Display Filter Reference: ANSI Mobile Application Part
Protocol field name: ansi_map
Versions: 1.0.0 to 3.4.5
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Field name | Description | Type | Versions |
ansi_map.accessDeniedReason | accessDeniedReason | Unsigned integer, 4 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.aCGDirective | aCGDirective | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.aCGDirective_element | aCGDirective | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.acgencountered | acgencountered | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.actionCode | actionCode | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.addService | addService | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.addService_element | addService | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.addServiceRes | addServiceRes | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.addServiceRes_element | addServiceRes | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.aKeyProtocolVersion | aKeyProtocolVersion | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.alertCode | alertCode | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.alertcode.alertaction | Alert Action | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.alertcode.cadence | Cadence | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.alertcode.pitch | Pitch | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.alertResult | alertResult | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.allOrNone | allOrNone | Unsigned integer, 4 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.analogRedirectInfo | analogRedirectInfo | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.analogRedirectRecord | analogRedirectRecord | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.analogRedirectRecord_element | analogRedirectRecord | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.analyzedInformation | analyzedInformation | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.analyzedInformation_element | analyzedInformation | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.analyzedInformationRes | analyzedInformationRes | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.analyzedInformationRes_element | analyzedInformationRes | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.announcementcode.class | Tone | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.announcementcode.cust_ann | Custom Announcement | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.announcementcode.std_ann | Standard Announcement | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.announcementcode.tone | Tone | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.announcementCode1 | announcementCode1 | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.announcementCode2 | announcementCode2 | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.announcementList | announcementList | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.announcementList_element | announcementList | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.authenticationAlgorithmVersion | authenticationAlgorithmVersion | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.authenticationCapability | authenticationCapability | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.authenticationData | authenticationData | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.authenticationDirective | authenticationDirective | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.authenticationDirective_element | authenticationDirective | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.authenticationDirectiveForward | authenticationDirectiveForward | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.authenticationDirectiveForward_element | authenticationDirectiveForward | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.authenticationDirectiveForwardRes | authenticationDirectiveForwardRes | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.authenticationDirectiveForwardRes_element | authenticationDirectiveForwardRes | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.authenticationDirectiveRes | authenticationDirectiveRes | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.authenticationDirectiveRes_element | authenticationDirectiveRes | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.authenticationFailureReport | authenticationFailureReport | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.authenticationFailureReport_element | authenticationFailureReport | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.authenticationFailureReportRes | authenticationFailureReportRes | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.authenticationFailureReportRes_element | authenticationFailureReportRes | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.authenticationRequest | authenticationRequest | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.authenticationRequest_element | authenticationRequest | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.authenticationRequestRes | authenticationRequestRes | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.authenticationRequestRes_element | authenticationRequestRes | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.authenticationResponse | authenticationResponse | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.authenticationResponseBaseStation | authenticationResponseBaseStation | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.authenticationResponseReauthentication | authenticationResponseReauthentication | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.authenticationResponseUniqueChallenge | authenticationResponseUniqueChallenge | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.authenticationStatusReport | authenticationStatusReport | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.authenticationStatusReport_element | authenticationStatusReport | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.authenticationStatusReportRes | authenticationStatusReportRes | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.authenticationStatusReportRes_element | authenticationStatusReportRes | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.authorizationDenied | authorizationDenied | Unsigned integer, 4 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.authorizationPeriod | authorizationPeriod | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.authorizationperiod.period | Period | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.availabilityType | availabilityType | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.baseStationChallenge | baseStationChallenge | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.baseStationChallenge_element | baseStationChallenge | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.baseStationChallengeRes | baseStationChallengeRes | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.baseStationChallengeRes_element | baseStationChallengeRes | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.baseStationManufacturerCode | baseStationManufacturerCode | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.baseStationPartialKey | baseStationPartialKey | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.bcd_digits | BCD digits | Character string | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.billingID | billingID | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.blocking | blocking | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.blocking_element | blocking | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.borderCellAccess | borderCellAccess | Unsigned integer, 4 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.bsmcstatus | bsmcstatus | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.bulkDeregistration | bulkDeregistration | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.bulkDeregistration_element | bulkDeregistration | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.bulkDisconnection | bulkDisconnection | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.bulkDisconnection_element | bulkDisconnection | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.callControlDirective | callControlDirective | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.callControlDirective_element | callControlDirective | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.callControlDirectiveRes | callControlDirectiveRes | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.callControlDirectiveRes_element | callControlDirectiveRes | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.callHistoryCount | callHistoryCount | Unsigned integer, 4 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.callHistoryCountExpected | callHistoryCountExpected | Unsigned integer, 4 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.callingFeaturesIndicator | callingFeaturesIndicator | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.callingfeaturesindicator.3wcfa | Three-Way Calling FeatureActivity, 3WC-FA | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.callingfeaturesindicator.ahfa | Answer Hold: FeatureActivity AH-FA | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.callingfeaturesindicator.ccsfa | CDMA-Concurrent Service:FeatureActivity. CCS-FA | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.callingfeaturesindicator.cdfa | Call Delivery: FeatureActivity, CD-FA | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.callingfeaturesindicator.cfbafa | Call Forwarding Busy FeatureActivity, CFB-FA | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.callingfeaturesindicator.cfnafa | Call Forwarding No Answer FeatureActivity, CFNA-FA | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.callingfeaturesindicator.cfufa | Call Forwarding Unconditional FeatureActivity, CFU-FA | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.callingfeaturesindicator.cnip1fa | One number (network-provided only) Calling Number Identification Presentation: FeatureActivity CNIP1-FA | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.callingfeaturesindicator.cnip2fa | Two number (network-provided and user-provided) Calling Number Identification Presentation: FeatureActivity CNIP2-FA | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.callingfeaturesindicator.cnirfa | Calling Number Identification Restriction: FeatureActivity CNIR-FA | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.callingfeaturesindicator.cniroverfa | Calling Number Identification Restriction Override FeatureActivity CNIROver-FA | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.callingfeaturesindicator.cpdfa | CDMA-Packet Data Service: FeatureActivity. CPDS-FA | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.callingfeaturesindicator.ctfa | Call Transfer: FeatureActivity, CT-FA | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.callingfeaturesindicator.cwfa | Call Waiting: FeatureActivity, CW-FA | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.callingfeaturesindicator.dpfa | Data Privacy Feature Activity DP-FA | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.callingfeaturesindicator.epefa | TDMA Enhanced Privacy and Encryption:FeatureActivity.TDMA EPE-FA | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.callingfeaturesindicator.pcwfa | Priority Call Waiting FeatureActivity PCW-FA | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.callingfeaturesindicator.uscfmsfa | USCF divert to mobile station provided DN:FeatureActivity.USCFms-FA | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.callingfeaturesindicator.uscfnrfa | USCF divert to network registered DN:FeatureActivity. USCFnr-FA | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.8.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.callingfeaturesindicator.uscfvmfa | USCF divert to voice mail: FeatureActivity USCFvm-FA | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.callingfeaturesindicator.vpfa | Voice Privacy FeatureActivity, VP-FA | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.callingPartyCategory | callingPartyCategory | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.callingPartyName | callingPartyName | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.callingPartyNumberDigits1 | callingPartyNumberDigits1 | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.callingPartyNumberDigits2 | callingPartyNumberDigits2 | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.callingPartyNumberString1 | callingPartyNumberString1 | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.callingPartyNumberString1_element | callingPartyNumberString1 | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.callingPartyNumberString2 | callingPartyNumberString2 | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.callingPartyNumberString2_element | callingPartyNumberString2 | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.callingPartySubaddress | callingPartySubaddress | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.CallRecoveryID | CallRecoveryID | Label | 1.2.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.CallRecoveryID_element | CallRecoveryID | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.callRecoveryIDList | callRecoveryIDList | Unsigned integer, 4 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.CallRecoveryIDList_item | CallRecoveryIDList | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.0.16 |
