mode | Update Mode | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.pos_response | Position Response | Label | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.pos_response.alt_zoff | Altitude (m)/Z Offset (m) | Floating point (double-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.pos_response.coord_system | Coordinate System | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.pos_response.lat_xoff | Latitude (degrees)/X Offset (m) | Floating point (double-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.pos_response.lon_yoff | Longitude (degrees)/Y Offset (m) | Floating point (double-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.pos_response.object_class | Object Class | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.pos_response.object_id | Object ID | Unsigned integer, 2 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.pos_response.part_id | Articulated Part ID | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.pos_response.pitch | Pitch (degrees) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.pos_response.roll | Roll (degrees) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.pos_response.yaw | Yaw (degrees) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.rate_control | Rate Control | Label | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.rate_control.apply_to_part | Apply to Articulated Part | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.rate_control.coordinate_system | Coordinate System | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.rate_control.entity_id | Entity ID | Unsigned integer, 2 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.rate_control.part_id | Articulated Part ID | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.rate_control.pitch_rate | Pitch Angular Rate (degrees/s) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.rate_control.roll_rate | Roll Angular Rate (degrees/s) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.rate_control.x_rate | X Linear Rate (m/s) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.rate_control.y_rate | Y Linear Rate (m/s) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.rate_control.yaw_rate | Yaw Angular Rate (degrees/s) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.rate_control.z_rate | Z Linear Rate (m/s) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.sensor_control | Sensor Control | Label | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.sensor_control.ac_coupling | AC Coupling | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.sensor_control.auto_gain | Automatic Gain | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.sensor_control.gain | Gain | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.sensor_control.level | Level | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.sensor_control.line_dropout | Line-by-Line Dropout | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.sensor_control.line_dropout_enable | Line-by-Line Dropout Enable | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.sensor_control.noise | Noise | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.sensor_control.polarity | Polarity | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.sensor_control.response_type | Response Type | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.sensor_control.sensor_enable | Sensor On/Off | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.sensor_control.sensor_id | Sensor ID | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.sensor_control.sensor_on_off | Sensor On/Off | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.sensor_control.track_mode | Track Mode | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.sensor_control.track_polarity | Track White/Black | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.sensor_control.track_white_black | Track White/Black | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.sensor_control.view_id | View ID | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.sensor_ext_response | Sensor Extended Response | Label | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.sensor_ext_response.entity_id | Entity ID | Unsigned integer, 2 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.sensor_ext_response.entity_id_valid | Entity ID Valid | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.sensor_ext_response.frame_ctr | Frame Counter | Unsigned integer, 4 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.sensor_ext_response.gate_x_pos | Gate X Position (degrees) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.sensor_ext_response.gate_x_size | Gate X Size (pixels or raster lines) | Unsigned integer, 2 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.sensor_ext_response.gate_y_pos | Gate Y Position (degrees) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.sensor_ext_response.gate_y_size | Gate Y Size (pixels or raster lines) | Unsigned integer, 2 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.sensor_ext_response.sensor_id | Sensor ID | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.sensor_ext_response.sensor_status | Sensor Status | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.sensor_ext_response.track_alt | Track Point Altitude (m) | Floating point (double-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.sensor_ext_response.track_lat | Track Point Latitude (degrees) | Floating point (double-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.sensor_ext_response.track_lon | Track Point Longitude (degrees) | Floating point (double-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.sensor_ext_response.view_id | View ID | Unsigned integer, 2 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.sensor_response | Sensor Response | Label | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.sensor_response.frame_ctr | Frame Counter | Unsigned integer, 4 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.sensor_response.gate_x_pos | Gate X Position (degrees) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.sensor_response.gate_x_size | Gate X Size (pixels or raster lines) | Unsigned integer, 2 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.sensor_response.gate_y_pos | Gate Y Position (degrees) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.sensor_response.gate_y_size | Gate Y Size (pixels or raster lines) | Unsigned integer, 2 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.sensor_response.sensor_id | Sensor ID | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.sensor_response.sensor_status | Sensor Status | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.sensor_response.status | Sensor Status | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.sensor_response.view_id | View ID | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.sensor_response.x_offset | Gate X Offset (degrees) | Unsigned integer, 2 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.sensor_response.x_size | Gate X Size | Unsigned integer, 2 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.sensor_response.y_offset | Gate Y Offset (degrees) | Unsigned integer, 2 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.sensor_response.y_size | Gate Y Size | Unsigned integer, 2 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.short_art_part_control | Short Articulated Part Control | Label | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.short_art_part_control.dof_1 | DOF 1 | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.short_art_part_control.dof_2 | DOF 2 | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.short_art_part_control.dof_select_1 | DOF Select 1 | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.short_art_part_control.dof_select_2 | DOF Select 2 | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.short_art_part_control.entity_id | Entity ID | Unsigned integer, 2 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.short_art_part_control.part_enable_1 | Articulated Part Enable 1 | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.short_art_part_control.part_enable_2 | Articulated Part Enable 2 | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.short_art_part_control.part_id_1 | Articulated Part ID 1 | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.short_art_part_control.part_id_2 | Articulated Part ID 2 | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.short_component_control | Short Component Control | Label | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.short_component_control.component_class | Component Class | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.short_component_control.component_id | Component ID | Unsigned integer, 2 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.short_component_control.component_state | Component State | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.short_component_control.data_1 | Component Data 1 | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.short_component_control.data_2 | Component Data 2 | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.short_component_control.instance_id | Instance ID | Unsigned integer, 2 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.short_symbol_control | Short Symbol Control | Character string | 1.2.0 to 1.8.15 |
cigi.short_symbol_control.alpha1 | Alpha 1 | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.short_symbol_control.alpha2 | Alpha 2 | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.short_symbol_control.attach_state | Attach State | Boolean | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.short_symbol_control.attribute_select1 | Attribute Select 1 | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.short_symbol_control.attribute_select2 | Attribute Select 2 | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.short_symbol_control.blue1 | Blue 1 | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.short_symbol_control.blue2 | Blue 2 | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.short_symbol_control.flash_control | Flash Control | Boolean | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.short_symbol_control.green1 | Green 1 | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.short_symbol_control.green2 | Green 2 | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.short_symbol_control.inherit_color | Inherit Color | Boolean | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.short_symbol_control.red1 | Red 1 | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.short_symbol_control.red2 | Red 2 | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.short_symbol_control.symbol_id | Symbol ID | Unsigned integer, 2 bytes | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.short_symbol_control.symbol_state | Symbol State | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.short_symbol_control.value1 | Value 1 | Unsigned integer, 4 bytes | 1.2.0 to 2.0.16 |
cigi.short_symbol_control.value1_float | Value 1 | Floating point (single-precision) | 2.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.short_symbol_control.value1_uint | Value 1 | Unsigned integer, 4 bytes | 2.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.short_symbol_control.value2 | Value 2 | Unsigned integer, 4 bytes | 1.2.0 to 2.0.16 |
cigi.short_symbol_control.value2_float | Value 2 | Floating point (single-precision) | 2.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.short_symbol_control.value2_uint | Value 2 | Unsigned integer, 4 bytes | 2.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.sof | Start of Frame | Label | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.sof.db_number | Database Number | Signed integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.sof.earth_reference_model | Earth Reference Model | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.sof.frame_ctr | IG to Host Frame Counter | Unsigned integer, 4 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.sof.ig_frame_number | IG Frame Number | Unsigned integer, 4 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.sof.ig_mode | IG Mode | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.sof.ig_status | IG Status Code | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.sof.ig_status_code | IG Status Code | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.sof.last_host_frame_number | Last Host Frame Number | Unsigned integer, 4 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.sof.minor_version | Minor Version | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.4.3 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.sof.time_tag | Timing Value (microseconds) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.sof.timestamp | Timestamp (microseconds) | Unsigned integer, 4 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.sof.timestamp_valid | Timestamp Valid | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.special_effect_def | Special Effect Definition | Label | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.special_effect_def.blue | Blue Color Value | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.special_effect_def.burst_interval | Burst Interval (s) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.special_effect_def.color_enable | Color Enable | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.special_effect_def.duration | Duration (s) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.special_effect_def.effect_count | Effect Count | Unsigned integer, 2 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.special_effect_def.entity_id | Entity ID | Unsigned integer, 2 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.special_effect_def.green | Green Color Value | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.special_effect_def.red | Red Color Value | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.special_effect_def.separation | Separation (m) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.special_effect_def.seq_direction | Sequence Direction | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.special_effect_def.spare | Spare | Unsigned integer, 2 bytes | 2.