ansi_map.callRecoveryReport | callRecoveryReport | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.callRecoveryReport_element | callRecoveryReport | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.callStatus | callStatus | Unsigned integer, 4 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.callTerminationReport | callTerminationReport | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.callTerminationReport_element | callTerminationReport | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.cancellationDenied | cancellationDenied | Unsigned integer, 4 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.cancellationType | cancellationType | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.carrierDigits | carrierDigits | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.caveKey | caveKey | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.7 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.cdma2000HandoffInvokeIOSData | cdma2000HandoffInvokeIOSData | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.cdma2000HandoffInvokeIOSData_element | cdma2000HandoffInvokeIOSData | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.cdma2000HandoffResponseIOSData | cdma2000HandoffResponseIOSData | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.cdma2000HandoffResponseIOSData_element | cdma2000HandoffResponseIOSData | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.cdma2000MobileSupportedCapabilities | cdma2000MobileSupportedCapabilities | Sequence of bytes | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.cdmaBandClass | cdmaBandClass | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.CDMABandClassInformation | CDMABandClassInformation | Label | 1.2.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.CDMABandClassInformation_element | CDMABandClassInformation | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.cdmaBandClassList | cdmaBandClassList | Unsigned integer, 4 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.CDMABandClassList_item | CDMABandClassList | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.0.16 |
ansi_map.cdmaCallMode | cdmaCallMode | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.cdmacallmode.amps | Call Mode | Boolean | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.cdmacallmode.cdma | Call Mode | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.cdmacallmode.cls1 | Call Mode | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.cdmacallmode.cls10 | Call Mode | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.cdmacallmode.cls2 | Call Mode | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.cdmacallmode.cls3 | Call Mode | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.cdmacallmode.cls4 | Call Mode | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.cdmacallmode.cls5 | Call Mode | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.cdmacallmode.cls6 | Call Mode | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.cdmacallmode.cls7 | Call Mode | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.cdmacallmode.cls8 | Call Mode | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.cdmacallmode.cls9 | Call Mode | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.cdmacallmode.namps | Call Mode | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.cdmaChannelData | cdmaChannelData | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.cdmachanneldata.band_cls | Band Class | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.cdmachanneldata.cdma_ch_no | CDMA Channel Number | Unsigned integer, 2 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.cdmachanneldata.frameoffset | Frame Offset | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.cdmachanneldata.lc_mask_b1 | Long Code Mask LSB(byte 1) | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.cdmachanneldata.lc_mask_b2 | Long Code Mask (byte 2) | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.cdmachanneldata.lc_mask_b3 | Long Code Mask (byte 3) | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.cdmachanneldata.lc_mask_b4 | Long Code Mask (byte 4) | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.cdmachanneldata.lc_mask_b5 | Long Code Mask (byte 5) | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.cdmachanneldata.lc_mask_b6 | Long Code Mask (byte 6) MSB | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.cdmachanneldata.nominal_pwr | Nominal Power | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.cdmachanneldata.np_ext | NP EXT | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.cdmachanneldata.nr_preamble | Number Preamble | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.cdmaChannelNumber | cdmaChannelNumber | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.cdmaChannelNumber2 | cdmaChannelNumber2 | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.cdmaChannelNumberList | cdmaChannelNumberList | Unsigned integer, 4 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.CDMAChannelNumberList_item | CDMAChannelNumberList item | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.CDMAChannelNumberList_item_element | CDMAChannelNumberList item | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.cdmaCodeChannel | cdmaCodeChannel | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.CDMACodeChannelInformation | CDMACodeChannelInformation | Label | 1.2.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.CDMACodeChannelInformation_element | CDMACodeChannelInformation | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.cdmaCodeChannelList | cdmaCodeChannelList | Unsigned integer, 4 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.CDMACodeChannelList_item | CDMACodeChannelList | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.0.16 |
ansi_map.cdmaConnectionReference | cdmaConnectionReference | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.cdmaConnectionReferenceInformation | cdmaConnectionReferenceInformation | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.cdmaConnectionReferenceInformation2 | cdmaConnectionReferenceInformation2 | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.cdmaConnectionReferenceInformation2_element | cdmaConnectionReferenceInformation2 | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.cdmaConnectionReferenceInformation_element | cdmaConnectionReferenceInformation | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.cdmaConnectionReferenceList | cdmaConnectionReferenceList | Unsigned integer, 4 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.CDMAConnectionReferenceList_item | CDMAConnectionReferenceList item | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.CDMAConnectionReferenceList_item_element | CDMAConnectionReferenceList item | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.cdmaMobileCapabilities | cdmaMobileCapabilities | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.cdmaMobileProtocolRevision | cdmaMobileProtocolRevision | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.cdmaMSMeasuredChannelIdentity | cdmaMSMeasuredChannelIdentity | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.cdmaNetworkIdentification | cdmaNetworkIdentification | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.cdmaPilotPN | cdmaPilotPN | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.cdmaPilotStrength | cdmaPilotStrength | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.cdmaPowerCombinedIndicator | cdmaPowerCombinedIndicator | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.cdmaPrivateLongCodeMask | cdmaPrivateLongCodeMask | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.cdmaPSMMCount | cdmaPSMMCount | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.cdmaPSMMList | cdmaPSMMList | Unsigned integer, 4 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.CDMAPSMMList_item | CDMAPSMMList item | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.CDMAPSMMList_item_element | CDMAPSMMList item | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.cdmaRedirectRecord | cdmaRedirectRecord | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.cdmaRedirectRecord_element | cdmaRedirectRecord | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.cdmaSearchParameters | cdmaSearchParameters | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.cdmaSearchWindow | cdmaSearchWindow | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.cdmaServiceConfigurationRecord | cdmaServiceConfigurationRecord | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.cdmaserviceoption | CDMAServiceOption | Unsigned integer, 2 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.cdmaServiceOptionConnectionIdentifier | cdmaServiceOptionConnectionIdentifier | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.cdmaServiceOptionList | cdmaServiceOptionList | Unsigned integer, 4 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.CDMAServiceOptionList_item | CDMAServiceOptionList | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 1.0.16 |
ansi_map.cdmaServingOneWayDelay | cdmaServingOneWayDelay | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.cdmaServingOneWayDelay2 | cdmaServingOneWayDelay2 | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.cdmaSignalQuality | cdmaSignalQuality | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.cdmaSlotCycleIndex | cdmaSlotCycleIndex | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.cdmaState | cdmaState | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.cdmaStationClassMark | cdmaStationClassMark | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.cdmastationclassmark.dmi | Dual-mode Indicator(DMI) | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.cdmastationclassmark.dtx | Analog Transmission: (DTX) | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.cdmastationclassmark.pc | Power Class(PC) | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.cdmastationclassmark.smi | Slotted Mode Indicator: (SMI) | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.cdmaStationClassMark2 | cdmaStationClassMark2 | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.CDMATargetMAHOInformation | CDMATargetMAHOInformation | Label | 1.2.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.CDMATargetMAHOInformation_element | CDMATargetMAHOInformation | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.cdmaTargetMAHOList | cdmaTargetMAHOList | Unsigned integer, 4 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.cdmaTargetMAHOList2 | cdmaTargetMAHOList2 | Unsigned integer, 4 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.CDMATargetMAHOList_item | CDMATargetMAHOList | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.0.16 |
ansi_map.CDMATargetMeasurementInformation | CDMATargetMeasurementInformation | Label | 1.2.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.CDMATargetMeasurementInformation_element | CDMATargetMeasurementInformation | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.cdmaTargetMeasurementList | cdmaTargetMeasurementList | Unsigned integer, 4 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.CDMATargetMeasurementList_item | CDMATargetMeasurementList | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.0.16 |