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.special_effect_def.time_scale | Time Scale | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.special_effect_def.x_scale | X Scale | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.special_effect_def.y_scale | Y Scale | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.special_effect_def.z_scale | Z Scale | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.srcport | Source Port | Unsigned integer, 2 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbl_circle_def.drawing_style | Drawing Style | Boolean | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbl_line_def.primitive_type | Drawing Style | Boolean | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbl_srfc_def | Symbol Surface Definition | Label | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbl_srfc_def.attach_type | Attach Type | Boolean | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbl_srfc_def.billboard | Billboard | Boolean | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbl_srfc_def.entity_view_id | Entity ID/View ID | Unsigned integer, 2 bytes | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbl_srfc_def.height | Height (m/degrees) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbl_srfc_def.max_u | Max U (surface horizontal units) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbl_srfc_def.max_v | Max V (surface vertical units) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbl_srfc_def.min_u | Min U (surface horizontal units) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbl_srfc_def.min_v | Min V (surface vertical units) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbl_srfc_def.perspective_growth_enable | Perspective Growth Enable | Boolean | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbl_srfc_def.pitch | Pitch (degrees) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbl_srfc_def.roll | Roll (degrees) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbl_srfc_def.surface_id | Surface ID | Unsigned integer, 2 bytes | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbl_srfc_def.surface_state | Surface State | Boolean | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbl_srfc_def.width | Width (m/degrees) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbl_srfc_def.xoff_left | X Offset (m)/Left | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbl_srfc_def.yaw_bottom | Yaw (degrees)/Bottom | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbl_srfc_def.yoff_right | Y Offset (m)/Right | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbl_srfc_def.zoff_top | Z Offset (m)/Top | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_circle_def | Symbol Circle Definition | Character string | 1.2.0 to 1.8.15 |
cigi.symbol_circle_def.center_u1 | Center U 1 (scaled symbol surface units) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_circle_def.center_u2 | Center U 2 (scaled symbol surface units) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_circle_def.center_u3 | Center U 3 (scaled symbol surface units) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_circle_def.center_u4 | Center U 4 (scaled symbol surface units) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_circle_def.center_u5 | Center U 5 (scaled symbol surface units) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_circle_def.center_u6 | Center U 6 (scaled symbol surface units) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_circle_def.center_u7 | Center U 7 (scaled symbol surface units) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_circle_def.center_u8 | Center U 8 (scaled symbol surface units) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_circle_def.center_u9 | Center U 9 (scaled symbol surface units) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_circle_def.center_v1 | Center V 1 (scaled symbol surface units) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_circle_def.center_v2 | Center V 2 (scaled symbol surface units) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_circle_def.center_v3 | Center V 3 (scaled symbol surface units) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_circle_def.center_v4 | Center V 4 (scaled symbol surface units) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_circle_def.center_v5 | Center V 5 (scaled symbol surface units) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_circle_def.center_v6 | Center V 6 (scaled symbol surface units) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_circle_def.center_v7 | Center V 7 (scaled symbol surface units) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_circle_def.center_v8 | Center V 8 (scaled symbol surface units) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_circle_def.center_v9 | Center V 9 (scaled symbol surface units) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_circle_def.end_angle1 | End Angle 1 (degrees) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_circle_def.end_angle2 | End Angle 2 (degrees) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_circle_def.end_angle3 | End Angle 3 (degrees) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_circle_def.end_angle4 | End Angle 4 (degrees) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_circle_def.end_angle5 | End Angle 5 (degrees) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_circle_def.end_angle6 | End Angle 6 (degrees) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_circle_def.end_angle7 | End Angle 7 (degrees) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_circle_def.end_angle8 | End Angle 8 (degrees) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_circle_def.end_angle9 | End Angle 9 (degrees) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_circle_def.inner_radius1 | Inner Radius 1 (scaled symbol surface units) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_circle_def.inner_radius2 | Inner Radius 2 (scaled symbol surface units) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_circle_def.inner_radius3 | Inner Radius 3 (scaled symbol surface units) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_circle_def.inner_radius4 | Inner Radius 4 (scaled symbol surface units) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_circle_def.inner_radius5 | Inner Radius 5 (scaled symbol surface units) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_circle_def.inner_radius6 | Inner Radius 6 (scaled symbol surface units) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_circle_def.inner_radius7 | Inner Radius 7 (scaled symbol surface units) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_circle_def.inner_radius8 | Inner Radius 8 (scaled symbol surface units) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_circle_def.inner_radius9 | Inner Radius 9 (scaled symbol surface units) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_circle_def.line_width | Line Width (scaled symbol surface units) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_circle_def.radius1 | Radius 1 (scaled symbol surface units) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_circle_def.radius2 | Radius 2 (scaled symbol surface units) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_circle_def.radius3 | Radius 3 (scaled symbol surface units) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_circle_def.radius4 | Radius 4 (scaled symbol surface units) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_circle_def.radius5 | Radius 5 (scaled symbol surface units) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_circle_def.radius6 | Radius 6 (scaled symbol surface units) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_circle_def.radius7 | Radius 7 (scaled symbol surface units) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_circle_def.radius8 | Radius 8 (scaled symbol surface units) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_circle_def.radius9 | Radius 9 (scaled symbol surface units) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_circle_def.start_angle1 | Start Angle 1 (degrees) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_circle_def.start_angle2 | Start Angle 2 (degrees) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_circle_def.start_angle3 | Start Angle 3 (degrees) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_circle_def.start_angle4 | Start Angle 4 (degrees) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_circle_def.start_angle5 | Start Angle 5 (degrees) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_circle_def.start_angle6 | Start Angle 6 (degrees) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_circle_def.start_angle7 | Start Angle 7 (degrees) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_circle_def.start_angle8 | Start Angle 8 (degrees) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_circle_def.start_angle9 | Start Angle 9 (degrees) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_circle_def.stipple_pattern | Stipple Pattern | Unsigned integer, 2 bytes | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_circle_def.stipple_pattern_length | Stipple Pattern Length (scaled symbol surface units) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_circle_def.symbol_id | Symbol ID | Unsigned integer, 2 bytes | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_clone | Symbol Surface Definition | Character string | 1.2.0 to 1.8.15 |
cigi.symbol_clone.source_id | Source ID | Unsigned integer, 2 bytes | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_clone.source_type | Source Type | Boolean | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_clone.symbol_id | Symbol ID | Unsigned integer, 2 bytes | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_control | Symbol Control | Character string | 1.2.0 to 1.8.15 |
cigi.symbol_control.alpha | Alpha | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_control.attach_state | Attach State | Boolean | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_control.blue | Blue | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_control.flash_control | Flash Control | Boolean | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_control.flash_duty_cycle | Flash Duty Cycle (%) | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_control.flash_period | Flash Period (seconds) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_control.green | Green | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_control.inherit_color | Inherit Color | Boolean | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_control.layer | Layer | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_control.parent_symbol_id | Parent Symbol ID | Unsigned integer, 2 bytes | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_control.position_u | Position U (scaled symbol surface units) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_control.position_v | Position V (scaled symbol surface units) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_control.red | Red | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_control.rotation | Rotation (degrees) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_control.scale_u | Scale U | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_control.scale_v | Scale V | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_control.surface_id | Surface ID | Unsigned integer, 2 bytes | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_control.symbol_id | Symbol ID | Unsigned integer, 2 bytes | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_control.symbol_state | Symbol State | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_line_def | Symbol Line Definition | Character string | 1.2.0 to 1.8.15 |