ansi_map.cdmaTargetOneWayDelay | cdmaTargetOneWayDelay | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.change | change | Unsigned integer, 4 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.changeFacilities | changeFacilities | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.changeFacilities_element | changeFacilities | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.changeFacilitiesRes | changeFacilitiesRes | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.changeFacilitiesRes_element | changeFacilitiesRes | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.changeService | changeService | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.changeService_element | changeService | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.changeServiceAttributes | changeServiceAttributes | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.changeServiceRes | changeServiceRes | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.changeServiceRes_element | changeServiceRes | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.channelData | channelData | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.channeldata.chno | Channel Number (CHNO) | Unsigned integer, 2 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.channeldata.dtx | Discontinuous Transmission Mode (DTX) | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.channeldata.scc | SAT Color Code (SCC) | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.channeldata.vmac | Voice Mobile Attenuation Code (VMAC) | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.checkMEID | checkMEID | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.checkMEID_element | checkMEID | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.checkMEIDRes | checkMEIDRes | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.checkMEIDRes_element | checkMEIDRes | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.conditionallyDeniedReason | conditionallyDeniedReason | Unsigned integer, 4 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.conferenceCallingIndicator | conferenceCallingIndicator | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.confidentialityModes | confidentialityModes | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.confidentialitymodes.dp | DataPrivacy (DP) Confidentiality Status | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.confidentialitymodes.se | Signaling Message Encryption (SE) Confidentiality Status | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.confidentialitymodes.vp | Voice Privacy (VP) Confidentiality Status | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.connectionFailureReport | connectionFailureReport | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.connectionFailureReport_element | connectionFailureReport | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.connectResource | connectResource | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.connectResource_element | connectResource | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.controlChannelData | controlChannelData | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.controlchanneldata.chno | Channel Number (CHNO) | Unsigned integer, 2 bytes | 1.8.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.controlchanneldata.cmac | Control Mobile Attenuation Code (CMAC) | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.controlchanneldata.dcc | Digital Color Code (DCC) | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.controlchanneldata.ssdc1 | Supplementary Digital Color Codes (SDCC1) | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.controlchanneldata.ssdc2 | Supplementary Digital Color Codes (SDCC2) | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.controlChannelMode | controlChannelMode | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.controlNetworkID | controlNetworkID | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.controlType | controlType | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.countRequest | countRequest | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.countRequest_element | countRequest | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.countRequestRes | countRequestRes | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.countRequestRes_element | countRequestRes | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.countUpdateReport | countUpdateReport | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.dataAccessElement1 | dataAccessElement1 | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.dataAccessElement1_element | dataAccessElement1 | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.dataAccessElement2 | dataAccessElement2 | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.dataAccessElement2_element | dataAccessElement2 | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.dataAccessElementList | dataAccessElementList | Unsigned integer, 4 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.DataAccessElementList_item | DataAccessElementList item | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.DataAccessElementList_item_element | DataAccessElementList item | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.databaseKey | databaseKey | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.dataID | dataID | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.dataKey | dataKey | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.dataPrivacyParameters | dataPrivacyParameters | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.dataResult | dataResult | Unsigned integer, 4 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.DataUpdateResult | DataUpdateResult | Label | 1.2.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.DataUpdateResult_element | DataUpdateResult | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.dataUpdateResultList | dataUpdateResultList | Unsigned integer, 4 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.DataUpdateResultList_item | DataUpdateResultList | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.0.16 |
ansi_map.dataValue | dataValue | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.deniedAuthorizationPeriod | deniedAuthorizationPeriod | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.deniedauthorizationperiod.period | Period | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.denyAccess | denyAccess | Unsigned integer, 4 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.deregistrationType | deregistrationType | Unsigned integer, 4 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.destinationAddress | destinationAddress | Unsigned integer, 4 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.destinationDigits | destinationDigits | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.digitCollectionControl | digitCollectionControl | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.digits | digits | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.digits_carrier | digits-carrier | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.digits_carrier_element | digits-carrier | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.digits_dest | digits-dest | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.digits_dest_element | digits-dest | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.digits_Destination | digits-Destination | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.digits_Destination_element | digits-Destination | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.digits_element | digits | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.displayText | displayText | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.displayText2 | displayText2 | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.dmd_BillingIndicator | dmd-BillingIndicator | Unsigned integer, 4 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.dmh_AccountCodeDigits | dmh-AccountCodeDigits | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.dmh_AlternateBillingDigits | dmh-AlternateBillingDigits | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.dmh_BillingDigits | dmh-BillingDigits | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.dmh_ChargeInformation | dmh-ChargeInformation | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.dmh_RedirectionIndicator | dmh-RedirectionIndicator | Unsigned integer, 4 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.dmh_ServiceID | dmh-ServiceID | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.dropService | dropService | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.dropService_element | dropService | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.dropServiceRes | dropServiceRes | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.dropServiceRes_element | dropServiceRes | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.dtxIndication | dtxIndication | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.edirectingSubaddress | edirectingSubaddress | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.electronicSerialNumber | electronicSerialNumber | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.emergencyServicesRoutingDigits | emergencyServicesRoutingDigits | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.enc | Encoding | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.executeScript | executeScript | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.executeScript_element | executeScript | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.extendedMSCID | extendedMSCID | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.extendedmscid.type | Type | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.extendedSystemMyTypeCode | extendedSystemMyTypeCode | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.facilitiesDirective | facilitiesDirective | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.facilitiesDirective2 | facilitiesDirective2 | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.facilitiesDirective2_element | facilitiesDirective2 | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.facilitiesDirective2Res | facilitiesDirective2Res | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.facilitiesDirective2Res_element | facilitiesDirective2Res | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.facilitiesDirective_element | facilitiesDirective | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.facilitiesDirectiveRes | facilitiesDirectiveRes | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.facilitiesDirectiveRes_element | facilitiesDirectiveRes | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.facilitiesRelease | facilitiesRelease | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.facilitiesRelease_element | facilitiesRelease | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.facilitiesReleaseRes | facilitiesReleaseRes | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.facilitiesReleaseRes_element | facilitiesReleaseRes | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.facilitySelectedAndAvailable | facilitySelectedAndAvailable | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.facilitySelectedAndAvailable_element | facilitySelectedAndAvailable | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.facilitySelectedAndAvailableRes | facilitySelectedAndAvailableRes | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.facilitySelectedAndAvailableRes_element | facilitySelectedAndAvailableRes | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.failureCause | failureCause | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.failureType | failureType | Unsigned integer, 4 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.featureIndicator | featureIndicator | Unsigned integer, 4 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.featureRequest | featureRequest | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.featureRequest_element | featureRequest | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.featureRequestRes | featureRequestRes | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.featureRequestRes_element | featureRequestRes | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.featureResult | featureResult | Unsigned integer, 4 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.flashRequest | flashRequest | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.flashRequest_element | flashRequest | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.gapDuration | gapDuration | Unsigned integer, 4 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.gapInterval | gapInterval | Unsigned integer, 4 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.generalizedTime | generalizedTime | Character string | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.geographicAuthorization | geographicAuthorization | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.geographicPosition | geographicPosition | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.geoPositionRequest | geoPositionRequest | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.geoPositionRequest_element | geoPositionRequest | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.globalTitle | globalTitle | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.groupInformation | groupInformation | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.handoffBack | handoffBack | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.handoffBack2 | handoffBack2 | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.handoffBack2_element | handoffBack2 | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.handoffBack2Res | handoffBack2Res | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.handoffBack2Res_element | handoffBack2Res | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.handoffBack_element | handoffBack | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.handoffBackRes | handoffBackRes | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.handoffBackRes_element | handoffBackRes | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.handoffMeasurementRequest | handoffMeasurementRequest | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.handoffMeasurementRequest2 | handoffMeasurementRequest2 | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.handoffMeasurementRequest2_element | handoffMeasurementRequest2 | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.handoffMeasurementRequest2Res | handoffMeasurementRequest2Res | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.handoffMeasurementRequest2Res_element | handoffMeasurementRequest2Res | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.handoffMeasurementRequest_element | handoffMeasurementRequest | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.handoffMeasurementRequestRes | handoffMeasurementRequestRes | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.handoffMeasurementRequestRes_element | handoffMeasurementRequestRes | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.handoffReason | handoffReason | Unsigned integer, 4 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.handoffState | handoffState | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.handoffstate.pi | Party Involved (PI) | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.handoffToThird | handoffToThird | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.handoffToThird2 | handoffToThird2 | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.handoffToThird2_element | handoffToThird2 | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.handoffToThird2Res | handoffToThird2Res | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.handoffToThird2Res_element | handoffToThird2Res | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.handoffToThird_element | handoffToThird | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.handoffToThirdRes | handoffToThirdRes | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.handoffToThirdRes_element | handoffToThirdRes | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.horizontal_Velocity | horizontal-Velocity | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.ia5_digits | IA5 digits | Character string | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.idno | ID Number | Unsigned integer, 4 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.ilspInformation | ilspInformation | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.imsi | imsi | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.information_Record | information-Record | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.informationDirective | informationDirective | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.informationDirective_element | informationDirective | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.informationDirectiveRes | informationDirectiveRes | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.informationDirectiveRes_element | informationDirectiveRes | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.informationForward | informationForward | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.informationForward_element | informationForward | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.informationForwardRes | informationForwardRes | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.informationForwardRes_element | informationForwardRes | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.interMessageTime | interMessageTime | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.interMSCCircuitID | interMSCCircuitID | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.interMSCCircuitID_element | interMSCCircuitID | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.interSwitchCount | interSwitchCount | Unsigned integer, 4 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.interSystemAnswer | interSystemAnswer | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.interSystemAnswer_element | interSystemAnswer | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.interSystemPage | interSystemPage | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.interSystemPage2 | interSystemPage2 | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.interSystemPage2_element | interSystemPage2 | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.interSystemPage2Res | interSystemPage2Res | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.interSystemPage2Res_element | interSystemPage2Res | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.interSystemPage_element | interSystemPage | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.interSystemPageRes | interSystemPageRes | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.interSystemPageRes_element | interSystemPageRes | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.interSystemPositionRequest | interSystemPositionRequest | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.interSystemPositionRequest_element | interSystemPositionRequest | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.interSystemPositionRequestForward | interSystemPositionRequestForward | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.interSystemPositionRequestForward_element | interSystemPositionRequestForward | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.interSystemPositionRequestForwardRes | interSystemPositionRequestForwardRes | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.interSystemPositionRequestForwardRes_element | interSystemPositionRequestForwardRes | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.interSystemPositionRequestRes | interSystemPositionRequestRes | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.interSystemPositionRequestRes_element | interSystemPositionRequestRes | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.interSystemSetup | interSystemSetup | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.interSystemSetup_element | interSystemSetup | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.interSystemSetupRes | interSystemSetupRes | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.interSystemSetupRes_element | interSystemSetupRes | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.interSystemSMSDeliveryPointToPoint | interSystemSMSDeliveryPointToPoint | Label | 1.2.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.interSystemSMSDeliveryPointToPoint_element | interSystemSMSDeliveryPointToPoint | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.interSystemSMSDeliveryPointToPointRes | interSystemSMSDeliveryPointToPointRes | Label | 1.2.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.interSystemSMSDeliveryPointToPointRes_element | interSystemSMSDeliveryPointToPointRes | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.interSystemSMSPage | interSystemSMSPage | Label | 1.2.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.interSystemSMSPage_element | interSystemSMSPage | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.intersystemTermination | intersystemTermination | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.intersystemTermination_element | intersystemTermination | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.invokingNEType | invokingNEType | Signed integer, 4 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.lcs_Client_ID | lcs-Client-ID | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.lcsBillingID | lcsBillingID | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.lcsParameterRequest | lcsParameterRequest | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.lcsParameterRequest_element | lcsParameterRequest | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.lcsParameterRequestRes | lcsParameterRequestRes | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.lcsParameterRequestRes_element | lcsParameterRequestRes | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.lectronicSerialNumber | lectronicSerialNumber | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.legInformation | legInformation | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.lirAuthorization | lirAuthorization | Unsigned integer, 4 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.lirMode | lirMode | Unsigned integer, 4 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.localTermination | localTermination | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.localTermination_element | localTermination | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.locationAreaID | locationAreaID | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.locationRequest | locationRequest | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.locationRequest_element | locationRequest | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.locationRequestRes | locationRequestRes | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.locationRequestRes_element | locationRequestRes | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.marketid | MarketID | Unsigned integer, 2 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.meid | meid | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.meidStatus | meidStatus | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.meidValidated | meidValidated | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.meidValidated_element | meidValidated | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.messageDirective | messageDirective | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.messageDirective_element | messageDirective | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.messageWaitingNotificationCount | messageWaitingNotificationCount | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.messagewaitingnotificationcount.mwi | Message Waiting Indication (MWI) | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.messagewaitingnotificationcount.nomw | Number of Messages Waiting | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.messagewaitingnotificationcount.tom | Type of messages | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.messageWaitingNotificationType | messageWaitingNotificationType | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.messagewaitingnotificationtype.apt | Alert Pip Tone (APT) | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.messagewaitingnotificationtype.pt | Pip Tone (PT) | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.mobileDirectoryNumber | mobileDirectoryNumber | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.mobileDirectoryNumber_element | mobileDirectoryNumber | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.mobileIdentificationNumber | mobileIdentificationNumber | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.mobileIdentificationNumber_element | mobileIdentificationNumber | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.mobilePositionCapability | mobilePositionCapability | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.mobileStationIMSI | mobileStationIMSI | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.mobileStationMIN | mobileStationMIN | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.mobileStationMIN_element | mobileStationMIN | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.mobileStationMSID | mobileStationMSID | Unsigned integer, 4 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.mobileStationPartialKey | mobileStationPartialKey | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.ModificationRequest | ModificationRequest | Label | 1.2.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.ModificationRequest_element | ModificationRequest | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.modificationRequestList | modificationRequestList | Unsigned integer, 4 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.ModificationRequestList_item | ModificationRequestList | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.0.16 |
ansi_map.ModificationResult | ModificationResult | Unsigned integer, 4 bytes | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.modificationResultList | modificationResultList | Unsigned integer, 4 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.ModificationResultList_item | ModificationResultList | Unsigned integer, 4 bytes | 1.0.0 to 1.0.16 |
ansi_map.modify | modify | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.modify_element | modify | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.modifyRes | modifyRes | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.modifyRes_element | modifyRes | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.modulusValue | modulusValue | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.mpcAddress | mpcAddress | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.mpcAddress2 | mpcAddress2 | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.mpcAddressList | mpcAddressList | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.mpcAddressList_element | mpcAddressList | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.mpcid | mpcid | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.msc_Address | msc-Address | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.mscid | mscid | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.mSCIdentificationNumber | mSCIdentificationNumber | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.mSCIdentificationNumber_element | mSCIdentificationNumber | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.msid | msid | Unsigned integer, 4 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.mSIDUsage | mSIDUsage | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.mSInactive | mSInactive | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.mSInactive_element | mSInactive | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.msLocation | msLocation | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.mslocation.lat | Latitude in tenths of a second | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.mslocation.long | Longitude in tenths of a second | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.mslocation.res | Resolution in units of 1 foot | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.mSStatus | mSStatus | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.na | Nature of Number | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.nampsCallMode | nampsCallMode | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.nampscallmode.amps | Call Mode | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.nampscallmode.namps | Call Mode | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.nampsChannelData | nampsChannelData | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.nampschanneldata.ccindicator | Color Code Indicator (CCIndicator) | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.nampschanneldata.navca | Narrow Analog Voice Channel Assignment (NAVCA) | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.navail | Number available indication | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.networkTMSI | networkTMSI | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.networkTMSIExpirationTime | networkTMSIExpirationTime | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.newlyAssignedIMSI | newlyAssignedIMSI | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.newlyAssignedMIN | newlyAssignedMIN | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.newlyAssignedMIN_element | newlyAssignedMIN | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.newlyAssignedMSID | newlyAssignedMSID | Unsigned integer, 4 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.newMINExtension | newMINExtension | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.newNetworkTMSI | newNetworkTMSI | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.no_data | Carries no data | Label | 2.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.noAnswerTime | noAnswerTime | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.nonPublicData | nonPublicData | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.np | Numbering Plan | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.nr_digits | Number of Digits | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.nr_not_used | This Number plan should not have been used | Label | 2.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.numberPortabilityRequest | numberPortabilityRequest | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.numberPortabilityRequest_element | numberPortabilityRequest | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.numberPortabilityRequestRes | numberPortabilityRequestRes | Label | 1.4.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.numberPortabilityRequestRes_element | numberPortabilityRequestRes | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.oAnswer | oAnswer | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.oAnswer_element | oAnswer | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.oCalledPartyBusy | oCalledPartyBusy | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.oCalledPartyBusy_element | oCalledPartyBusy | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.oCalledPartyBusyRes | oCalledPartyBusyRes | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.oCalledPartyBusyRes_element | oCalledPartyBusyRes | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.ocdmacallmode.amps | Call Mode | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 1.0.16 |
ansi_map.oDisconnect | oDisconnect | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.oDisconnect_element | oDisconnect | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.oDisconnectRes | oDisconnectRes | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.oDisconnectRes_element | oDisconnectRes | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.oneTimeFeatureIndicator | oneTimeFeatureIndicator | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.oNoAnswer | oNoAnswer | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.oNoAnswer_element | oNoAnswer | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.oNoAnswerRes | oNoAnswerRes | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.oNoAnswerRes_element | oNoAnswerRes | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.op_code | Operation Code | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.op_code_fam | Operation Code Family | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.originationIndicator | originationIndicator | Unsigned integer, 4 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.originationRequest | originationRequest | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.originationRequest_element | originationRequest | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.originationRequestRes | originationRequestRes | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.originationRequestRes_element | originationRequestRes | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.originationrestrictions.default | DEFAULT | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.originationrestrictions.direct | DIRECT | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.originationrestrictions.fmc | Force Message Center (FMC) | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.originationTriggers | originationTriggers | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.originationtriggers.all | All Origination (All) | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.originationtriggers.dp | Double Pound (DP) | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.originationtriggers.ds | Double Star (DS) | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.originationtriggers.eight | 8 digits | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.originationtriggers.eleven | 11 digits | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.originationtriggers.fifteen | 15 digits | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.originationtriggers.fivedig | 5 digits | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.originationtriggers.fourdig | 4 digits | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.originationtriggers.fourteen | 14 digits | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.originationtriggers.ilata | Intra-LATA Toll (ILATA) | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.originationtriggers.int | International (Int\'l ) | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.originationtriggers.local | Local | Boolean | 1.8.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.originationtriggers.nine | 9 digits | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.originationtriggers.nodig | No digits | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.originationtriggers.olata | Inter-LATA Toll (OLATA) | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.originationtriggers.onedig | 1 digit | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.originationtriggers.pa | Prior Agreement (PA) | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.originationtriggers.pound | Pound | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.originationtriggers.rvtc | Revertive Call (RvtC) | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.originationtriggers.sevendig | 7 digits | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.originationtriggers.sixdig | 6 digits | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.originationtriggers.star | Star | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.originationtriggers.ten | 10 digits | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.originationtriggers.thirteen | 13 digits | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.originationtriggers.threedig | 3 digits | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.originationtriggers.thwelv | 12 digits | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 1.0.16 |
ansi_map.originationtriggers.twelve | 12 digits | Boolean | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.originationtriggers.twodig | 2 digits | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.originationtriggers.unrec | Unrecognized Number (Unrec) | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.originationtriggers.wz | World Zone (WZ) | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.otasp_ResultCode | otasp-ResultCode | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.oTASPRequest | oTASPRequest | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.oTASPRequest_element | oTASPRequest | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.oTASPRequestRes | oTASPRequestRes | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.oTASPRequestRes_element | oTASPRequestRes | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.outingDigits | outingDigits | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.PACA_Level | PACA Level | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.pACAIndicator | pACAIndicator | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.pacaindicator_pa | Permanent Activation (PA) | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.pageCount | pageCount | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.pageIndicator | pageIndicator | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.pageResponseTime | pageResponseTime | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.pagingFrameClass | pagingFrameClass | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.parameterRequest | parameterRequest | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.parameterRequest_element | parameterRequest | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.parameterRequestRes | parameterRequestRes | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.parameterRequestRes_element | parameterRequestRes | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.pc_ssn | pc-ssn | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.pdsnAddress | pdsnAddress | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.pdsnProtocolType | pdsnProtocolType | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.pilotBillingID | pilotBillingID | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.pilotNumber | pilotNumber | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.point_code | Point Code | Sequence of bytes | 2.