cigi.symbol_line_def.line_width | Line Width (scaled symbol surface units) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_line_def.stipple_pattern | Stipple Pattern | Unsigned integer, 2 bytes | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_line_def.stipple_pattern_length | Stipple Pattern Length (scaled symbol surface units) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_line_def.symbol_id | Symbol ID | Unsigned integer, 2 bytes | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_line_def.vertex_u1 | Vertex U 1 (scaled symbol surface units) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_line_def.vertex_u10 | Vertex U 10 (scaled symbol surface units) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_line_def.vertex_u11 | Vertex U 11 (scaled symbol surface units) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_line_def.vertex_u12 | Vertex U 12 (scaled symbol surface units) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_line_def.vertex_u13 | Vertex U 13 (scaled symbol surface units) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_line_def.vertex_u14 | Vertex U 14 (scaled symbol surface units) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_line_def.vertex_u15 | Vertex U 15 (scaled symbol surface units) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_line_def.vertex_u16 | Vertex U 16 (scaled symbol surface units) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_line_def.vertex_u17 | Vertex U 17 (scaled symbol surface units) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_line_def.vertex_u18 | Vertex U 18 (scaled symbol surface units) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_line_def.vertex_u19 | Vertex U 19 (scaled symbol surface units) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_line_def.vertex_u2 | Vertex U 2 (scaled symbol surface units) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_line_def.vertex_u20 | Vertex U 20 (scaled symbol surface units) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_line_def.vertex_u21 | Vertex U 21 (scaled symbol surface units) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_line_def.vertex_u22 | Vertex U 22 (scaled symbol surface units) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_line_def.vertex_u23 | Vertex U 23 (scaled symbol surface units) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_line_def.vertex_u24 | Vertex U 24 (scaled symbol surface units) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_line_def.vertex_u25 | Vertex U 25 (scaled symbol surface units) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_line_def.vertex_u26 | Vertex U 26 (scaled symbol surface units) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_line_def.vertex_u27 | Vertex U 27 (scaled symbol surface units) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_line_def.vertex_u28 | Vertex U 28 (scaled symbol surface units) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_line_def.vertex_u29 | Vertex U 29 (scaled symbol surface units) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_line_def.vertex_u3 | Vertex U 3 (scaled symbol surface units) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_line_def.vertex_u4 | Vertex U 4 (scaled symbol surface units) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_line_def.vertex_u5 | Vertex U 5 (scaled symbol surface units) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_line_def.vertex_u6 | Vertex U 6 (scaled symbol surface units) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_line_def.vertex_u7 | Vertex U 7 (scaled symbol surface units) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_line_def.vertex_u8 | Vertex U 8 (scaled symbol surface units) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_line_def.vertex_u9 | Vertex U 9 (scaled symbol surface units) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_line_def.vertex_v1 | Vertex V 1 (scaled symbol surface units) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_line_def.vertex_v10 | Vertex V 10 (scaled symbol surface units) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_line_def.vertex_v11 | Vertex V 11 (scaled symbol surface units) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_line_def.vertex_v12 | Vertex V 12 (scaled symbol surface units) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_line_def.vertex_v13 | Vertex V 13 (scaled symbol surface units) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_line_def.vertex_v14 | Vertex V 14 (scaled symbol surface units) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_line_def.vertex_v15 | Vertex V 15 (scaled symbol surface units) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_line_def.vertex_v16 | Vertex V 16 (scaled symbol surface units) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_line_def.vertex_v17 | Vertex V 17 (scaled symbol surface units) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_line_def.vertex_v18 | Vertex V 18 (scaled symbol surface units) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_line_def.vertex_v19 | Vertex V 19 (scaled symbol surface units) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_line_def.vertex_v2 | Vertex V 2 (scaled symbol surface units) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_line_def.vertex_v20 | Vertex V 20 (scaled symbol surface units) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_line_def.vertex_v21 | Vertex V 21 (scaled symbol surface units) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_line_def.vertex_v22 | Vertex V 22 (scaled symbol surface units) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_line_def.vertex_v23 | Vertex V 23 (scaled symbol surface units) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_line_def.vertex_v24 | Vertex V 24 (scaled symbol surface units) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_line_def.vertex_v25 | Vertex V 25 (scaled symbol surface units) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_line_def.vertex_v26 | Vertex V 26 (scaled symbol surface units) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_line_def.vertex_v27 | Vertex V 27 (scaled symbol surface units) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_line_def.vertex_v28 | Vertex V 28 (scaled symbol surface units) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_line_def.vertex_v29 | Vertex V 29 (scaled symbol surface units) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_line_def.vertex_v3 | Vertex V 3 (scaled symbol surface units) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_line_def.vertex_v4 | Vertex V 4 (scaled symbol surface units) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_line_def.vertex_v5 | Vertex V 5 (scaled symbol surface units) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_line_def.vertex_v6 | Vertex V 6 (scaled symbol surface units) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_line_def.vertex_v7 | Vertex V 7 (scaled symbol surface units) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_line_def.vertex_v8 | Vertex V 8 (scaled symbol surface units) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_line_def.vertex_v9 | Vertex V 9 (scaled symbol surface units) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_text_def | Symbol Text Definition | Character string | 1.2.0 to 1.8.15 |