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.positionEventNotification | positionEventNotification | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.positionEventNotification_element | positionEventNotification | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.positionInformation | positionInformation | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.positionInformation_element | positionInformation | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.positionInformationCode | positionInformationCode | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.positionRequest | positionRequest | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.positionRequest_element | positionRequest | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.positionRequestForward | positionRequestForward | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.positionRequestForward_element | positionRequestForward | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.positionRequestForwardRes | positionRequestForwardRes | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.positionRequestForwardRes_element | positionRequestForwardRes | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.positionRequestRes | positionRequestRes | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.positionRequestRes_element | positionRequestRes | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.positionRequestType | positionRequestType | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.positionResult | positionResult | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.positionSource | positionSource | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.pqos_HorizontalPosition | pqos-HorizontalPosition | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.pqos_HorizontalVelocity | pqos-HorizontalVelocity | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.pqos_MaximumPositionAge | pqos-MaximumPositionAge | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.pqos_PositionPriority | pqos-PositionPriority | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.pqos_ResponseTime | pqos-ResponseTime | Unsigned integer, 4 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.pqos_VerticalPosition | pqos-VerticalPosition | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.pqos_VerticalVelocity | pqos-VerticalVelocity | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.preferredLanguageIndicator | preferredLanguageIndicator | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.primitiveValue | primitiveValue | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.privateSpecializedResource | privateSpecializedResource | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.pSID_RSIDInformation | pSID-RSIDInformation | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.pSID_RSIDInformation1 | pSID-RSIDInformation1 | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.pSID_RSIDList | pSID-RSIDList | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.pSID_RSIDList_element | pSID-RSIDList | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.pstnTermination | pstnTermination | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.pstnTermination_element | pstnTermination | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.qosPriority | qosPriority | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.qualificationDirective | qualificationDirective | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.qualificationDirective_element | qualificationDirective | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.qualificationDirectiveRes | qualificationDirectiveRes | Label | 1.0.5 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.qualificationDirectiveRes_element | qualificationDirectiveRes | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.qualificationInformationCode | qualificationInformationCode | Unsigned integer, 4 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.qualificationRequest | qualificationRequest | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.qualificationRequest2 | qualificationRequest2 | Label | 1.2.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.qualificationRequest2_element | qualificationRequest2 | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.qualificationRequest2Res | qualificationRequest2Res | Label | 1.2.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.qualificationRequest2Res_element | qualificationRequest2Res | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.qualificationRequest_element | qualificationRequest | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.qualificationRequestRes | qualificationRequestRes | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.qualificationRequestRes_element | qualificationRequestRes | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.randc | randc | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.randomVariable | randomVariable | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.randomVariableBaseStation | randomVariableBaseStation | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.randomVariableReauthentication | randomVariableReauthentication | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.randomVariableRequest | randomVariableRequest | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.randomVariableRequest_element | randomVariableRequest | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.randomVariableRequestRes | randomVariableRequestRes | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.randomVariableRequestRes_element | randomVariableRequestRes | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.randomVariableSSD | randomVariableSSD | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.randomVariableUniqueChallenge | randomVariableUniqueChallenge | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.randValidTime | randValidTime | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.range | range | Signed integer, 4 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.reasonList | reasonList | Unsigned integer, 4 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.reauthenticationReport | reauthenticationReport | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.receivedSignalQuality | receivedSignalQuality | Unsigned integer, 4 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.record_Type | record-Type | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.redirectingNumberDigits | redirectingNumberDigits | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.redirectingNumberString | redirectingNumberString | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.redirectingPartyName | redirectingPartyName | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.redirectingSubaddress | redirectingSubaddress | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.redirectionDirective | redirectionDirective | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.redirectionDirective_element | redirectionDirective | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.redirectionReason | redirectionReason | Unsigned integer, 4 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.redirectionRequest | redirectionRequest | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.redirectionRequest_element | redirectionRequest | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.registrationCancellation | registrationCancellation | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.registrationCancellation_element | registrationCancellation | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.registrationCancellationRes | registrationCancellationRes | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.registrationCancellationRes_element | registrationCancellationRes | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.registrationNotification | registrationNotification | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.registrationNotification_element | registrationNotification | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.registrationNotificationRes | registrationNotificationRes | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.registrationNotificationRes_element | registrationNotificationRes | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.releaseCause | releaseCause | Unsigned integer, 4 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.releaseReason | releaseReason | Unsigned integer, 4 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.remoteUserInteractionDirective | remoteUserInteractionDirective | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.remoteUserInteractionDirective_element | remoteUserInteractionDirective | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.remoteUserInteractionDirectiveRes | remoteUserInteractionDirectiveRes | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.remoteUserInteractionDirectiveRes_element | remoteUserInteractionDirectiveRes | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.reportType | reportType | Unsigned integer, 4 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.reportType2 | reportType2 | Unsigned integer, 4 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.requiredParametersMask | requiredParametersMask | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.reserved_bitD | Reserved | Boolean | 1.0.7 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.reserved_bitED | Reserved | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.reserved_bitFED | Reserved | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.reserved_bitH | Reserved | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.reserved_bitHG | Reserved | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.reserved_bitHGFE | Reserved | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.resetCircuit | resetCircuit | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.resetCircuit_element | resetCircuit | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.resetCircuitRes | resetCircuitRes | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.resetCircuitRes_element | resetCircuitRes | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.restrictionDigits | restrictionDigits | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.resumePIC | resumePIC | Unsigned integer, 4 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.roamerDatabaseVerificationRequest | roamerDatabaseVerificationRequest | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.roamerDatabaseVerificationRequest_element | roamerDatabaseVerificationRequest | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.roamerDatabaseVerificationRequestRes | roamerDatabaseVerificationRequestRes | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.roamerDatabaseVerificationRequestRes_element | roamerDatabaseVerificationRequestRes | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.roamingIndication | roamingIndication | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.routingDigits | routingDigits | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.routingRequest | routingRequest | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.routingRequest_element | routingRequest | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.routingRequestRes | routingRequestRes | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.routingRequestRes_element | routingRequestRes | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.sCFOverloadGapInterval | sCFOverloadGapInterval | Unsigned integer, 4 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.scriptArgument | scriptArgument | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.scriptName | scriptName | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.scriptResult | scriptResult | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.search | search | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.search_element | search | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.searchRes | searchRes | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.searchRes_element | searchRes | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.segcount | Segment Counter | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.seizeResource | seizeResource | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.seizeResource_element | seizeResource | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.seizeResourceRes | seizeResourceRes | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.seizeResourceRes_element | seizeResourceRes | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.seizureType | seizureType | Unsigned integer, 4 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.senderIdentificationNumber | senderIdentificationNumber | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.senderIdentificationNumber_element | senderIdentificationNumber | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.ServiceDataAccessElement | ServiceDataAccessElement | Label | 1.2.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.ServiceDataAccessElement_element | ServiceDataAccessElement | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.serviceDataAccessElementList | serviceDataAccessElementList | Unsigned integer, 4 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.ServiceDataAccessElementList_item | ServiceDataAccessElementList | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.0.16 |
ansi_map.ServiceDataResult | ServiceDataResult | Label | 1.2.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.ServiceDataResult_element | ServiceDataResult | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.serviceDataResultList | serviceDataResultList | Unsigned integer, 4 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.ServiceDataResultList_item | ServiceDataResultList | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.0.16 |
ansi_map.serviceID | serviceID | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.serviceIndicator | serviceIndicator | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.serviceManagementSystemGapInterval | serviceManagementSystemGapInterval | Unsigned integer, 4 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.serviceRedirectionCause | serviceRedirectionCause | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.serviceRedirectionInfo | serviceRedirectionInfo | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.serviceRequest | serviceRequest | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.serviceRequest_element | serviceRequest | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.serviceRequestRes | serviceRequestRes | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.serviceRequestRes_element | serviceRequestRes | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.servicesResult | servicesResult | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.servingCellID | servingCellID | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.setupResult | setupResult | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.sharedSecretData | sharedSecretData | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.si | Screening indication | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.signalingMessageEncryptionKey | signalingMessageEncryptionKey | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.signalingMessageEncryptionReport | signalingMessageEncryptionReport | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.signalQuality | signalQuality | Unsigned integer, 4 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.sms_AccessDeniedReason | sms-AccessDeniedReason | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.sms_Address | sms-Address | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.sms_Address_element | sms-Address | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.sms_BearerData | sms-BearerData | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.sms_CauseCode | sms-CauseCode | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.sms_ChargeIndicator | sms-ChargeIndicator | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.sms_DestinationAddress | sms-DestinationAddress | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.sms_DestinationAddress_element | sms-DestinationAddress | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.sms_MessageCount | sms-MessageCount | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.sms_MessageWaitingIndicator | sms-MessageWaitingIndicator | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.sms_MessageWaitingIndicator_element | sms-MessageWaitingIndicator | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.sms_NotificationIndicator | sms-NotificationIndicator | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.sms_OriginalDestinationAddress | sms-OriginalDestinationAddress | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.sms_OriginalDestinationAddress_element | sms-OriginalDestinationAddress | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.sms_OriginalDestinationSubaddress | sms-OriginalDestinationSubaddress | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.sms_OriginalOriginatingAddress | sms-OriginalOriginatingAddress | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.sms_OriginalOriginatingAddress_element | sms-OriginalOriginatingAddress | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.sms_OriginalOriginatingSubaddress | sms-OriginalOriginatingSubaddress | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.sms_OriginatingAddress | sms-OriginatingAddress | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.sms_OriginatingAddress_element | sms-OriginatingAddress | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.sms_OriginationRestrictions | sms-OriginationRestrictions | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.sms_TeleserviceIdentifier | sms-TeleserviceIdentifier | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.sms_TerminationRestrictions | sms-TerminationRestrictions | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.sms_TransactionID | sms-TransactionID | Sequence of bytes | 1.2.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.sMSDeliveryBackward | sMSDeliveryBackward | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.sMSDeliveryBackward_element | sMSDeliveryBackward | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.sMSDeliveryBackwardRes | sMSDeliveryBackwardRes | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.sMSDeliveryBackwardRes_element | sMSDeliveryBackwardRes | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.sMSDeliveryForward | sMSDeliveryForward | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.sMSDeliveryForward_element | sMSDeliveryForward | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.sMSDeliveryForwardRes | sMSDeliveryForwardRes | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.sMSDeliveryForwardRes_element | sMSDeliveryForwardRes | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.sMSDeliveryPointToPoint | sMSDeliveryPointToPoint | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.sMSDeliveryPointToPoint_element | sMSDeliveryPointToPoint | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.smsDeliveryPointToPointAck | smsDeliveryPointToPointAck | Label | 1.2.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.smsDeliveryPointToPointAck_element | smsDeliveryPointToPointAck | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.sMSDeliveryPointToPointRes | sMSDeliveryPointToPointRes | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.sMSDeliveryPointToPointRes_element | sMSDeliveryPointToPointRes | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.sMSNotification | sMSNotification | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.sMSNotification_element | sMSNotification | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.sMSNotificationRes | sMSNotificationRes | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.sMSNotificationRes_element | sMSNotificationRes | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.sMSRequest | sMSRequest | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.sMSRequest_element | sMSRequest | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.sMSRequestRes | sMSRequestRes | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.sMSRequestRes_element | sMSRequestRes | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.sOCStatus | sOCStatus | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.specializedResource | specializedResource | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.spinipin | spinipin | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.spiniTriggers | spiniTriggers | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.sRFDirective | sRFDirective | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.sRFDirective_element | sRFDirective | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.sRFDirectiveRes | sRFDirectiveRes | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.sRFDirectiveRes_element | sRFDirectiveRes | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.ssdnotShared | ssdnotShared | Unsigned integer, 4 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.ssdUpdateReport | ssdUpdateReport | Unsigned integer, 2 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.SSN | SSN | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 2.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.stationClassMark | stationClassMark | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.statusRequest | statusRequest | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.statusRequest_element | statusRequest | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.statusRequestRes | statusRequestRes | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.statusRequestRes_element | statusRequestRes | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.subaddr_odd_even | Odd/Even Indicator | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.subaddr_type | Type of Subaddress | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.suspiciousAccess | suspiciousAccess | Unsigned integer, 4 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.swno | Switch Number (SWNO) | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.systemAccessData | systemAccessData | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.systemAccessType | systemAccessType | Unsigned integer, 4 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.systemCapabilities | systemCapabilities | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.systemcapabilities.auth | Authentication Parameters Requested (AUTH) | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.systemcapabilities.cave | CAVE Algorithm Capable (CAVE) | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.systemcapabilities.dp | Data Privacy (DP) | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.systemcapabilities.se | Signaling Message Encryption Capable (SE ) | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.systemcapabilities.ssd | Shared SSD (SSD) | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.systemcapabilities.vp | Voice Privacy Capable (VP ) | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.systemMyTypeCode | systemMyTypeCode | Unsigned integer, 4 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.systemOperatorCode | systemOperatorCode | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.tAnswer | tAnswer | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.tAnswer_element | tAnswer | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.targetCellID | targetCellID | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.targetCellID1 | targetCellID1 | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.targetCellIDList | targetCellIDList | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.targetCellIDList_element | targetCellIDList | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.TargetMeasurementInformation | TargetMeasurementInformation | Label | 1.2.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.TargetMeasurementInformation_element | TargetMeasurementInformation | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.targetMeasurementList | targetMeasurementList | Unsigned integer, 4 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.TargetMeasurementList_item | TargetMeasurementList | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.0.16 |