cigi.symbol_text_def.alignment | Alignment | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_text_def.font_ident | Font ID | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_text_def.font_size | Font Size | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_text_def.orientation | Orientation | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_text_def.symbol_id | Symbol ID | Unsigned integer, 2 bytes | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.symbol_text_def.text | Text | Character string | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.terr_surface_cond_response | Terrestrial Surface Conditions Response | Label | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.terr_surface_cond_response.request_id | Request ID | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.terr_surface_cond_response.surface_id | Surface Condition ID | Unsigned integer, 4 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.terrestrial_surface_conditions_control | Terrestrial Surface Conditions Control | Label | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.terrestrial_surface_conditions_control.coverage | Coverage (%) | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.terrestrial_surface_conditions_control.entity_region_id | Entity ID/Region ID | Unsigned integer, 2 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.terrestrial_surface_conditions_control.scope | Scope | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.terrestrial_surface_conditions_control.severity | Severity | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.terrestrial_surface_conditions_control.surface_condition_enable | Surface Condition Enable | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.terrestrial_surface_conditions_control.surface_condition_id | Surface Condition ID | Unsigned integer, 2 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.trajectory_def | Trajectory Definition | Label | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.trajectory_def.acceleration | Acceleration Factor (m/s^2) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.trajectory_def.acceleration_x | Acceleration X (m/s^2) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.trajectory_def.acceleration_y | Acceleration Y (m/s^2) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.trajectory_def.acceleration_z | Acceleration Z (m/s^2) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.trajectory_def.entity_id | Entity ID | Unsigned integer, 2 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.trajectory_def.retardation | Retardation Rate (m/s) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.trajectory_def.retardation_rate | Retardation Rate (m/s^2) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.trajectory_def.terminal_velocity | Terminal Velocity (m/s) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.unknown | Unknown | Label | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.user_definable | User Definable | Label | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.user_defined | User-Defined | Label | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.version | CIGI Version | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.view_control | View Control | Label | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.view_control.entity_id | Entity ID | Unsigned integer, 2 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.view_control.group_id | Group ID | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.view_control.pitch | Pitch (degrees) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.view_control.pitch_enable | Pitch Enable | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.view_control.roll | Roll (degrees) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.view_control.roll_enable | Roll Enable | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.view_control.view_group | View Group Select | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.view_control.view_id | View ID | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.view_control.x_offset | X Offset (m) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.view_control.xoff | X Offset (m) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.view_control.xoff_enable | X Offset Enable | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.view_control.y_offset | Y Offset | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.view_control.yaw | Yaw (degrees) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.view_control.yaw_enable | Yaw Enable | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.view_control.yoff | Y Offset (m) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.view_control.yoff_enable | Y Offset Enable | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.view_control.z_offset | Z Offset | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.view_control.zoff | Z Offset (m) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.view_control.zoff_enable | Z Offset Enable | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.view_def | View Definition | Label | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.view_def.bottom | Bottom (degrees) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.view_def.bottom_enable | Field of View Bottom Enable | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.view_def.far | Far (m) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.view_def.far_enable | Field of View Far Enable | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.view_def.fov_bottom | Field of View Bottom (degrees) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.view_def.fov_far | Field of View Far (m) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.view_def.fov_left | Field of View Left (degrees) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.view_def.fov_near | Field of View Near (m) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.view_def.fov_right | Field of View Right (degrees) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.view_def.fov_top | Field of View Top (degrees) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.view_def.group_id | Group ID | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.view_def.left | Left (degrees) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.view_def.left_enable | Field of View Left Enable | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.view_def.mirror | View Mirror | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.view_def.mirror_mode | Mirror Mode | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.view_def.near | Near (m) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.view_def.near_enable | Field of View Near Enable | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.view_def.pixel_rep | Pixel Replication | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.view_def.pixel_replication | Pixel Replication Mode | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.view_def.projection_type | Projection Type | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.view_def.reorder | Reorder | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.view_def.right | Right (degrees) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.view_def.right_enable | Field of View Right Enable | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.view_def.top | Top (degrees) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.view_def.top_enable | Field of View Top Enable | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.view_def.tracker_assign | Tracker Assign | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.view_def.view_group | View Group | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.view_def.view_id | View ID | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.view_def.view_type | View Type | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.wave_control | Wave Control | Label | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.wave_control.breaker_type | Breaker Type | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.wave_control.direction | Direction (degrees) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.wave_control.entity_region_id | Entity ID/Region ID | Unsigned integer, 2 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.wave_control.height | Wave Height (m) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.wave_control.leading | Leading (degrees) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.wave_control.period | Period (s) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.wave_control.phase_offset | Phase Offset (degrees) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.wave_control.scope | Scope | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.wave_control.wave_enable | Wave Enable | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.wave_control.wave_id | Wave ID | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.wave_control.wavelength | Wavelength (m) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.wea_cond_response | Weather Conditions Response | Label | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.wea_cond_response.air_temp | Air Temperature (degrees C) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.wea_cond_response.barometric_pressure | Barometric Pressure (mb or hPa) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.wea_cond_response.horiz_speed | Horizontal Wind Speed (m/s) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.wea_cond_response.humidity | Humidity (%) | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.wea_cond_response.request_id | Request ID | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.wea_cond_response.vert_speed | Vertical Wind Speed (m/s) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.wea_cond_response.visibility_range | Visibility Range (m) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.wea_cond_response.wind_direction | Wind Direction (degrees) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.weather_control | Weather Control | Label | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.weather_control.aerosol_concentration | Aerosol Concentration (g/m^3) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.weather_control.air_temp | Air Temperature (degrees C) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.weather_control.barometric_pressure | Barometric Pressure (mb or hPa) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.weather_control.base_elevation | Base Elevation (m) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.weather_control.cloud_type | Cloud Type | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.weather_control.coverage | Coverage (%) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.weather_control.elevation | Elevation (m) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.weather_control.entity_id | Entity ID | Unsigned integer, 2 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.weather_control.entity_region_id | Entity ID/Region ID | Unsigned integer, 2 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.weather_control.horiz_wind | Horizontal Wind Speed (m/s) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.weather_control.humidity | Humidity (%) | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.weather_control.layer_id | Layer ID | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.weather_control.opacity | Opacity (%) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.weather_control.phenomenon_type | Phenomenon Type | Unsigned integer, 2 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.weather_control.random_lightning_enable | Random Lightning Enable | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.weather_control.random_winds | Random Winds Aloft | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.weather_control.random_winds_enable | Random Winds Enable | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.weather_control.scope | Scope | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.weather_control.scud_enable | Scud Enable | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.weather_control.scud_frequency | Scud Frequency (%) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.weather_control.severity | Severity | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.weather_control.thickness | Thickness (m) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.weather_control.transition_band | Transition Band (m) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.weather_control.vert_wind | Vertical Wind Speed (m/s) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.weather_control.visibility_range | Visibility Range (m) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.weather_control.weather_enable | Weather Enable | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.weather_control.wind_direction | Winds Aloft Direction (degrees) | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
cigi.weather_control.wind_speed | Winds Aloft Speed | Floating point (single-precision) | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
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