ansi_map.tBusy | tBusy | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.tBusy_element | tBusy | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.tBusyRes | tBusyRes | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.tBusyRes_element | tBusyRes | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.tDisconnect | tDisconnect | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.tDisconnect_element | tDisconnect | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.tDisconnectRes | tDisconnectRes | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.tDisconnectRes_element | tDisconnectRes | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.tdma_MAHO_CELLID | tdma-MAHO-CELLID | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.tdma_MAHO_CHANNEL | tdma-MAHO-CHANNEL | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.tdma_MAHORequest | tdma-MAHORequest | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.tdma_TimeAlignment | tdma-TimeAlignment | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.tdmaBandwidth | tdmaBandwidth | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.tdmaBurstIndicator | tdmaBurstIndicator | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.tdmaCallMode | tdmaCallMode | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.tdmaChannelData | tdmaChannelData | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.tdmaDataFeaturesIndicator | tdmaDataFeaturesIndicator | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.tdmaDataMode | tdmaDataMode | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.tdmaServiceCode | tdmaServiceCode | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.tdmaTerminalCapability | tdmaTerminalCapability | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.tdmaVoiceCoder | tdmaVoiceCoder | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.tdmaVoiceMode | tdmaVoiceMode | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.teleservice_Priority | teleservice-Priority | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.temporaryReferenceNumber | temporaryReferenceNumber | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.temporaryReferenceNumber_element | temporaryReferenceNumber | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.terminalType | terminalType | Unsigned integer, 4 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.terminationAccessType | terminationAccessType | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.terminationList | terminationList | Unsigned integer, 4 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.TerminationList_item | TerminationList item | Unsigned integer, 4 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.terminationRestrictionCode | terminationRestrictionCode | Unsigned integer, 4 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.terminationTreatment | terminationTreatment | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.terminationTriggers | terminationTriggers | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.terminationtriggers.busy | Busy | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.terminationtriggers.na | No Answer (NA) | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.terminationtriggers.npr | No Page Response (NPR) | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.terminationtriggers.nr | None Reachable (NR) | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.terminationtriggers.rf | Routing Failure (RF) | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.tgn | Trunk Group Number (G) | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.timeDateOffset | timeDateOffset | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.timeOfDay | timeOfDay | Signed integer, 4 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.tmn | Trunk Member Number (M) | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.8.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.tMSIDirective | tMSIDirective | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.tMSIDirective_element | tMSIDirective | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.tMSIDirectiveRes | tMSIDirectiveRes | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.tMSIDirectiveRes_element | tMSIDirectiveRes | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.tNoAnswer | tNoAnswer | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.tNoAnswer_element | tNoAnswer | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.tNoAnswerRes | tNoAnswerRes | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.tNoAnswerRes_element | tNoAnswerRes | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.trans_cap_ann | Announcements (ANN) | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.trans_cap_busy | Busy Detection (BUSY) | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.trans_cap_multerm | Multiple Terminations | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.trans_cap_nami | NAME Capability Indicator (NAMI) | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.trans_cap_ndss | NDSS Capability (NDSS) | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.trans_cap_prof | Profile (PROF) | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.trans_cap_rui | Remote User Interaction (RUI) | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.trans_cap_spini | Subscriber PIN Intercept (SPINI) | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.trans_cap_tl | TerminationList (TL) | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.trans_cap_uzci | UZ Capability Indicator (UZCI) | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.trans_cap_waddr | WIN Addressing (WADDR) | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.transactionCapability | transactionCapability | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.transferToNumberRequest | transferToNumberRequest | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.transferToNumberRequest_element | transferToNumberRequest | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.transferToNumberRequestRes | transferToNumberRequestRes | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.transferToNumberRequestRes_element | transferToNumberRequestRes | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.triggerAddressList | triggerAddressList | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.triggerAddressList_element | triggerAddressList | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.triggerCapability | triggerCapability | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.triggercapability.all | All_Calls (All) | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.triggercapability.at | Advanced_Termination (AT) | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.triggercapability.cdraa | Called_Routing_Address_Available (CdRAA) | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.triggercapability.cgraa | Calling_Routing_Address_Available (CgRAA) | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.triggercapability.ct | Call Types (CT) | Boolean | 1.8.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.triggercapability.init | Introducing Star/Pound (INIT) | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.triggercapability.it | Initial_Termination (IT) | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.triggercapability.kdigit | K-digit (K-digit) | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.triggercapability.oaa | Origination_Attempt_Authorized (OAA) | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.triggercapability.oans | O_Answer (OANS) | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.triggercapability.obsy | O_Called_Party_Busy (OBSY) | Boolean | 1.8.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.triggercapability.odisc | O_Disconnect (ODISC) | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.triggercapability.ona | O_No_Answer (ONA) | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.triggercapability.pa | Prior_Agreement (PA) | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.triggercapability.rvtc | Revertive_Call (RvtC) | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.triggercapability.tans | T_Answer (TANS) | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.triggercapability.tbusy | T_Busy (TBusy) | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.triggercapability.tdisc | T_Disconnect (TDISC) | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.triggercapability.tna | T_No_Answer (TNA) | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.triggercapability.tra | Terminating_Resource_Available (TRA) | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.triggercapability.unrec | Unrecognized_Number (Unrec) | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.triggerList | triggerList | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.triggerList_element | triggerList | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.triggerListOpt | triggerListOpt | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.triggerListOpt_element | triggerListOpt | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.triggerType | triggerType | Unsigned integer, 4 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.trunkStatus | trunkStatus | Unsigned integer, 4 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.trunkTest | trunkTest | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.trunkTest_element | trunkTest | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.trunkTestDisconnect | trunkTestDisconnect | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.trunkTestDisconnect_element | trunkTestDisconnect | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.type_of_digits | Type of Digits | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.type_of_pi | Presentation Indication | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.unblocking | unblocking | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.unblocking_element | unblocking | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.uniqueChallengeReport | uniqueChallengeReport | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.unknown_invokeData_blob | Unknown invokeData blob | Label | 2.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.unreliableCallData | unreliableCallData | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.unreliableCallData_element | unreliableCallData | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.unreliableRoamerDataDirective | unreliableRoamerDataDirective | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.unreliableRoamerDataDirective_element | unreliableRoamerDataDirective | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.unsolicitedResponse | unsolicitedResponse | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.unsolicitedResponse_element | unsolicitedResponse | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.unsolicitedResponseRes | unsolicitedResponseRes | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.unsolicitedResponseRes_element | unsolicitedResponseRes | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.updateCount | updateCount | Unsigned integer, 4 bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.userGroup | userGroup | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.userZoneData | userZoneData | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.value | Value | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.vertical_Velocity | vertical-Velocity | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.voiceMailboxNumber | voiceMailboxNumber | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.voiceMailboxPIN | voiceMailboxPIN | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.voicePrivacyMask | voicePrivacyMask | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.voicePrivacyReport | voicePrivacyReport | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.win_trigger_list | WIN trigger list | Unsigned integer, 1 byte | 2.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.wIN_TriggerList | wIN-TriggerList | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.winCapability | winCapability | Label | 1.0.0 to 1.10.14 |
ansi_map.winCapability_element | winCapability | Label | 1.12.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.wINOperationsCapability | wINOperationsCapability | Sequence of bytes | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.winoperationscapability.ccdir | CallControlDirective(CCDIR) | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.winoperationscapability.conn | ConnectResource (CONN) | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
ansi_map.winoperationscapability.pos | PositionRequest (POS) | Boolean | 1.0.0 to 3.4.5 |
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